Movies to dread

Pink-Dark-Boy said:
New Suicide Squad movie looks somewhat suspicious, but I'm still going to be the fool who is going to watch it in the cinema anyway :ganishka:

Quick update, I watched it earlier this week. I absolutely regret it, I should of watched Finding Dory instead or something. Oh man... :judo:
^Yeah... Largely a composite of moments they try to be clever and cool, which sadly just ends up in various levels of lame. I tried really hard to be open minded with Joker but I had a really hard time with this version, and especially the relationship with Harley, and furthermore that it was such a big part of the film. But I was never really anal about this film to begin with so at the very least it had some eye candy kinda value here and there. Really the only time that actually made me completely forget about the bad-ish taste in the mouth and completely immersed me into the scene was that short Deadshot moment.

The only thing that felt straight up offending though (or it could've simply been the drop that spilled the cup at that point) was that random post credits scene nonsense, so incredibly unnecessary. And I was gonna say one of the reasons being that its very out of character for both parties but then I guess it could just be me that hasnt gotten used to these versions of the characters, I dont think I ever will though.

Maybe it's supposed to be a comedy? :???:

"I will colonize all over this table right in front of you guys."
It really is Kenny Powers in space! Also, that's the best bit of dialogue... by default. Even Fassbender appears to be rendered impotent. :farnese:
Griffith said:

Maybe it's supposed to be a comedy? :???:

"I will colonize all over this table right in front of you guys."
It really is Kenny Powers in space! Also, that's the best bit of dialogue... by default. Even Fassbender appears to be rendered impotent. :farnese:

Yeah, it's shit, but it's just some marketing little film directed by Luke Scott.
This 4 minute nepotistic short made me roll my eyes for several different reasons. The music was awful, the dialogue was lame, the symbolism was too on the nose, the jokes/references were off-putting, and the product placement was cringe worthy.

It looked nice, that's about it.
Ugh, is it really that hard to make a futuristic space horror movie in the Alien universe? Why does it have to be so cringy. Just the casting itself is so off putting (except for Fass but like Griff said, even he seems deflated). James Franco? Really? I've been keeping myself in the dark about everything related to this movie in hopes that it'll help IF I decide to go see it (freeze framing every inch of those Prometheus trailers ultimately made the sting that much worse upon finally seeing the finished product). Seeing James Franco here is a big turnoff. I genuinely despise this guy now, at this point. Maybe if he stuck to his own realm of comedies or movies that better suited his style he wouldn't piss me off as much, but does he have to be in EVERYTHING. The guy dips his feather in any project he has a slightest interest in and it's the audience that suffers because he's TOO well known to play anybody other than James Franco in any movie he's in.

I can appreciate an actor trying to branch out and show more range by taking on different projects other than what people know them for. But there's a right way to do it. Robert DeNiro used his tough guy mobster persona to make several genuinely funny comedies ( before he slid completely into the realm of bullshit feel good family pictures). Jim Carrey made some decent movies that allowed him to do both comedy and drama. James Franco, on the other hand, seemingly has the power to pick and choose whatever project he wants, without any method or science behind it. It's like he has contempt for the audience. It doesn't matter if he's even right for the part, if it's something HE wants to do, he does it. Ultimately, it's the movie that'll suffer, all for the appeasement of his bloated ego.

IMO :azan:
I watched it twice now and it feels a bit forced. Anyway, I'm glad it's a prologue and it won't make it to the film, phew. Good riddance. Fassy looks a bit older but it's a good separation in the 'look' department of Walter (the character not out own Walter!) compared to David. So I'm curious to see how they handle that.

Oburi said:
James Franco? Really? I've been keeping myself in the dark about everything related to this movie in hopes that it'll help IF I decide to go see it (freeze framing every inch of those Prometheus trailers ultimately made the sting that much worse upon finally seeing the finished product). Seeing James Franco here is a big turnoff. I genuinely despise this guy now, at this point. Maybe if he stuck to his own realm of comedies or movies that better suited his style he wouldn't piss me off as much, but does he have to be in EVERYTHING. The guy dips his feather in any project he has a slightest interest in and it's the audience that suffers because he's TOO well known to play anybody other than James Franco in any movie he's in.

I can appreciate an actor trying to branch out and show more range by taking on different projects other than what people know them for. But there's a right way to do it. Robert DeNiro used his tough guy mobster persona to make several genuinely funny comedies ( before he slid completely into the realm of bullshit feel good family pictures). Jim Carrey made some decent movies that allowed him to do both comedy and drama. James Franco, on the other hand, seemingly has the power to pick and choose whatever project he wants, without any method or science behind it. It's like he has contempt for the audience. It doesn't matter if he's even right for the part, if it's something HE wants to do, he does it. Ultimately, it's the movie that'll suffer, all for the appeasement of his bloated ego.

IMO :azan:

Hahaha oh boy, I hear ya. I know a lot of people who don't like Franco for various reasons. Him, Shia, Tom Cruise and a few others fall in that 'can't stand' category for some folk. Speaking of Franco only, I actually don't mind the guy and if him being in everything is one of the main reasons for your opinion, I think it's fair ... but it also makes you think - what's wrong with trying to get some range or showing it off? Are you saying an actor must pigeon-hole himself to one or two specific genres or kinds of movies? It's almost as if you're faulting him for trying. I'm not saying Franco is an amazing actor but the notion you have that he should stick to just comedies or goofy movies and not touch something serious piqued my curiosity. On the other hand of my discussion ...


IncantatioN said:
what's wrong with trying to get some range or showing it off? Are you saying an actor must pigeon-hole himself to one or two specific genres or kinds of movies? It's almost as if you're faulting him for trying. I'm not saying Franco is an amazing actor but the notion you have that he should stick to just comedies or goofy movies and not touch something serious piqued my curiosity. On the other hand of my discussion ...

Well like I said, I can understand an actor trying to show some range or avoid typecasting by choosing different roles, but there is a method to it. You watch enough commentaries, interviews etc with actors discussing how and why they choose their roles you understand the process. Some actors are more careful than others. Some take a lot of convincing, it's part of their process. They want to do what's best for them, the director and most importantly, the audience. They have to factor not only their own careers but the brand or product they're selling. For example, Michael Keaton is known for choosing his roles very carefully. It would probably amaze all of us to know some of the roles he's been offered, and sometimes turned down. He's obviously very versatile, but there are many stories about how close he was to not doing Batman, or Beetlejuice, or even the simple role of ATF agent in Jackie Brown. Not because he doesn't think he CAN, but because he's not sure if he's the right person for the role, perhaps there's someone better suited for that part. This is something I think is lost on Franco. Putting aside my own personal dislike for the mans style, I still can't help but feel that he constantly pops up where he doesn't belong. I'm sure there's lots of actors that would love to be in a Ridley Scott alien movie. Who wouldn't? But does he ever stop to think if he should? Does he belong, considering his public persona? This is further exemplified with Kenny Powers driving the ship. Can this film stand two overtly comedic actors in the same space while maintaining it's serious nature? At least Danny McBride doesn't have such a presence in the real world where we see him late night on Comedy Central getting roasted by Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen.

As a matter of fact, look no further than the greatly praised Michael Fassbender. Clearly a very skilled actor, a chameleon who's impressed many with his performances in a lot of great movies by a lot of great filmmakers. The guy has worked with David Cronenberg, Danny Boyle, Quentin Tarantino, Terence Malick, Ridley Scott and many more already in his short career. He's now in a place where he can be a little more picky with the roles he takes. Myself and others at one point sought to watch his older or less known films simply because he was in them and we wanted to watch a great actor. But even now, with his popularity and fandom increasing he needs to be careful with how he chooses his roles going forward or people can get sick of him very quickly (I know I have no interest in watching the Assassins Creed movie, despite him as the lead). Does anyone really give a shit about the newest Johnny Depp movie? Or what about Christian Bale? Clearly a talented actor, but did anyone else start to roll their eyes when he popped up as John Connor after just being Batman (I clearly remember seeing the trailer for Terminator Salvation in the theater before The Dark Knight and turning to my friend saying "You can't be Bruce Wayne AND John Connor in a year)? I'm just saying it can be detrimental to the movie itself. And there is a science behind an actor choosing how to show their versatility.
NightCrawler said:
Yeah, it's shit, but it's just some marketing little film directed by Luke Scott.

If Alien is your Star Wars, these are literally your prequels, and I'm very sorry for what's happening and what's to come. I can warn you to just rip the band-aid off now instead of going hair by hair, but I also know from experience it's just something you gotta do. See you on the other side, brother!

Oburi said:
Just the casting itself is so off putting (except for Fass but like Griff said, even he seems deflated).

He looks about as excited as if this was the next X-Men movie, and that might be a better comparison here than, you know, one of the greatest science fiction AND horror films of all time. That's what Prometheus was supposed to aspire to and he certainly gave it his best, but I think the jig is up on what we're really dealing with here.
Four and a half minutes and I'm already rooting for the alien. Nothing makes my indifference kick in faster than an expectation that I should care with overly sentimental lines like "I couldn't have picked a better bunch of jerks."
How not to debut a sequel to a polarizing movie.

It feels like it may have gotten fucked in the editing room. I can see how this all makes some sort of sense on paper -- well, writing aside-- but in execution this is just a bit embarrassing to watch.
Griffith said:

Maybe it's supposed to be a comedy? :???:

It's so fucking bad I had to take a breather midway. This teaser/prologue/whatever only succeeds in giving the impression that The Expanse (a SyFy series) has better acting and production value than Alien: Covenant will.

IncantatioN said:
what's wrong with trying to get some range or showing it off?

But is he really trying? Just showing up and going through the motions doesn't do the trick.
Walter said:
How not to debut a sequel to a polarizing movie.

It feels like it may have gotten fucked in the editing room. I can see how this all makes some sort of sense on paper -- well, writing aside-- but in execution this is just a bit embarrassing to watch.

How about the way Billy Crudup doesn't like what a jerk that "Tennessee" (OMG like Dallas!?) is for drinking and having a good time and not really hurting anybody in the process (pretty hardcore drinking and talking party there). FORESHADOWING! His wife drinks more too!! :magni: I can not wait to see the space Mormans run into the "ultimate party animal."

Aazealh said:
It's so fucking bad I had to take a breather midway. This teaser/prologue/whatever only succeeds in giving the impression that The Expanse (a SyFy series) has better acting and production value than Alien: Covenant will.

And this is only the beginning! Just wait until prequel-sequels Alien: Revenant and Alien: Pressurectionant (that's a pre-resurrection btw =).

There's actually precedent for this really being a misdirected comedy. Alien: Resurrection was written by Joss Whedon to allegedly be campy and tongue-in-cheek as hell, which follows, but they filmed it dead seriously! :ganishka: It wouldn't have been good in any form and should have been nothing more than a rejected script, but all the awful absurdity makes a lot more sense when you know that. Maybe this is what Ridley Scott meant when he said they never offered to let him make Alien sequels; not that he wanted to make better sequels more worthy of the original, just that he should have had the right to ruin it HIS way. "I saw Alien 4 and thought, 'Why not me?'"

Aazealh said:
But is he really trying? Just showing up and going through the motions doesn't do the trick.

Yeah... odd choice. I can't blame him for taking the job, but there better be a reason it was offered beyond, "Hey, he's a name."
Griffith said:
If Alien is your Star Wars, these are literally your prequels, and I'm very sorry for what's happening and what's to come. I can warn you to just rip the band-aid off now instead of going hair by hair, but I also know from experience it's just something you gotta do. See you on the other side, brother!

I'm triggered by this post, especially the ending :ganishka:

Ever since i saw Resurrection in the theaters that i made my peace with the Alien franchise. For me it ends with Alien³, a perfect lifecycle trilogy (with all its failings, you can't deny the great cinematography, acting, arguably the best soundtrack of all Alien movies, and also for probably being the most dour/nihilistic studio film of all time). Granted, i had hopes for Prometheus, but this shitshow doesn't phase me.

Even Cameron doesn't see the point to this sequel - - but he defended the latest Terminator...

A lot of the Prometheus hype was in big part due to its awesome trailer. Using its music and good editing, it can turn another rather divisive movie into a must see: :carcus:
NightCrawler said:
I'm triggered by this post, especially the ending :ganishka:

"NOT RIDLEY'S BOAT!" Hey, I'm just the messenger, except outside this porthole I'm dying in the vacuum of space where no one can hear me. :guts:


NightCrawler said:
Ever since i saw Resurrection in the theaters that i made my peace with the Alien franchise.

That's completely rational, and to think it's not even the worst one. Still, it's one thing for the studio or interlopers to fuck it up, that's easily enough compartmentalized and dismissed, but the original master coming back in and screwing the pooch with authority... I think it takes a whole different kind of therapy.

NightCrawler said:
For me it ends with Alien³, a perfect lifecycle trilogy (with all its failings, you can't deny the great cinematography, acting, arguably the best soundtrack of all Alien movies, and also for probably being the most dour/nihilistic studio film of all time).

It's definitely aging well relative to all this! Hell, even if it wasn't, being solidly 3rd place looks a lot better when there's a half dozen scrubs tripping over themselves or running the wrong way a mile behind you. It's this close to achieving some sort of classic status by comparison when these movies are divided up. Fincher just needs to step in and do a proper director's cut; troubled productions resulting in flawed movies are the one's that should be recut/remade (although the 2010 version assembly cut is supposed to be pretty flawless already)! Anyway, keeping with the Star Wars comparison, one could make the case it's merely the Return of the Jedi of the "classic Alien trilogy!"

NightCrawler said:
Granted, i had hopes for Prometheus, but this shitshow doesn't phase me.

Are you angry or relieved he's doing this shit instead of Blade Runner? I'm still bothered just because that one was still special and didn't deserve to be farmed out, even to capable hands. Maybe there's no winning scenario here though.

NightCrawler said:
Even Cameron doesn't see the point to this sequel - - but he defended the latest Terminator...

Well, he gets the rights in a couple of years in any case, so he still has some stake in its success. Speaking of which...

Eh, do a proper T3, The War Against the Machines, and fuck Avatar already. I'm already calling they don't do more than two sequels, and probably because they're filmed back to back or something.

NightCrawler said:
A lot of the Prometheus hype was in big part due to its awesome trailer. Using its music and good editing, it can turn another rather divisive movie into a must see: :carcus:

Heh heh, right. I never put it together that it was Tywin Lannister in that!

Well it's certainly an improvement on that last trailer. A brief glimpse of something pale and new (albino Xeno?) as well as the typical (but considerably less Giger-y) design.
Honestly though, it's not hooked me. I think we're looking at a solid action thriller maybe, but nothing feels particularly special about it. Which isn't surprising really. You can't recapture that distinctive iconic fear of the unknown when the unknown is known iconically.
Ruhe Strom said:

Well it's certainly an improvement on that last trailer. A brief glimpse of something pale and new (albino Xeno?)

Oh, I don't know how new it is: :carcus:


Ruhe Strom said:
as well as the typical (but considerably less Giger-y) design.

Yeah, I really didn't like that CGI alien in broad daylight at the end; looked like an outtake from AvP:Requiem. I get that they probably wanted to show it in a new and dynamic way, but it's just cheesy. At least the rest of its appearances seemed appropriately atmospheric. Speaking of, the trailer might have been ok if it wasn't for the crew of space weenies bitching their way through all too familiar "otherworldly" nature, "There's no birds! It's like nothing, maaan! I'm already freaking out!" I can tell obnoxious hysterics and melodrama are in order before they ever even see an alien. I shouldn't be rooting for the alien, right?

Ruhe Strom said:
Honestly though, it's not hooked me. I think we're looking at a solid action thriller maybe, but nothing feels particularly special about it. Which isn't surprising really. You can't recapture that distinctive iconic fear of the unknown when the unknown is known iconically.

Yeah, the xenomorph design is a victim of its own success and notoriety. It went from the ultimate alien terror to being so iconic and imitated it's old hat at this point. I have too many alien toys to ever actually consider the alien scary again, especially when it's attacking spaceships like Ultron or something.
Griffith said:
Oh, I don't know how new it is: :carcus:

Oh, fabulous. I never saw Resurrection. Funnily enough the game for it actually looks pretty good. Kinda low-key System Shock vibe.

Griffith said:
I shouldn't be rooting for the alien, right?

Maybe you should be. Perhaps the crew are a big fat metaphor for whiny fans clamouring for more of the same despite the fact that the format has lost its edge, and Scott gets a perverse catharsis from having his Star Beast gruesomely dispatch them.
Yeah, that is a cool poster, but it doesn't seem to fit what we're seeing in the footage, and I still like Walter's version better. :ganishka:

Anyway, not good if we have to start hanging our hats on the poster for hope. I mean, the trailer being better than the movie is already a thing, but the poster? I can't remember giving a movie the benefit of the doubt based on the poster since elementary school.
‘Star Wars’ Han Solo Spinoff: Lord & Miller Fired After Clashing With Kathleen Kennedy

Uh oh! :carcus:

“It was a culture clash from day one,” the source said. “She didn’t even like the way they folded their socks.”

Folded socks not STAR WARS enough!

Kennedy promised a new director would be announced shortly. Sources say Ron Howard is in talks to take over the film, but there is no deal as yet.

Richie Cunningham knows Star Wars.

The directors did not leave the production voluntarily, but were fired by LucasFilm.

STAR WARS shot first!

Kennedy had her own ideas about how the film should be shot. In an interview with Variety last year, she said she wanted the film to have “…a heist or Western type feel,” adding, “We’ve talked about [Frederic] Remington and those primary colors that are used in his paintings defining the look and feel of the film.”

Wow, western heist very Rogue One a STAR WARS story like a beautiful painting with numbers!

Some insiders believe that while Kennedy wants to make a splash by hiring young indie directors such as Gareth Edwards (“Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”) and Rian Johnson (“Star Wars: The Last Jedi”), she’s ultimately unwilling to empower them to make their own creative decisions.

Unlike Edwards and Johnson, Miller and Lord felt they had earned their stripes, having worked extensively in the major studio system.

No room for young hot shots in new old STAR WARS; sorry Solo, Empire knows best.