Welcome to the Berserk Test of Knowledge's feedback & discussion thread. Here you can post questions about the quiz, brag or complain about your score and give all the feedback you want. Although it is of course absolutely forbidden to repost questions from the quiz or to ask what their answer is. You're supposed to find that by yourself. If you're in need of clarification on syntax, you can ask me by PM.
And if you truly wonder what the answer to a question is and just can't seem to find it by yourself, try to be creative and ask about it indirectly in another section of the forum.
You'll find an introduction and a short Q&A to the Quiz in this thread: http://www.skullknight.net/forum/index.php?topic=11828.0
And to take the Quiz itself, head over here: http://www.skullknight.net/berserkquiz/
Have fun!
Below is the leaderboard, which keeps track of the official scores. If two scores are tied, the time it took the applicants to finish the Quiz is used to decide who is rated higher. If the completion times are tied as well, the one who got the score first is favored.
As an added incentive for the Quiz' debut, I will personally (well, actually it's courtesy of asmer) offer a copy of the Young Animal issue celebrating the 20th anniversary of Berserk to the person holding the first place in the leaderboard at a date of my choosing (admins are not eligible).
01. Marik / PASSED / 30 points / 1:05
02. Maldoror / PASSED / 30 points / 1:25
03. Ragnarok / PASSED / 30 points / 1:28
04. Griffith / PASSED / 30 points / 2:28
05. Mohamed Sabry Hegazy / PASSED / 30 points / 4:13
06. Surakemastura / PASSED / 29 points / 3:00
07. EeXerO / PASSED / 28 points / 1:41
08. Walter / PASSED / 28 points / 2:06
09. Cyrus Jong / PASSED / 28 points / 2:36
10. k / PASSED / 27 points / 2:54
11. m / PASSED / 27 points / 3:32
12. Th3Branded0ne / FAILED / 25 points / 2:21
13. gnom / FAILED / 25 points / 3:09
14. Rhombaad / FAILED / 22 points / 3:28
15. phoebus / FAILED / 22 points / 4:35
16. duran80 / FAILED / 21 points / 4:08
17. lcjvhso / FAILED / 21 points / 4:37
18. panicfactorx / FAILED / 20 points / 4:00
19. Scorpio / FAILED / 20 points / 4:10
20. rage / FAILED / 20 points / 4:37
And if you truly wonder what the answer to a question is and just can't seem to find it by yourself, try to be creative and ask about it indirectly in another section of the forum.
You'll find an introduction and a short Q&A to the Quiz in this thread: http://www.skullknight.net/forum/index.php?topic=11828.0
And to take the Quiz itself, head over here: http://www.skullknight.net/berserkquiz/
Have fun!
Below is the leaderboard, which keeps track of the official scores. If two scores are tied, the time it took the applicants to finish the Quiz is used to decide who is rated higher. If the completion times are tied as well, the one who got the score first is favored.
As an added incentive for the Quiz' debut, I will personally (well, actually it's courtesy of asmer) offer a copy of the Young Animal issue celebrating the 20th anniversary of Berserk to the person holding the first place in the leaderboard at a date of my choosing (admins are not eligible).
01. Marik / PASSED / 30 points / 1:05
02. Maldoror / PASSED / 30 points / 1:25
03. Ragnarok / PASSED / 30 points / 1:28
04. Griffith / PASSED / 30 points / 2:28
05. Mohamed Sabry Hegazy / PASSED / 30 points / 4:13
06. Surakemastura / PASSED / 29 points / 3:00
07. EeXerO / PASSED / 28 points / 1:41
08. Walter / PASSED / 28 points / 2:06
09. Cyrus Jong / PASSED / 28 points / 2:36
10. k / PASSED / 27 points / 2:54
11. m / PASSED / 27 points / 3:32
12. Th3Branded0ne / FAILED / 25 points / 2:21
13. gnom / FAILED / 25 points / 3:09
14. Rhombaad / FAILED / 22 points / 3:28
15. phoebus / FAILED / 22 points / 4:35
16. duran80 / FAILED / 21 points / 4:08
17. lcjvhso / FAILED / 21 points / 4:37
18. panicfactorx / FAILED / 20 points / 4:00
19. Scorpio / FAILED / 20 points / 4:10
20. rage / FAILED / 20 points / 4:37