Dark Souls III

Feeblecursedone said:
Fucking agreed. I always wanted to go back to the age of ancients and see eternal dragons in all their glory. Let the world return to its original state with no life/dark or anything. Or as you said help Gwyn. Imagine being able to summon Gwyn via a sign, that'd be so epic.

Yep. They could pretty much make everyone an optional boss and/or summon. Imagine fighting the King of the Dragons or whatever in order to reach the Kiln of the First Flame with Gwyn, or fight uber-Gwyn at the peak of his powers to stop him from linking the fire, or both! There is no downside to this scenario. The other thing that would be a good turn is if they did something to unify the whole Blood Souls franchise and reveal them all as parts of the same whole (without directly infringing on Sony's IPs of course =), but that's a little fraught with potential franchise-ruining lameness too. I think the former scenario is obviously more appropriate and likely, but I'll be especially disappointed if what we get ends up being essentially another haunted house with multiplayer map for PvP deviants. To quote Scar, "Oooh gooodeeee."

Feeblecursedone said:
As for this DLC, I have two characters on NG + so thankfully I dont have to go through the game again as I assume the DLC's are going to be harsh areas ( as per all ds dlc's ) so something like sl 100-120 will be required as minimum.

I haven't played in about a month (DS1 and 2 DLC instead) but my guy is somewhere around SL200 and I think I'm better at DS3 than 1 or 2 combined; I was putting down Aldrich invaders 2 at a time, but then maybe they're just way weaker than my guy, I don't know if/how they calculate "Soul Memory" in this game (speaking of which, in DS2 while grinding at Dragon Shrine I got invaded and lured them out on the rope bridge so we were both killed by a Wyvern, but I got the credit, effigy, and souls for the kill! That's my new go to there if they fall for it =). So, in any case I'm not worried... unless old characters can't access the DLC. :ganishka:

Feeblecursedone said:
I just hope they reveal their new rpg project ( and possibly the sci-fi one ) on tokyo game show this year.

Anybody looking forward to the "Sci-Fi Dark Souls" from the team that did Lords of the Fallen? I never played it but heard it was a decent enough knock off.
Anybody looking forward to the "Sci-Fi Dark Souls" from the team that did Lords of the Fallen? I never played it but heard it was a decent enough knock off

Ah, The Surge? It looks interesting enough, yeah.
[quote author=http://www.usgamer.net/articles/dark-souls-creator-is-done-with-series-new-armored-core-in-development]"For me, Dark Souls III is the end," Miyazaki said in a round table interview attended by Kotaku and IGN. "But that doesn't mean the end for Dark Souls. If someone other than myself, like another staff member, wants to make a Dark Souls, then I don't want to deny others from making future installments."[/quote]

We've known for a while that Miyazaki was "done" with the Souls series after III, but now he's talking about one of From's next projects — a return to Armored Core.

"We are making a new Armored Core. We are still in the early stages of development," he said. "I can't talk about how early it is."
Walter said:
We've known for a while that Miyazaki was "done" with the Souls series after III, but now he's talking about one of From's next projects — a return to Armored Core.

That has the potential to be very cool.
Never played Armored Core, but im very interested about the sci-fi game that's apparently going to be souls like, if the rumours are correct. We just needed souls in space :ubik:
Back in march,

Vice reporter said:
I've the perfect chance to pitch some Dark Souls III DLC, relating to a game from his own past. Imagine, if you will, your avatar in gleaming armour, great sword in hand, so many enemies slain – and then taking that character into a gigantic, mechanised version of Demon's Souls' Tower Knight and taking on White Glint. Yep, I'm talking about a Souls-Armored Core crossover.
Miyazaki laughs, of course, before answering:

Miyazaki said:
"We actually released a Dreamcast game pretty similar to that concept, named Frame Gride. It's a mix of fantasy and mecha genres, both of which I love working on. I'd love to work on a game that evokes the same themes as anime series like Aura Battler Dunbine and The Vision of Escaflowne, but it would be incredibly difficult to do so. I want to work on a game like that, but other people at FromSoftware would think that would be an impossible idea."

Dark Souls III is better than II but it's really bad game considering how good Demon's Souls and Dark Souls were. It's just the easiest one which is bad thing, and graphics aren't really improved. I think it's a good game overall, but not comparing it to Demon's Souls, Dark Souls or Bloodborne. I am happy that FS will not make Dark Souls anymore, because they've done everything they can with this title.
VladimirPutin said:
I am happy that FS will not make Dark Souls anymore, because they've done everything they can with this title.

Well, what Miyazaki said was that he personally wouldn't be involved in another one, but "If someone other than myself, like another staff member, wants to make a Dark Souls, then I don't want to deny others from making future installments."
Yes, you are pretty much correct, II was without his involvment as a director, so the next Dark Souls could be similar. Personally I'm waiting for Bloodborne II, I love Lovecraft so Bloodborne is the one I prefer.
Yeah, I'd be $eriou$ly $urpri$ed if From$oftware $topped making $oul$ game$.

More Bloodborne amounts to the same thing, and he's basically just saying if someone else at the company he runs wants to ship another 2 million units... well, he's not against it! =) Anyway, I really enjoyed and played the hell out of DS3, so I'm not crazy for more right now, even the DLC, but I have the season pass so I'll check it out.

Aaz and Wally, what's your holdup? The aforementioned series fatigue?
Griffith said:
Aaz and Wally, what's your holdup? The aforementioned series fatigue?

My "Games-to-Play" list is very long and getting longer every day, while my time available to play games is very challenged these days. I bought Dark Souls 3 on release day, but... It's also not the priority on that list right now. I'll get around to it someday though. I waited like a year and a half for DS2.
Griffith said:
Aaz and Wally, what's your holdup? The aforementioned series fatigue?

I actually started a new character in Dark Souls 1 last night, just to see how far I could get in an hour (bell tower). I've done that like, 50 times probably.

Anyway, Dark Souls 2 was such a huge bummer for me, coming off of my intense love affair with Dark Souls 1. By the end of 2, I felt pretty done with the series. I'm really glad Dark Souls 3 is by all accounts a better game, harkening back to some of the stuff that made DS1 cool, but right now I have neither the appetite or the time to spend on the game. I do plan on getting to it some day though. Maybe after they release another "ultimate" edition like they did with DS2.
My "Games-to-Play" list is very long and getting longer every day,

Post that shit and let's compare it :carcus:

Hah, my " games-to-play " list is already numbering over 50, and yet I game nearly every day. I admit I'm not sure I would like Bloodborne 2. While I like Lovecraft and gothic settings, I admit I was yearning for some colourful high fantasy after nearing the end of Bloodborne, too much dark is too much, balance is the best.

And yeah, they'll continue making souls games, they just wont be called dark souls.

Dark Souls III is better than II but it's really bad game considering how good Demon's Souls and Dark Souls were.

Well, if Dark Souls 3 content was the actual first demon/dark game, then we would be saying the same about it as we are saying about demon souls. Its not that that dark souls 3 is a bad game, its definitely not, its just nothing new that we haven't seen so far. You can milk the same formula only so many times even when it comes to dark souls.
Feeblecursedone said:
Post that shit and let's compare it :carcus:

Too much effort. But I want to finish DX: Mankind Divided, then I've got Feral Rites and Dragon Front to play, then Rise of the Tomb Raider and Dark Souls III. After that... a lot of other stuff.
Aazealh said:
My "Games-to-Play" list is very long and getting longer every day, while my time available to play games is very challenged these days. I bought Dark Souls 3 on release day, but... It's also not the priority on that list right now. I'll get around to it someday though. I waited like a year and a half for DS2.


Sorry, my wife has almost :carcus: completely infected my thinking on such matters.

Walter said:
I actually started a new character in Dark Souls 1 last night, just to see how far I could get in an hour (bell tower). I've done that like, 50 times probably.

Anyway, Dark Souls 2 was such a huge bummer for me, coming off of my intense love affair with Dark Souls 1. By the end of 2, I felt pretty done with the series. I'm really glad Dark Souls 3 is by all accounts a better game, harkening back to some of the stuff that made DS1 cool, but right now I have neither the appetite or the time to spend on the game. I do plan on getting to it some day though. Maybe after they release another "ultimate" edition like they did with DS2.

It's way better than DS2, it may not have the same magic as the original Dark Souls, but at least it'll definitely give you that flavor instead of leaving a bad one in your mouth.

Feeblecursedone said:
And yeah, they'll continue making souls games, they just wont be called dark souls.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were.

Feeblecursedone said:
Well, if Dark Souls 3 content was the actual first demon/dark game, then we would be saying the same about it as we are saying about demon souls. Its not that that dark souls 3 is a bad game, its definitely not, its just nothing new that we haven't seen so far. You can milk the same formula only so many times even when it comes to dark souls.

It's Return of the Jedi without the Ewoks. I found it to be the most purely enjoyable of the series, but maybe that has more to do with where I am with the series (Dark Souls 2 was my first experience with the franchise, and therefore the most punishing). It's definitely fun and well balanced while still providing challenges you won't be able to overcome without "gitting gud."
Well, if Dark Souls 3 content was the actual first demon/dark game, then we would be saying the same about it as we are saying about demon souls. Its not that that dark souls 3 is a bad game, its definitely not, its just nothing new that we haven't seen so far. You can milk the same formula only so many times even when it comes to dark souls.

I love Demon's Souls because it has fair difficulty level. Dark Souls II sometimes was forcing absurd difficulty level on us, while Demon's Souls was just fair and this is why I loved that game. Dark Souls III was the easiest one for me and it was a problem.

I love the notion of minimalism in Demon's Souls, FS later tried hard to implement big knights with big swords and even bigger knights with bigger swords, giant knights with giant swords - but I didn't like it. Demon's Souls is the most minimalist and by far - best designed Souls. For example, which lava location in Souls series is the best? Of course Demon's Souls.
Everyone knows the best game locations are ice locations and where's the best ice locatiion? Dark Souls II of course. That says it all.
Griffith said:

Sorry, my wife has almost :carcus: completely infected my thinking on such matters.

I consider my purchases to be more than simple consumerism and deliberate acts of support towards an industry, company or author. Therefore I'm more than happy to pay full price for something so long as it seems worth it. Some titles however I'll wait till they cost $5. Also, I did plan on playing these games right away when I purchased them, it's just that... stuff happened.
Griffith said:
Everyone knows the best game locations are ice locations and where's the best ice locatiion? Dark Souls II of course. That says it all.

And even if that's the case ( are you talking about Frozen Eleum Loyce? ) it will not change lack of good design in locations, enemies and bosses. I mean, do we really have something like Maiden Astraea, Dragon God, Old Monk or Storm King in Dark Souls II? Even knight bosses in Dark Souls II are sort of cheap designed while Penetrator is great with his movement and design. World in Demon's Souls is constructed logically, other worlds in Souls series are pure chaos and fact that they are connected doesnt change things for better. Dark Souls was good continuation of what Demon's Souls gave us, but I think only Bloodborne was somewhat good example of FS creativity, while Dark Souls II and Dark Souls III are lacking of new ideas, but we should agree with Walter that III is borrowing some decent elements from the first Dark Souls which is good.
Aazealh said:
I consider my purchases to be more than simple consumerism and deliberate acts of support towards an industry, company or author. Therefore I'm more than happy to pay full price for something so long as it seems worth it.

I just assume the good authors, companies and industries are all being exploited by the like six megacompanies that control and profit from media anyway, or they become successful enough to become exploiters within the chain themselves. Obviously, in a more grounded sense there's specific exceptions, or just creators and companies I like and would also like to support anyway, but I'm generally more cynical and don't really see it that way. To your point about support and/or value though, I also think the argument works that if it's not worth investing the full price in it's probably also not worth investing your time in anyway. A game you only want to spend $5 on is a $5 game to you and you're better off finding something worth a bigger investment.

Aazealh said:
Some titles however I'll wait till they cost $5.

Of course, there's a reason they sell those games for $5 too. I got Tomb Raider for like $5 and loved and played it for hours. The mere consumer wins! Nope. Because then I paid full price for Rise of the Tomb Raider, which I lost interest in relatively quickly because it's not much different than the original, which brings the tally up to 65$. Probably about a wash in the end. More often than not I probably spend the $5-10 on games I never end up playing either.

Aazealh said:
Also, I did plan on playing these games right away when I purchased them, it's just that... stuff happened.

Yeah, again, it comes back to what's really worth your time, or what game you just HAVE to play, not that you want to or would potentially be interested in. I'm assuming DX is like that for you since you bought and played it from the get go? We'd probably all be better off saving our money and time just for those games instead of bothering with a backlog of "games we want to play" that are arguably the opposite.

VladimirPutin said:
And even if that's the case ( are you talking about Frozen Eleum Loyce? )

I don't know, but if you do it kind of makes my point, whatever that is, doesn't it? :carcus:
Griffith said:
Yeah, again, it comes back to what's really worth your time, or what game you just HAVE to play, not that you want to or would potentially be interested in. I'm assuming DX is like that for you since you bought and played it from the get go? We'd probably all be better off saving our money and time just for those games instead of bothering with a backlog of "games we want to play" that are arguably the opposite.

Not to derail this thread too much but this is basically the attitude I've adopted since I shelled out the $400+ for my Uncharted PS4 Edition (Uncharted 4 inevitably ended up in my backlog :ganishka:) because I bought the system specifically for Dark Souls 3. Now I'm on a strictly one-game-at-a-time diet. After DS3 (which I can't say I didn't get my moneys worth) it's Deus Ex, which in my opinion is that good (holds me over until the new Mass Effect, which will also be a day one purchase). But without the time or money for a backlog, prioritizing like this works just fine.
I just took the plunge, after a Steam sale brought the price down to $38. I'll leave impressions once I'm far enough in. One thing's for sure, my poor PC can't run Souls games on high settings anymore :judo:
Walter said:
I just took the plunge, after a Steam sale brought the price down to $38. I'll leave impressions once I'm far enough in.

Alright, glad you jumped in, looking forward to hearing what you think; will the lava levels be good enough?

Walter said:
One thing's for sure, my poor PC can't run Souls games on high settings anymore :judo:

Do what I do now and just HDMI your PC to your TV and it doesn't matter! Looks big screen console great, like wearing beer goggles. It's the only way I can play Doom 2016.