Movies you've recently watched

Yeah Scott Pilgrim was fun, but I haven't read the comics so I can't know how good it is compared to it.

Oburi, I wish! But, she's a close friend's Mum and I ain't crossing boundaries! She didn't want to go out for dinner with her daughter and f'ly, so we hung out instead.


Turned out decent, nothing more. It's actually the most mature movie in the franchise and puurrrty dark, sort of with a lame cliched end, but it sets you up for the last one. I was surprised by the (slow) pace of the movie, definitely made it feel a lot longer than it was.
IncantatioN said:
Yeah Scott Pilgrim was fun, but I haven't read the comics so I can't know how good it is compared to it.
Why must you compare the movie to the comics to know how good the movie is? You watched the movie, that should be all you need. Don't bother with useless comparisons: just accept the movie as a seperate work, with its own strengths and weaknesses. (and there's plenty of both)

I finally watched Star Trek, but I must watch the original series in its entirety before I can form an opinion.* :carcus:

*I actually enjoyed it much more than I thought I would, as I don't normally go for these things; I've never been too big on this Universe, but the movie kept me interested for the most part, though i feel the plot was a bit more convoluted than neccessary.
Why must I indeed, or if I think about it - why mustn't I :griffnotevil:? Would you want to read a manga if there's a anime series for it or if it's the other way around? Maybe, maybe not. I just thought it'd be interesting to read the comic and see how good it was, regardless of what's in or taken out of the movie. Given the same token, do I want to read The Walking Dead comics after seeing the series? Sure, after reading the opinions of people on the board about the comic being much better. So, it doesn't matter. I don't want to read the Harry Potter books because I have no interest. But, I'd like to read Scott Pilgrim :schierke:
The Perineum Falcon said:
Why must you compare the movie to the comics to know how good the movie is? You watched the movie, that should be all you need. Don't bother with useless comparisons: just accept the movie as a seperate work, with its own strengths and weaknesses. (and there's plenty of both)

When it comes to seeing the movie first I agree with you, but it's a little harder the other way around. Also, what's wrong with being as educated as possible about the subject matter of a film? After all, films don't exist in vacuums, and context and what one knows affects why and how them enjoy them, or don't.

The Perineum Falcon said:
I finally watched Star Trek, but I must watch the original series in its entirety before I can form an opinion.* :carcus:

*I actually enjoyed it much more than I thought I would, as I don't normally go for these things; I've never been too big on this Universe, but the movie kept me interested for the most part, though i feel the plot was a bit more convoluted than neccessary.

Heh, as someone who did see the original series, it does throw in a lot of elements people that know about it would appreciate while keeping it accessible and entertaining to non-fans, which I admired. Here's a rule of thumb, if the more you know about a subject causes you to like a film about it less instead of appreciating it more, they probably could have done a better job. Star Trek was well done.

Also, funny fact since it was by no means a significant movie, it was nominated for best picture! It comes with an asterisk though since every movie was nominated that year, "Best actor in a Columbus movie??"
the one parallel that i noticed was the due in red died when they were dropping to vulcan. and my roommate, who is a die-hard ST fan, didn't even notice it.
Johnstantine said:
Just watched Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

One of my top favorite movies.

I just saw Scott Pilgrim as well and I must say I almost regret not seeing it in theaters. The one chance I had to see it in theaters my Friend was so against it because he loathes Cera (I'm not a big fan either) but we put it on the other night at 3 in the morning just so we could fall asleep to something and needless to say, we were pretty much glued to the tv for the whole flick. I tried watching it again but it seems upon repeated viewings the humor and style run out quick, but for a one time popcorn flick, it's pretty damn funny. Lines like "You were veGON, and now you will beGONE" or "I went from bi-curious to bi-FURIOUS" are just a few of the many lines that are so bad that I couldn't help but crack up at. Also, during the opening credits, since I had no idea who was in it, I was surprised to see some of the actors that made appearances and that it was directed by Edgar Wright! Speaking of the opening credits, I couldn't help but think that it was similar to something Tarantino would do and, sure enough, with Wright and Tarantino being Friends, it was Tarantinos idea for him to do that. I thought it was neat.
Oburi said:
Also, during the opening credits, since I had no idea who was in it, I was surprised to see some of the actors that made appearances and that it was directed by Edgar Wright!

You're kidding right? How could you not know when they flashed "by the director of Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz"?
Well maybe I had known that when I saw the trailer like a year ago, but I guess I forgot or something. I know he made shawn of the dead and hot fuzz though, don't get me wrong.
This week I watched:

Hana-bi which has some pretty cool ideas that are almost completely ruined by the lack of subtlety of the director

Tron 2 which sucked

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives which is awesome and should be watched in a theater

and HARD BOILED, one of the best movies of all time, an exquisite masterpiece that should be preserved for future generations through the miracle of digital technology
My Christmas eve line up in progress:

-Long Kiss Good Night
-Die Hard
-The Thing
-The Gate

I hope to get Scott Pilgram on blu-ray from Santa tomorrow!
Eluvei said:
Hana-bi which has some pretty cool ideas that are almost completely ruined by the lack of subtlety of the director
The end scene at the beach was pretty cool from what I remember of the movie *wipes tears*


Puuurrty good. Bello's hot and great in this movie. I liked its twists and turns from what is a happy glossy family at the beginning to what it becomes at the end (dining table scene).
IncantatioN said:
The end scene at the beach was pretty cool from what I remember of the movie *wipes tears*

It's the scene that nearly ruined the movie for me. As bad as a soap opera.
That scene made it obvious that he just tried to shock as much as possible. If he hadn't put the sound of the two shots at the end of the movie, leaving us to guess what his decision would be, it'd be fantastic. But Beat Takeshi is 12 years old.

I picked up a good version of the extended cut for a re-watch, almost clocked 3 hours. Uhhmm, it starts off well, slow in the middle, especially during Colin's character's parts when he returns to the camp, and then picks up in the end with the introduction of Bale's character. The music score's actually pretty good, and I realized this at the end too. Kilcher is so sweet looking and her character gets broken a couple of times in the movie, damn.


I expected it to be as annoying as this poster was, and some bits of it were exactly that. The movie's got a bit of a sweetness factor going on, but it's funny in a few spots! Not a re-watch.


Didn't expect much, and didn't like it at all. The end was predictable, cheesy dialog and it had potential. Some bits were cool, but not enough to warrant a good movie stamp.
Charisma by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. Took me some time to find this gem, if you're a fan of his movies (specially Cure and Kairo) watch this! It's an amazing genre-bending allegory on individuality and society.

Re-watch this movie i haven't seen for a couple of years, some people say it's an badly made movie but, i still like it for some unknown reason.
Azriel said:
Re-watch this movie i haven't seen for a couple of years, some people say it's an badly made movie but, i still like it for some unknown reason.

Have you read the graphic novel? If not then you should.