Narrator: It's said that the children... ...were the first to be aware of it...
Hold up, Nico! If you get lost, you're gonna get a scolding from me! How many times do I hafta tell you not go just wander off into the woods alone? You could get eaten up by wolves or something! Not only that, the Kushian have been around here lately...
Nico:A fairy...
Nico:Big brother.. It's a fairy. I saw it.
Other boy:What are you babblin' about?
Other boy:Like I said, I didn't wanna bring a little midget like him with us!
Brother:Lay off Tom...
Other boy:But you know...I also get the feeling he may be able to understand it too...
Other boy:Well you know, Haven't you been feeling something odd lately?
Huh? You have, too?
Boy2:Yeah... Me too, me too.
Brother:So what?
Boy1:"So what?" I can't quite explain it...
Little Boy:So you haven't felt anything?
Nico:We've been coming to this forest ever since we were young. (Note: Sure, he says 'mukashikara' (from the past), but...=P )
Boy2:But was this before? Was it like this?
Nico:No... It felt like this too when we were little brats...
Boy2:Then what is this? What's this like...?
Like a forest inside a dream maybe...?
H-Hey...did you guys hear something? Like someone was laughing?
Brother:S-Stop that!
Boy:The wind... C'mon, it was just the wind...
(more rustling sounds,It...stopped?
(Then a large flapping sound)What now?!
Nico:Big brother! Look!
(He points to the sky...)It-It's the demon of the forest..!!
In the hollow of the trees, In the shades of grassblades, In the breaking of the waves, In the whisperings of the winds, In the bottom of the wells, In the darkness of the attics
From the time there was silence...
... It ended only in silence.
Old folks can become senile when it comes to children's folktales.
It is as if...did they occur then, but not now?
(ed: ehhh....not sure about this translation at ALL....WTF is 'bekushite?')
And in the silence, something could be heard, sighing in relief...
Good morning, daddy...
aaaiiiiiii (ed: probably like, waiiii!! (heyyyy) or something)
I'm back.
Puck:'sup ?
Casca:uuuuuaaaaa (whatever =P )
Erica:Guts... Casca!
Guts:I guess I'm a bit late.
It happened soon after you left.
Guts:I'm sorry.
Erica:It's okay... Daddy told me... He realized that he wanted to meet death head-on. And also... He didn't want to show you his face in death. But I'm really okay! You found sis Caska for me, and taking care of her is my responsibility, you know! So...whatcha gonna do now? I mean, you aren't gonna drag her around with you anymore, right?
Couldn't you... Stay here with the rest of us? Couldn't you? You could stay here! Caska is just fine now! You know the mine? Once we finish rebuilding it, you'll be able to live here!
If you stay and just be nice... Then Caska won't run away anymore. I'm sure of it!
Guts:Uh... Yeah.
Puck:Are you sure? Can you really promise something like that?
Guts:(thinking) A really odd situation.
I've brought back brought her back just wielding my sword through it all... (ed: Ehhhh, not positive on this one.)
But her.
The Griffith that appeared right in front of me was no demon.
He had the body of a man.
Almost as if he had been brought back from the old days.
When I saw him, for just a moment...
My urge to kill him had been forgotten.
It was a journey without an aim.
Battling with hordes of monsters, relying only on the brand to guide me through.
And now I don't know where I'm going.
No...Even though he wasn't in our world, I chased his shadow, becoming lost as I slaughtered the specters in my path.
But now, he's in the same world as me!
The land that I step firmly in!
A place where my sword can reach him!
Erica:Oh! I forgot to tell you...we have a guest.
Guts:A guest?
Erica:Yup. One of Rickert's old acquaintances, it seems.
They're over at the graveyard of swords now.
Since he'd said that he was one of his old war friends,
I was wondering if you knew him?
He has really long white hair...
At first I didn't think he was a man...
Because he was so pretty.
Somehow, he looked like someone right out of a fairy tale...