Current Episodes

Has anyone else read the new episode? I quickly went through the pages of the magazine this morning and I can't wait to leave the office to go home, open the box it came in and read it calmly.
Sorry for the double post. Did anyone get to read episode 304 yet? or 305?

Episode 306 was out this month. Here's what Inoue said recently - "Share the story of 306 Vagabond Morning News released today ~ ~ Unfortunately, it had gone missing lines in one place I just overlooked so little. "Husband" with it has become a typographical error in one place to "forever". I am sorry. At the time of recording book fix. I endeavor to prevent a recurrence.". I don't have my hands on the magazine yet and I won't understand the Japanese text anyway, but this's just in case someone on here is going to translate them in the future (? ... I have no clue what's being said in the last 2 episodes *sulk*).

Here's the cover of the mag for it!

So 304, 305 and now 306 are out. Aren't there any translator groups who translate Vagabond? Or are there other reason(s) why I can't find these 3 anywhere?
I just read through the whole manga of what i could find. (all the way to 303) So I'm still pretty new to the release shedule, and the rate its translated. I know it's mostly monthly.
Sorry for double post but i just looked on some websites to buy Vagabond. But I see different versions. The manga is translated by Viz Media.
But they have released 2 versions of some volume's, the normal paperback and Invincible Under The Sun Vizbig Edition (the first volume).

The normal paperback costs about 10 bucks, the vizbig edition 17. For 1 volume it doesn't matter that much but they released more vizbig editions and if I want to buy the whole serie it will cost me much more.
So can anyone tell me if the vizbig edition is worth it or not? And if Viz Media makes good translations and good quality books?
jackalj said:
Sorry for double post but i just looked on some websites to buy Vagabond. But I see different versions. The manga is translated by Viz Media.
But they have released 2 versions of some volume's, the normal paperback and Invincible Under The Sun Vizbig Edition (the first volume).

The normal paperback costs about 10 bucks, the vizbig edition 17. For 1 volume it doesn't matter that much but they released more vizbig editions and if I want to buy the whole serie it will cost me much more.
So can anyone tell me if the vizbig edition is worth it or not? And if Viz Media makes good translations and good quality books?
jackalj said:
So 304, 305 and now 306 are out. Aren't there any translator groups who translate Vagabond? Or are there other reason(s) why I can't find these 3 anywhere?
I just read through the whole manga of what i could find. (all the way to 303) So I'm still pretty new to the release shedule, and the rate its translated. I know it's mostly monthly.

I don't know of any translators, sorry. I have those episodes in physical formal and they're in Japanese.

Episodes are scheduled to come out in the 3rd week's issue of Weekly Morning (mag) every month, unless Inoue cannot make the deadline for whatever reason. He's currently covering the Paralympics and I'm not sure if it'll affect the release of 307 scheduled this month. No official statement yet.

I can't comment on the quality of the translation because I don't know Japanese (so I can't compare it with the English text). Maybe there's a topic on here that would address your concern.

Just got my hand's on this month's episode and it's darn good! Without spoiling it, I'll say there's a bit of testosterone on display :zodd:. Anyway, here's the COOL cover ^_^

I saw the magazine featuring 310 at a local store and was so tempted to buy it but I'd ordered it from Japan separately so it was pretty hard to say NO when it was right in front of me. Patience! So I'm going to wait for it to arrive.

Anyway, here's a picture from this month's upcoming episode!

His art has gotten pretty incredible... Just look at the detail on the ground. I'm about a full volume behind at this point. Maybe 2?
Walter said:
His art has gotten pretty incredible... Just look at the detail on the ground. I'm about a full volume behind at this point. Maybe 2?

It could be more considering how big the episodes are now and how many will go in per volume moving forward. But, you can take a big slice out of that disparity on March 19th, when 34 comes out stateside! :guts:


I believe the episodes making up volume 35 are already past and the latest episode is the second of volume 36, so we'll likely be getting another Viz volume this year, and hopefully 36 by the next. As a matter of fact, here's what I believe is an ad for 35 from volume 34:


They got a month listed there?

Anyway, like I said, it's hard to keep track with so many formatting changes and so little reliable information in English (I think the three of us talking here comprise the most complete U.S. source, honestly =). I'm currently updating the volumes section with the latest covers and episode titles, but they're not easy to find in English, especially the latest ones.
Oh yeah, that's the image at the end of Volume 34! Wow, that's 2 volumes in quick succession, thanks for this good piece of news.

Is anyone current with the series?


If Vol 34 has episodes 297 to 303, it's 194 pages. In contrast, Vol 33 was about 188 pages. It's pretty remarkable to see Vol 35 with episodes 304 to 309 (36 pages per episode) = 216 pages! We're slowly getting more pages per volume :carcus:. If it helps, I can take pictures of the first pages for episodes 305 to 309, maybe a fellow member with Japanese textual knowledge can help translate those titles? Let me know if that is doable, Sirs ^ ^.
IncantatioN said:
Oh yeah, that's the image at the end of Volume 34! Wow, that's 2 volumes in quick succession, thanks for this good piece of news.

And at his current rate it'll only be 4 months until the material for volume 36 is complete.

IncantatioN said:
Is anyone current with the series?

I finally caught up with the one I missed (#306) and am now up to date.

IncantatioN said:
If Vol 34 has episodes 297 to 303, it's 194 pages. In contrast, Vol 33 was about 188 pages. It's pretty remarkable to see Vol 35 with episodes 304 to 309 (36 pages per episode) = 216 pages! We're slowly getting more pages per volume :carcus:.

I'd be more excited about this if we hadn't had to go over a year with no pages already. :ganishka:

IncantatioN said:
If it helps, I can take pictures of the first pages for episodes 305 to 309, maybe a fellow member with Japanese textual knowledge can help translate those titles? Let me know if that is doable, Sirs ^ ^.

That won't be necessary, I already have images of all the the titles, I just don't have anyone to say them in English yet. :judo:
Haha not quite! The issue contains episode 312 and text in English which could be the title - The Hungry Men. Now that's also unique, in the sense (and I didn't pick this with episode 311 but ...) he's begun to include an English episode title in addition to the regular Japanese one. Episode 311 - The Wind In His Future. Prior to that there were no English titles.

Summary -
As the title suggests, this episode showcases the village suffering no crops and it affecting everyone supply of food. We're shown a family of 3 with a baby having just about enough to feed the baby. Our little friend finds a frog hiding in the ground and grabs it for a meal. While farming Mushi feels the presence of someone behind him but it seems like his mind's playing tricks from that empty tummy. A very old man is shown sick in bed, another person walks in with a pot and places it under the fire, the older man thanks him (I think). Few villagers panic, in doubt of their situation improving but Mushi shows his resolve and continues to dig in, can sense that it pushes everyone's resolve too. The episode ends with the last panel of the old man appearing to have died, though I may be wrong. Heck, I'm gonna be wrong about a lot of this so don't kill me : p
Yeah, picked up volume 34 a few days ago and thoroughly enjoying it.

Not sure if the new episode/ chapter (what do we call these long format releases guys? I notice Walter mention chapter) comes out this month but I know something's being released on 04/23.

He recently mentioned compiling volume 35 and here's a sneak peak at the cover, very sneak ... looks like Musashi in the back with a hint of his flowing hair towards the top.

Guess I was kinda right about the cover!


Pic below - can anyone please help confirming if it tells us that volume 35 goes on sale end of April or is that for something else? Thanks thanks!

So far I have read to 311. Although, there is no more fights it's still very interesting to see Musashi get into the farming trade. I won't spoil it , but him and Iori are making a good bond. Also with the townspeople. A new challenge for Musashi :serpico:
No Vagabond released in this month's issue. Inoue's got a health related set-back -


Google Translate - Disorder of pain such as back and numbness of the right hand from the spring I believe in myself and those derived from the neck, but really. I'm going treatment now. There is also coverage, but it is also for this care, I will put off once Vagabond Listings August. People willing to look forward, please forgive me please.

Hope he feels better : /
:judo:Read 316 and 317 . I won't spoil it, but at least Takuan makes an appearance :guts:


just read 318. Villagers waiting for spring yto be ready to plant and Musashi reluctantly gives into the women to gve them a lesson

319 scheduled for Oct. 17
10/23 is the release date for Volume 36.

What I thought of episode 318 -
the lady practicing her samurai skills on her husband was damn funny, cracked me up and surprised me. Wish Inoue took more time drawing everyone's features because it's a bit distracting to see rough looking art when you know what he's capable of you know. But yeah, hopefully the teaching brings back some drive ... plus he seems to have set the village up with what they need if you look at the last panel. So who knows, we could expect him leaving the village pretty soon.

I'm currently re-re-re-reading Vagabond ... On volume 3, such good detail and visually great, he mixes things up pretty well during defining moments whether it's key dialog or the confrontation with the Yoshioka's. I wish he can stay true to the detail now too. He's had health issues. He's also spreading his time with wrapping up volume 13 of Real.
Since I didn't own physical manga ,I ordered first 5 3in1 vizbig editions ,also Inoue has been going in pretty nice pace since Vagabond re-started. These chapters have felt slow paced which is not of course a bad thing. Musashi's resolve to stay behind for Iori and villagers is quite admirable. Also him training village women in latest chapter was pretty fun to read. Also I feel a new arc will begin soon with how things are slowly wrapping up.