CnC said:
Since the logs are already dead trees, they prob. shouldn't count (but then again you _are_ counting ghosts...)
The trees were alive until he chopped them down. I'm sure he didn't just find some conveniently chopped trees laying around. Think of it from Schierke's perspective. Remember her reaction to all those wooden ships in the docks of Vritannis? What would she say if she knew her beloved Guts killed innocent trees?
As for the ghosts, it's definitely more grey area, but I was convinced by the effort Guts puts into scattering their "bodies" when he slashes them. Since only the sun can truly dispel them, Guts would be getting gypped if he didn't get some credit for holding them off.
The final decision on most of these grey areas was to include everything, so that in the final list, people can sort it however they like. In the roster's final form, if users don't think something qualifies as a kill, they'll be able to remove it from the final calculation.
As for the arm... is that a kill? Its a "loss", but not really a kill. Again. you count THAT arm, might as well count the rest of the severed limbs.
Yeah, I was never seriously considering counting the arm. I just wanted a general concensus on
why it shouldn't be counted. Personally, I like Borgoff's "consciousness" bit, though even that's pretty debatable with some of the creatures in the series.
NTSC-J said:
...the apostles that Guts appears to have mortally wounded often had more than one head. Also, there are a couple years with the Hawks that aren't chronicled at all, so there's no telling how many Guts took down in that time. Busy guy.
Edit: Just noticed on the list that Wyald is listed, but Zodd was the one that killed him.
All apostles, specifically Wyald and the Count took some consideration before their inclusion. Ultimately though, Guts put those two in positions where they were vulnerable enough to be killed... so, it's indeed grey area. As for the apostles at the eclipse and at Flora's Mansion, it's too difficult to say what happened to them, so I included them "just in case."