Episode 211


Berserk forever
The ogre  throws two things(?) toward the temple.  Schierke can't do a good job for this because she can't use her magic at all.  Guts challenges fight to the ogre for the stopgap. The ogre attacks Guts.  Guts throws the explosion bullet and wields the dragon slayer.  The ogre connects the arm cut down to their body.  Not to make them rest, Guts  approaches.   Shortly after that, from somewhere something like a missile is shot toward Guts.  Noticing this, Guts turns around and holds back the attack with the sword.  
It is the Kelpie(river horse) that appears.
The Kelpie, water monster, has middle position- spirit so it can handle elementals which don't have low position-ego.  
The Kelpie shoots water magic by the power of elementals but it directly hits the trolls.  Schierke says "they just follow their desire but don't know really what to do because they have no criteria of judgment."  They just want to eat dead body of  human being who used to live. Schierke is so confused at those unexpected things.  Serpico decides to help Guts.  He asks Farnese to protect Caska well.
Serpico jumps off from the roof of the temple and lands by elemental power of the wind saying "Spirit of wind, our power "

I always wanted to see a "sea monster" and Guts to fight in the waters. :D

** but sometimes I wonder if these current chapters are kinda aimed to be made well into a game. ::)

If you're like me, you just can't wait to see those new chapters of Berserk! But, we all know these things take time and we need to patient..or do we? NOT ANYMORE! To help keep our Berserk needs at bay until scans of the "real 211" arrive, I've created my own vision of the chapter! Think of it sort of like Tim Burton's fake Planet of the Apes (except without Marky Mark making out with a monkey woman, WTF!?).

And with that, I proudly present:













Here's 15 points.
Now wasn't that fun?


hey, Griff. how about keeping up one like this whenever new chapter comes out? very enjoyable.
I'm serious ;)

puella said:
hey, Griff. how about keeping up one like this whenever new chapter comes out? very enjoyable.
I'm serious ;)

You can count on it, Puells. ;)


Griffith said:
If you're like me, you just can't wait to see those new chapters of Berserk! But, we all know these things take time and we need to patient..or do we? NOT ANYMORE! To help keep our Berserk needs at bay until scans of the "real 211" arrive, I've created my own vision of the chapter! Think of it sort of like Tim Burton's fake Planet of the Apes (except without Marky Mark making out with a monkey woman, WTF!?).


Griffith said:
Now wasn't that fun?

Yes. I agree with Walter.


Also known in Gaelic as "Each Uisge" (Water Horse), Kelpies are the guardian spirits of certain rivers, lochs and pools. Their natural form is that of a young horse -- sleek and swift and beautiful, with a shiny coat and flowing mane and tail. Coloration varies by sex. Mares are always foam-white, with pink eyes and muzzles. Stallions may be gray like a storm-tossed sea or as black as the depths of a pool at midnight. Often, they are harnessed in a golden bridle. Yet a master horseman (Riding 15+) can tell that such a beast has never been broken, by its wild, spirited eyes. Also, if he were to look one of these gift horses in the mouth, he'd notice that the Kelpie possesses teeth similar to a wildcat rather than an equine.

Kelpies are not wholly of this world. Magical beasts, they can travel freely to the Otherworld by galloping over the waves or by diving into the watery depths. (Such acts of travel shifted one through the Veil between this world and the Otherworld .) On the other hand, his supernatural link prevents them from traveling far from their river, lake or pool. If you cannot see sparking blue waves, hear the cry of gulls, or smell a sea-breeze, you are well out of a Kelpie's range.

( source: http://www3.sympatico.ca/maelstrom/elecmag/scout.htm )

Spent a few nights on this one. This was totally inspired by Griff's comic, I give him all the credit.


For your own use:



Good stuff. That Schierke drawing is a keeper. It's only her expression in EVERY panel.
Walter: I like the grayed-out Beast option. Now that would be an interesting RPG element not involving leveling up.

Man walter those 16 bit characters are freakin' great! Griffith, i agree with everyone else that is the best post ever, please keep doing more!!!!

bravo Walter !!! 8)
it's damn good !! Schierke = 20 :D
how did you do the characters ?

Well ... i imagine serpico's skills : fight, open eyes ( like Shakaaa !! ), fly, feathersword thechnique ... ^^
really good, griff and you make our days

Guillaume said:
how did you do the characters ?
Photoshop, pixel by pixel using heavily modified FF6 charcters:
Guts was once Leo
Serpico was once Locke
Farnese was once Celes
Schierke was once... Strago 8)

Well ... i imagine serpico's skills : fight, open eyes ( like Shakaaa !! ), fly, feathersword thechnique ... ^^
Originally I wanted to do a Flash game... Then I realized it would take about a month to code, and it would only last a few minutes...

yeah... quite a good stuff ;D

I admire both of you, Griffith and Walter... ;)

May I expect new version of your posting? :)

Walter said:
Originally I wanted to do a Flash game... Then I realized it would take about a month to code, and it would only last a few minutes...

why dont you use the RPG Maker and do it that way? im sure you can get plenty o' help here. it could be the first SK.net Forum Production! ;)