Movies to dread

Don't get me started on the SF movie. I haven't watched it yet but eventually I know I will since it is SF. BUt I just don't understand the approach. I mean Bison (Vega in JP) with a uit and fucking beard? I don't remember the preview exactly but I see Balrog (M. Bison in JP) in all black (I think I saw a gun)? I'm afraid to watch in case I do indeed end up shooting myself in the head lol.
Supposedly they're trying to take an "X-Men" approach with Street Fighter. They wanted to introduce a few characters in the first one, then expand on it to include all of our favorites (Ryu and Ken, anyone?) in the next... still looks like complete garbage to me though.

Here's a new trailer for Dragonball:

While still pretty sad, it at least "feels" a bit more like DB now... at this point all I really hope for is a cool final battle, since reading it was entirely reshot.
Scorpio said:
That trailer doesn't look too reshot to me...

Read my post a little more carefully, I was referring to the final battle.

“I think it’s just one scene that they’re gonna have to reshoot and it’s the end fight,” Chung said of what they were re-tooling. “I fortunately will not have to go back. I think it’s the big fight between Justin Chatwin and James Marsters.”

Here's some more not-so-good news about the movie from the same website:

“If there were to be a sequel I think it… well, I know that it would go to a really interesting place, because they already have the second script written.”

Script is already written =( I guess we can expect more of this huge disappointment.
Deci said:
Supposedly they're trying to take an "X-Men" approach with Street Fighter. They wanted to introduce a few characters in the first one, then expand on it to include all of our favorites (Ryu and Ken, anyone?) in the next... still looks like complete garbage to me though.

Ya I read that stupid idea elsewhere months before it came out. I think the director or producer or someone said that and as soon as I heard him say it I knew it was going fail. I forgot where I read else I would post the link but the person said something along the lines of he was taking an approach like in x-men where the plot centered around wolverine in the 1st movie and slowly focus on other characters. My immediate thought to that was wow he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

The first X-men movie began and centered with Rogue and her story! WTF? And street fighter's main character is fucking Ryu! He should always be the main character because the main story of street fighter is centered around him. Damn man. There isn't going to be (better not be) a "next" one. I don't think they'll get much money and interest to go through with another movie after they fucked it up a second time. It's honestly not that hard to make a decent movie that somewhat follows the original story. With this it seems they went out of their way to ruin it with horrible actors and plot line.
I hope you guys don't mind if I change the current topic but did anyone else hear of a Sherlock Holmes movie coming this year with Downey Jr? and Jude Law?

I also saw that Moby Dick might be getting a remake with Timur Bekmambetov as director.

royoak said:
Total Recall
Nice call Royoak. I hope your happy now.

And now that some remakes are out of the way.. how about a sequel:
It's apparently a sequel to Dark Crystal.

I just hope at least some of these articles are full of shit.
Ramen4ever said:
did anyone else hear of a Sherlock Holmes movie coming this year with Downey Jr? and Jude Law?

This might actually be interesting. Never read any of the Sherlock Holmes books, but it looks like something I'll see if the trailer turns out to be good.
Ramen4ever said:
I hope you guys don't mind if I change the current topic but did anyone else hear of a Sherlock Holmes movie coming this year with Downey Jr? and Jude Law?

Ya that's old news and Guy Ritchie's directing it which I don't quite understand after reading Sherlock Holmes. Nor do I understand downey jr as holmes. I'm not saying both are bad in their respective projects but I am just saying after reading it doesn't seem to fit.

Especially Guy Ritchie....his movies are mostly about the British mob and action packed which were enjoyable movies. But that genre in the context of a Sherlock Holmes story just doesn't add up. They're obviously looking to attract a bigger audience with the younger kids. I'll accept Downey Jr. however.
ori said:
Ya that's old news and Guy Ritchie's directing it which I don't quite understand after reading Sherlock Holmes. Nor do I understand downey jr as holmes.
Well, they were both substance abusers :ganishka:

Seriously though, I don't have a very good feeling about this.
I guess I still have his Iron Man persona suck in my mind still and the look and it just doesn't match up to Sherlock Holmes IMO. I'm actually hopeful for this movie. I'll keep an eye out.
I don't mind Downey as Holmes, but Guy Richie directing... yeah, I hope he's doing it to try and do something unlike his other work. Don't try too much, let Downey do the heavy lifting. =)
So I was just rewatching the Wolverine trailer and noticed that Deadpool is even more fucked up than I previously though.
What the hell is going on at 2:06???
Is it Deadpool or cyclops, I mean he's shooting beams out of his eyes. WTF!!!! :mozgus:
Ramen4ever said:
Though it could be some other scarred bald man in red pants.

Exactly, doesn't look like Deadpool to me, catchin' my drift? :carcus:

Not Deadpool, never happened, nothing to be upset over.
Proj2501 said:
Sam Raimi's new pile:

It looks semi-interesting, mostly on account of curiosity about the nature of the actual demon. Title's stupid, though it does stand out among this genre.
SaiyajinNoOuji said:
Well I am going to go see the Dragonball movie since it comes out this Friday in Japan. :judo: I will let you know how terribad it is.

You are a brave, brave man. Godspeed.
SaiyajinNoOuji said:
Well I am going to go see the Dragonball movie since it comes out this Friday in Japan. :judo: I will let you know how terribad it is.

[quote]The Oricon entertainment news source posted a promotional video for James Wong and 20th Century Fox's live-action adaptation of Akira Toriyama's Dragonball manga, and Toriyama prefaced the video with a written comment:

As the original creator, I had a feeling of "Huh?" upon seeing the screenplay and the character designs, but the director, all the actors, the staff, and the rest are nothing but "ultra" high-caliber people. Maybe the right way for me and all the fans to appreciate it is as a New Dragonball of a different dimension. Perhaps, this might become a great masterpiece of power! Hey, I look forward to it!! [/quote]

A different dimension?? I guess Toriyama didn't like it either.
SaiyajinNoOuji said:
Well I am going to go see the Dragonball movie since it comes out this Friday in Japan. :judo: I will let you know how terribad it is.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. :carcus:
If nothing else, try to come back with your sanity intact. Good luck man.
Proj2501 said:
Sam Raimi's new pile:

What the fuck? Raimi returning to horror and your posting that in this thread? Have you got no taste? Jebus.

Rhombaad said:

I actually have to agree with him. Even if i didn't like the movie that much. I agree it was very courageous, for a blockbuster (way more than The Dark Knight), in it's presentation and faithfulness to the form and adult themes of the original work, and we need more movies like this, not watered-down toy commercials like Wolverine.
The problem is the trailer was misleading in a way, and for example in the cinema i went, some people walked out. They were probably expecting entertainment like the Batman/Iron Man movies. A cast of unknowns and semi-mediocre actors didn't help either.