Skibbidy Boo Bop
haha Yeah I expected it to be much lower than that; quite possibly in the negatives.
Ramen4ever said:
should spur the legalization of guns in movie theaters so you can shoot yourself with them.
Deci said:since reading it was entirely reshot.
Scorpio said:That trailer doesn't look too reshot to me...
Deci said:Supposedly they're trying to take an "X-Men" approach with Street Fighter. They wanted to introduce a few characters in the first one, then expand on it to include all of our favorites (Ryu and Ken, anyone?) in the next... still looks like complete garbage to me though. said:Total Recall
Ramen4ever said:did anyone else hear of a Sherlock Holmes movie coming this year with Downey Jr? and Jude Law?
Ramen4ever said:I hope you guys don't mind if I change the current topic but did anyone else hear of a Sherlock Holmes movie coming this year with Downey Jr? and Jude Law?
Well, they were both substance abusersori said:Ya that's old news and Guy Ritchie's directing it which I don't quite understand after reading Sherlock Holmes. Nor do I understand downey jr as holmes.
He looks like the crappy action figure. Though it could be some other scarred bald man in red pants.Griffith said:What makes you think it's Deadpool?
Ramen4ever said:Though it could be some other scarred bald man in red pants.
Griffith said:Exactly, doesn't look like Deadpool to me, catchin' my drift?
Not Deadpool, never happened, nothing to be upset over.
Proj2501 said:Sam Raimi's new pile:
SaiyajinNoOuji said:Well I am going to go see the Dragonball movie since it comes out this Friday in Japan.I will let you know how terribad it is.
SaiyajinNoOuji said:Well I am going to go see the Dragonball movie since it comes out this Friday in Japan.I will let you know how terribad it is.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.SaiyajinNoOuji said:Well I am going to go see the Dragonball movie since it comes out this Friday in Japan.I will let you know how terribad it is.
Proj2501 said:Sam Raimi's new pile:
Rhombaad said:David Hayter's letter to fans about the Watchmen movie: