Well there certainly isnt much material to go on for the Immortal Zodd but some of what we know can be drawn from his rival, Skull Knight, king of style ...Zodd's relationship to Skully shows us a few traces of a long, long battle. Perhaps an eternal struggle for some cause as of yet, untold...But still, there is some that we can speculate based on hints and tricks given to us so far... The most major theory I have developed is that Zodd and Gaiseric are old rivals from Gaiserics long ago conquest for his empire...Im sure he ran into more than just rebels in his wars for imperialism, and my theory is that Zodd was one of the more prominent opponents that Gaiseric faced against...my proof of this?

1) Zodd and Skull Knight have called each other "rivals"

2) Their armor...

Now most of you right now are saying...the armor? What the Hell walter? Have you lost your rocker? Well no. I haven't.. The armor questions can all be answered with this image:


Hmmm...interesting, no? Each appears to have the same type of armor... On each you see inscriptures of faces, and golden plated details. It appears as though Zodd and Gaiseric shop at the same "Gap" no? The point im making is that if Gaiseric and Zodd have comparitively the same armor type, then perhaps they resided in the same period... Wouldnt that potentially make Zodd, Gaiserics 'old rival' from 1000 years ago? Wouldn't it be utterly perfect and ironic, that they faced off 1000 years ago as humans as they do now, as demons? Hmm yes perhaps walter...but where does all this lead?

To the speculation of Zodds birth.

Picture yourself a soldier, defeated and bleeding, crushed by your most valued enemy, but this time, your pride has been destroyed, and your rival has one the true war...What do you do? Take revenge on this cocky bastard of a rival? Crush his newly founded empire? But at what power, and at what price? Then...you discover a way to gain the power so needed, and so desired...That power comes in a new form...and a price... The form of a minotaur, and the price of eternal legiance to a cause you dont even understand...But many years pass, and as eternity goes by, your rival is still there, time after time...and only every 316 years you get a chance to feel the life of a true battle...

This is assuming a WHOLE lot about Zodd, but i believe there will be some tying together bewteen Zodd's past and Skullys past, involving Gaiserics war, 1000 years ago.