A question about Casuality and Fate in Berserk.

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So, I was reading the https://skullknight.net/forum/index.php?threads/berserk-mythbusters-answers-to-common-questions.15556/ (berserk MythBusters thread).
This is the paragraph from the mythbuster thread regarding casuality-
First off, there is no mystical force called "Fate" in Berserk. There is however a principle that is often referred to, and the correct word for it is "causality". It carries a pretty different meaning.

Fate means that something is bound to happen - it was determined in advance, and nothing anyone can do will change it. It implies an absolute supernatural control or vision over the future, like in Greek mythology.

Causality is the law of cause and effect - one event affects the other in a chain reaction that constrains the choices humans can make by circumstances beyond their control. Now, causality by itself is just a principle. What matters is who controls it. In Berserk, there is an evil entity manipulating humanity, from the broad state of world affairs down to their lineage, in order to implement its own plan for the future. This is what Skull Knight means when he talks about causality. He's referring to the manipulations exerted on humanity by the Idea of Evil and the God Hand.

Now, this makes sense but I have a doubt.
We see the behelit coming back to griffith after he falls from the wagon. It's extremely unlikely for behelit to return back to griffith again after he lost it in his torture chamber.
This appears more so as fate to me as it was bound to happen for griffith to become the 5th member of the godhand....
This appears more so as fate to me as it was bound to happen for griffith to become the 5th member of the godhand....

Let me quote the very beginning of the first line of the answer you're asking about: First off, there is no mystical force called "Fate" in Berserk.
But how did grififth got his behelit back?
Was it just a mere coincidence?

No, it was causality. Here is another explanation for it. Hope it helps.

The concept of causality (因果) is prevalent throughout Berserk. It is often confused with that of fate or destiny (運命), but they are different notions. Causality, or the principle of cause and effect, holds that current circumstances are the result of past actions. Both terms are mentioned in the manga, but only causality is presented as a law of the world; a force to be reckoned with.

The first time we hear of causality is in volume 3, when the Count's despair activates the beherit Guts is carrying. Void refers to the Count as one who has been ordained by the principle of causality. This is a fundamental notion in the story: the fact that these ceremonies and the people involved in them are predestinated. Causality is usually associated with the God Hand and their master, the Idea of Evil. We are repeatedly told and shown that these evil beings make use of that principle to subtly influence the world over long periods of time in such a way that it conforms to their desires.

For example, that's how beherits always happen to be right where they need to be when someone is in utmost despair and ready to sacrifice. It's also how as a human Griffith triumphed at every turn and seemed unstoppable, until he suddenly wasn't. And it's how every piece of the puzzle came neatly into place for the Incarnation ceremony during the Conviction arc, or how Midland was ready for him to play the savior and unleash Fantasia in the process.
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