Walter said:I thought the emotion in it was warranted. The trailer is about parents trying to protect their daughter, who ultimately kills her dad, then is thrown from a window, and upon impact, regains her humanity for an instant before death. The color returns to her face and she sheds a tear. That's pretty cool, in my opinion.
Walter said:It dared to grab for an emotional chord in a genre that would normally portray this sort of scene through a much different lens, and likely set to metal music. I don't see why we should discount this just because it went there.
Walter said:I know you're a connoisseur of the classics in the genre, but what recent zombie stuff have you consumed (pun intended)? Left 4 Dead games? The Walking Dead comic book? I think people generally write these things off, simply by their association with a genre that's become cluttered with other, lesser titles. But there's some amazing stuff still here, and still unexplored within the genre.
Aazealh said:About the trailer... What can I say, I just don't find it as daring or as meaningful as you do, I guess. No big deal.
Walter said:I know you're a connoisseur of the classics in the genre, but what recent zombie stuff have you consumed? Left 4 Dead games? The Walking Dead comic book? I think people generally write these things off, simply by their association with a genre that's become cluttered with other, lesser titles.
Keep reading. Vol 2 ends on a big shift for the series.Eluvei said:"Open world survival horror" sounds like something that can be cool if done right. I'll keep my eye on it.
Am I the only one that absolutely hated The Walking Dead comic book? I read around 10 or 15 issues and I just hated every single thing about it.
slan69 said:For those of you that like the music that was playing during the trailer for Dead Island I uploaded it on youtube.
Aazealh said:You should replace the still picture with footage from Lost's ending.
Griffith said:Syncs perfectly from start to finish actually, and they even do the Lost eye intro. Dead Island: Lost + zombies? said:Dead Island Movie in Development
Producers seek writer for Memento-style film adaptation of game.
Just days after its trailer became a viral sensation comes word that the upcoming video game Dead Island is going to get the Hollywood treatment.
We need a Memento-style film adaptation of a video game trailer: summon the writers! said:Producers seek writer for Memento-style film adaptation of game. said:And according to Deadline, "Studios and agencies are all over them, suggesting talent packages and story lines to try and make a screen deal. That will likely happen in the next week or so. The film will will follow a Memento-like storyline, even though the video game does not."
Meh, somehow it made more sense for me to post it here. Just to continue with the whole "momentum" if you will. Besides, I'm still not considering this as a movie until I actually see a script or hints of o.... Nooo nvm, I don't think I'd bothered with that eitherGriffith said:Shouldn't this be in the movies to dread thread? =)
Oburi said:I also had forgotten about the new Alice- Madness returns game that comes out in a few weeks. I'm semi interested in playing it and my g/f goes apeshit for anything Alice so its become a must buy for me.
Aazealh said:Just noticed that Shadows of the Damned is coming out tomorrow in the US (and in 3 days in the EU). Watched a recent trailer (chock full of spoilers of course ) and it got me really excited about it. Let's hope it delivers as much as it looks like it will (since I preordered it ).
Deus Ex: HR, Rage, Mario 3DS, and Battlefield 3 for me.Oburi said:What games do you guys think will be hits during the coming months? And what is everyone planning on playing before the years end?
I hope Battlefield 3 destroys MW3 in sales.Walter said:As for what will be hits? Battlefield 3 andModern Warfare 3.Easy money.
I'm not personally invested in the struggle between these two. They'll both make tons of cash. That's inevitable.Truder said:I hope Battlefield 3 destroys MW3 in sales.
Walter said:But I think the market in FPS market in general is stagnating and needs some new blood. Let's get over this whole military shooter phenomenon, already... Counter-Strike was a loooong time ago.
Walter said:I'm not personally invested in the struggle between these two. They'll both make tons of cash. That's inevitable.
But I think the market in FPS market in general is stagnating and needs some new blood. Let's get over this whole military shooter phenomenon, already... Counter-Strike was a loooong time ago.
Aphasia said:You need...Halo 4!
At this point I'm just trying to decide between a few to keep me occupied until Skyrim. Likely Deus Ex/Dark Souls. Not forgetting any am I?
As long as your most anticipated games to come aren't Modern Warfare 3, Gears of War 3, Battlefield 3 and Saints Row the Third I wouldn't be too hard on yourself.Dar Klink said:I guess I've been pretty "casual" so to speak.