With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
Actually yeah, I would be down for that. Why the hell not? Go for something new instead of the garbage they keep rehashing.
Garbage? What are you talking about, I've got your pure Batman detectiving right here:
We'll be getting more of this soon!

Ugh, I'm just skeptical that it's really the answer we think or that anyone will pull it off cinematically if half the time they can't even handle Batman just beating guys up. I guess Nolan's is technically the best in this regard by default for the aforementioned sneaking around, stake outs and using forensics, but it's still pretty perfunctory and quite the low bar.
Now THIS is still the most cinematically pleasing and balanced Batman (though this restoration kind of fucks with the lighting/mood):
I love that the uncrackable case is like the second thing one would guess. You can tell he's a real detective though because he keeps his evidence files in a manila envelope he hands over to beautiful dames.