Does anybody know where to find the Japanese versions of Berserk?

Hello! Recently, I have been learning Japanese, and I thought I would try my hand at reading Berserk in its native language to help develop my skills. However, try as I might, I can't seem to find a place where I can buy or read the beginning to middle sections of the series in Japanese. I'm obviously willing to pay money to access them officially, of course, just haven't found an avenue to do so.

Does anyone know where I can find them?

(P.S. If anyone has the original version of Episode 83, even just the kanji itself, that'd be nice, too; since it wasn't released in any volumes, Japan or US. Also, I'm new, and I'm pretty sure this is allowed here based on what I read, but I could be mistaken. If so, please do correct me.)

Well that's not difficult at all. I'm surprised you've had trouble with this. You can buy the physical volumes from online shops in Japan like Amazon or CDJapan. You can also look for a Japanese bookstore near you, like Kinokuniya. Additionally, you can buy digital versions of the volumes on Hakusensha-E or use Young Animal's online reader.

Well that's not difficult at all. I'm surprised you've had trouble with this. You can buy the physical volumes from online shops in Japan like Amazon or CDJapan. You can also look for a Japanese bookstore near you, like Kinokuniya. Additionally, you can buy digital versions of the volumes on Hakusensha-E or use Young Animal's online reader.
Awesome, thanks bro! I'm checking out a few volumes right now!

But if it's not too much trouble to ask, what about Episode 83 when I eventually get to it in the volumes? Iirc it wasn't released in them because Miura wasn't too sure about taking that direction for the story, correct? Then again, maybe it's only in the localized releases; I'm not too in-depth as far as the real life "lore" of Berserk and its publication.
But if it's not too much trouble to ask, what about Episode 83 when I eventually get to it in the volumes? Iirc it wasn't released in them because Miura wasn't too sure about taking that direction for the story, correct? Then again, maybe it's only in the localized releases; I'm not too in-depth as far as the real life "lore" of Berserk and its publication.

Episode 83 was not included in volume 13 when it came out because Miura felt that what was depicted in it might limit future story developments. It was effectively removed from the story and is not part of the canon. As such you won't find it in any edition, it was only ever printed once in Young Animal (the magazine in which Berserk was prepublished). Anyway, since you want to read these to practice Japanese, I think you've got some time before you reach that part of the story.
Episode 83 was not included in volume 13 when it came out because Miura felt that what was depicted in it might limit future story developments. It was effectively removed from the story and is not part of the canon. As such you won't find it in any edition, it was only ever printed once in Young Animal (the magazine in which Berserk was prepublished). Anyway, since you want to read these to practice Japanese, I think you've got some time before you reach that part of the story.
Fair enough; I suppose I will cross the bridge when I get there. Thanks again for the help!