


can anyone think of any other classic heroes/characters/etc of whom have been born from hung mothers? fiction or otherwise.
1. this is not to draw parallels to berserk with other literature, simply my own (fatal) curiosity.
2. classic as in digging up the author of said tale would yield a skeletonized corpse.
3. i have actually spent a little time researching this and haven't found poop.
4. fuck, i respect miura. i'm not such a huge fan of berserk's art. but his storytelling...argh, screw beowulf, charlemagne, and hercules! gatts4ever!
5. has this been discussed before? if not on this board (i did a quick search), anywhere else? i'd love to see if anyone came up with anything.
friendly reminder from my friend matt that "corpses don't say no!"


Treading trodden trails for a long, long time.
hmmm... i can't think of any offhand that were born from hung mothers, but, as i'm sure you know, there're plenty from dead mothers. macbeth, of course, springs immediately to mind. course, he wasn't exactly a hero in the usual sense...

i think the point of gatts being born the way he was, symbolically at least, is to show that he is beholden to none, an entirely self made man. also, probably primarily, to emphasis the "growth through conflict" theme of berserk.

that's my 2 cents for today
i think the point of gatts being born the way he was, symbolically at least, is to show that he is beholden to none, an entirely self made man. also, probably primarily, to emphasis the "growth through conflict" theme of berserk.

i took it as him going against fate/all odds from his first breath.
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