Hi all, I'm not even really sure that a "main" antagonist has been defined yet in the story, but it came up in a conversation with a guy on FaceBook who was telling me Void is the main villain of the story. I asked him what makes him think that, and also asked what about the Idea of Evil? Not really making an argument one way or the other. He went on to say that Femto is following the will of Void and Void is the main antagonist and if I can't see that then he can't help me. He also said the Idea of Evil has been retconned and he doesn't think Miura has any intention of bringing it back. I thought his theory was pretty bizarre, he gave no examples to show why he thought Femto was following Voids will, and if anything my thought would be that Femto is the most established antagonist this far, with some looming theories about the Idea of Evil as well.
I'm curious to hear the community's thoughts on this? Void certainly has a big role in the story and is a big player but idk if you could call him the main antagonist, at least nothing that we've been shown as of yet could lead us to conclude that. I'd love to hear some thoughts (especially Aazealh's
I'm curious to hear the community's thoughts on this? Void certainly has a big role in the story and is a big player but idk if you could call him the main antagonist, at least nothing that we've been shown as of yet could lead us to conclude that. I'd love to hear some thoughts (especially Aazealh's