Personally, as I've said I hope they were around before so they weren't like, fly by night, one hit wonder God Hands (but maybe the point will be only one was fit to survive =).
Speaking of which, this could just be coincidence or bias, because these new, old God Hand look pretty weird themselves, but don't you think the current ones seem more stylistically... like Void (like they're almost wearing uniforms designed by him =)? It supports the idea he may have had more of a hand, pun intended, in these ones.
let me give you a plausible, if not more likely, scenario
Was he even in the armor in that first scene, or was that his equivalent to Guts' Eclipse experience and the memory was absorbed later?
There is some correlation?
I don't think you should take that too seriously, no. The Sea God's heart also had eyes on it, and it wasn't related to the Idea of Evil. It's probably just a cool, eldritch design.
So if the memories were stored in the armor, making it 1000+ years old, it means that Skull Knight is wearing another one which means he didn't die in it or at least got bound to it during the eclipse
I speculate that he took it off at some point, saw he wasn't able to live without given the damage he took and got the current one which assumed the current skeletal shape when he wore it for the first time; obviously if it happened it happened at Flora's since Guts got it there and SK mentioned her saving his life.
I saw it as "this is the default shape it changes if the will of the wearer is abysmally strong" and when he switched armors, realizing he was basically dead, his thirst for revenge got revamped, even because the shapes as skully as they may be are still different.Well yeah, we already knew that. If you'll remember, when we first saw the Berserk's armor, its helmet was shaped like a skull. Then when Guts first put it on, it quickly changed shape to reflect its new wearer.
I saw it as "this is the default shape it changes if the will of the wearer is abysmally strong" and when he switched armors, realizing he was basically dead, his thirst for revenge got revamped, even because the shapes as skully as they may be are still different.
That the shape Guts found it in is the default shape of the armor, the standard version to make it clear. Also I never said that it transformed to fuse with him but it transformed when he wore it for the first time, it just took the shape as a side effect of Gaeseric's will.Sorry I'm not sure I get what you mean... But the skull shape is specifically related to Gaiseric, just like the Beast of Darkness is associated with Guts. It's not some generic thing. Also, these are two different armors with two different purposes. It's not like there were two Berserk's armors, and when SK died the one he was wearing transformed to fuse with his dead spirit. That was never a possibility. I hope that makes sense to you!
That the shape Guts found it in is the default shape of the armor, the standard version to make it clear.
Figured it was the Dwarven army's standard design.Alright, well, I don't know what to tell you except that's always been very unlikely. It had that shape because the previous wearer was Gaiseric.
Figured it was the Dwarven army's standard design.
I absolutely agree, everything on my part is nothing but speculation. I try to look for parallels wherever I can, but of course the hardest thing to predict for now is what the God Hand even want.I believe the God Hand has a more ambitious objective than that.
I think there's a possibility for both, in a way. The previous "God Hand" wasn't really the God Hand, since we've seen that back then the hand imagery didn't exist yet, which was surely intentional on Miura's part, they probably weren't called the God Hand back then. So Void might not have been the one to create the group completely, but he could've been the one to make it into the God Hand. Maybe the group existed, but it was much weaker, and Void was the one to make it into what it became.I prefer to think of him as someone who forced the world to fit his view and not just a victim of his circumstances who chose to sacrifice to transcend his sorry fate.
Now that we know what his bash results in, it seems notable that Hanarr chose to trigger this reaction from the armour. Originally it seems like a simple test to see how much control guts may have / how much the armour has progressed towards taking control if him. Given how quickly he does it after Guts arriving / he has clamps ready to go for when the armour takes over its host, it almost seems like he was prepping for this or that it isn’t his first time doing it. It could just be as simple as “Hanarr is badass,” but it does seem like Gedfring may have arranged the encounter.
Now what we don't know is whether Void was reborn alone as the newest member of an existing group, if they were all reborn at once. I speculated about that second possibility earlier in the thread. My reason for considering it is that I think that makes Void more significant as a character than if he's just the guy who happens to be the leader at the moment. I like the idea of him being the originator of the God Hand, and not just another guy chosen by causality. I prefer to think of him as someone who forced the world to fit his view and not just a victim of his circumstances who chose to sacrifice to transcend his sorry fate. But at the moment there is no certainty. Tomorrow I'll explore possible scenarios for a preexisting God Hand and what that could mean for the bigger picture.
In this theory, we have the wise man summoning 4 "angels" as the story has been told, but I wonder if these 4 "angels" were perhaps different in character than the Godhand as we know them now. They would still be products of the Idea of Evil, but I could see them being less focused on human "desire", and more indifferent about mankind.
I'm trying (and failing) not to read too much into it, but the white hair in this panel screamed "Griffith!" to me. And I don't know exactly what to takeaway from that. It could be coincidence, as Griffith doesn't exactly have a monopoly on flowing white locks, but the framing of the panel seemed too deliberate. Maybe Miura was hoping we would expect to see someone like Griffith, only for it to turn out to be a woman?
There's a lot of fudging that could happen with any part of this theory, but the main idea is that Void is still the "wise man" but that his birth caused a change in the modus operandi of the Idea of Evil. This could also explain why the fuzzy monsters in this episode look distinct from apostles as we know them.
I'm trying (and failing) not to read too much into it, but the white hair in this panel screamed "Griffith!" to me. And I don't know exactly what to takeaway from that. It could be coincidence, as Griffith doesn't exactly have a monopoly on flowing white locks, but the framing of the panel seemed too deliberate. Maybe Miura was hoping we would expect to see someone like Griffith, only for it to turn out to be a woman?
The difficulty is into making all the pieces, new and old, fit perfectly together in a way that's compelling.
One topic I haven't seen too many people talking about is when the typically red eyes of the Berserker armor went dark or "turned off" so to speak. This happened at the exact moment Gaiseric dies during the flash back and Guts is then only brought back by Schierke. Could it be that the armor showing Guts Gaiseric's death also in a way made Guts experience the death for himself?