Movies you've recently watched

Was home this weekend and watched ...


Easy A - not too crappy because of some wit thrown in here and there, all in all a decent flick. The scenes with Emma and her parents - Patricia + Tucci are pretty good.


Catfish - interesting take or documentary on Facebook with an interesting story. It's got it's fair share of drama (similar to what you see on reality tv). I don't know why it's tagged as a 'Thriller' to be honest.

In the theater last night ...


Black Swan - loved it. Darren follows his theme of
tragic endings. It's also got enough of gore which surprised me.
I'm not sure I have the right mindset to enjoy something like Black Swan. I think I just hate the whole theme
of tragic glory, and I end up hating all the characters for pushing her to achieve something great instead of getting her to a brainmeats doctor
I see your point ... though you're absolutely right!
Portman's character goes through that transformation all by herself, but her mother was probably more disturbed than she was! At the back of my mind, I have to think how much was her imagination and how much was actually real. The opening scene was brilliant with the camera following the dancers as they moved around, imo. I didn't expect Winona to ... stab her own face multiple times, and it really didn't help that this girl sitting next to me would squirm or scream every now and then!
I recently watched The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played With Fire. I loved the first film and thought the second was mediocre. I can't wait to see The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, after which I plan on reading the novels.
I watched the 3rd movie just so I could be done with finishing the trilogy because honestly it was as bad as the second one. The first one was the best in the trilogy *sigh* oh well, it's being re-made, of course.
IncantatioN said:
I watched the 3rd movie just so I could be done with finishing the trilogy because honestly it was as bad as the second one. The first one was the best in the trilogy *sigh* oh well, it's being re-made, of course.

Yeah, right after I finished writing that post I took a look at what the critical reception of the third film was and it's not looking good. Oh well, I'll check it out and formulate my own opinion, but my hopes aren't that high at the moment. I'll probably see the remake, as well, just to see how it compares to the original film. I'm not sure how they're going to live up to the Swedish production and Rapace's performance.

I saw Black Swan on Saturday and some of those images will never leave my brain. I really enjoyed the movie but I don't think I'll be seeing it again anytime soon. Damn you, Aronofsky! :puck:

Buried - I didn't expect much, and sort of knew what could happen in the end as we'd all predict. Overall the last 30 minutes of the movie make it work, and I feel a bit satisfied now that I'm done watching it. Ryan's performance felt like my approach to my exams where I'd study at the last minute, likewise, his performance really comes to life in the end. Overall I liked it because of the end :zodd:
Just watched Kurosawa's Yojimbo, up next? Anything by him really, love having Netflix with the ability to order them Criterion blurays.
Dar Klink said:
Just watched Kurosawa's Yojimbo, up next? Anything by him really, love having Netflix with the ability to order them Criterion blurays.
Of the Kurosawa titles Criterion's released so far, my favorites are in order: Seven Samurai, Red Beard, Kagemusha, High and Low, Yojimbo, Bad Sleep Well, Ikiru, Drunken Angel, Rashomon.

Unfortunately my favorite Kurosawa flick, Dersu Uzala, still hasn't been released on Criterion. Though one of their translators confirmed in 2004 that he had completed the work for it. I guess it's a matter of them working out the rights to the film. It was originally funded through the USSR in the 70s, so I bet that's REAL fun to license.
Walter said:
Of the Kurosawa titles Criterion's released so far, my favorites are in order: Seven Samurai, Red Beard, Kagemusha, High and Low, Yojimbo, Bad Sleep Well, Ikiru, Drunken Angel, Rashomon.

Unfortunately my favorite Kurosawa flick, Dersu Uzala, still hasn't been released on Criterion. Though one of their translators confirmed in 2004 that he had completed the work for it. I guess it's a matter of them working out the rights to the film. It was originally funded through the USSR in the 70s, so I bet that's REAL fun to license.

Ikiru so low on the list? And Rashomon your least favourite? With Dersu Uzala those are my top 3.
NightCrawler said:
Ikiru so low on the list? And Rashomon your least favourite? With Dersu Uzala those are my top 3.
Rashomon never grabbed my interest. I appreciate that it has a floating narrative perspective. But to me that was a gimmick that died early in the film. Ikiru is much the same way for me. I just don't see the same technical brilliance in those movies as I do in his others.

The Social Network - not too shabby, and I expected a little more seeing as it won a lot of nominations and awards. It could have been a bit grittier and I didn't know Timberlake was in this movie! When I look at actual videos of Zuckerberg and the rest of the cast, Timberlake doesn't look like he's twitchy all the time as Sean and Jesse's more of a pissed off Zuckerberg!

Speaking of Fincher I'm going to re-watch Zodiac now or cook.
I watched The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest last night. I enjoyed it a lot more than the second installment and felt very satisfied with how it ended. It's a shame that Larsson passed away before he could finish his series of Millennium novels. Now that I've seen the film versions, I can't wait to read the books.
Exit Through the Gift Shop - not only the best documentary of 2010, but probably the best movie too. I don't care if it's an elaborate hoax or not (it would have to be a massive one, but that's why people get suspicious about it, because it's so freaking flawless), it's still the most amazing tale on how trends work in popular culture, from being subversive to commercialism to self-parody.
Man on Wire, King of Kong, Anvil, Overnight, Grizzly Man, some of the best documentaries of the past years. Exit tops them all. See it.
I watched The Town on Sunday night. It was pretty well made, but I didn't like the ending or the main character all that much.
It just felt weird that Affleck's character gets away at the end of the film and winds up spending his days a free man down in Florida. Yeah, he's being hunted and didn't end up getting the girl, but it just felt wrong. He was a criminal who robbed banks and armored cars, as well as somebody who deceived a girl he messed up mentally. He just wasn't a good guy, no matter how hard he tried to be and yet he gets away and is allowed to redeem himself. I dunno, it just didn't sit right with me.
Rhombaad said:
I watched The Town on Sunday night. It was pretty well made, but I didn't like the ending or the main character all that much.
It just felt weird that Affleck's character gets away at the end of the film and winds up spending his days a free man down in Florida. Yeah, he's being hunted and didn't end up getting the girl, but it just felt wrong. He was a criminal who robbed banks and armored cars, as well as somebody who deceived a girl he messed up mentally. He just wasn't a good guy, no matter how hard he tried to be and yet he gets away and is allowed to redeem himself. I dunno, it just didn't sit right with me.

I had the same thoughts, and the more you think about this movie's plot details, the more you'll start to notice these things.
It's a cool movie, I was satisfied with the action scenes
(the car chase in particular)
, but they could have cut a lot of bullshit.
I think the relation between the two bank robber dudes was not so well constructed and took too long to explain; the scene where Ben Affleck asks Jeremy Renner's help to beat up the guys that tormented his girlfriend was a pretty dumb and unnecessary way to show us that Renner's character is a little insane... It's a lot like Gone Baby Gone: it's got a messy plot but great scenes.

Exit Through The Gift Shop is pretty great, probably last year's the best documentary, but I guess I didn't like it as much as Nightcrawler. Not even close to being the best movie of 2010 for me.
I think it's pretty clearly an elaborate hoax though? I mean, it's plain cartoonish when he becomes Mr. Brainwash.
Eluvei said:
Exit Through The Gift Shop is pretty great, probably last year's the best documentary, but I guess I didn't like it as much as Nightcrawler. Not even close to being the best movie of 2010 for me.
I think it's pretty clearly an elaborate hoax though? I mean, it's plain cartoonish when he becomes Mr. Brainwash.

The guy is like a Forret Gump type character, completely oblivious to everything. That's what makes it even more believable. The amount of stupid and moronic comments he makes throughout the doc. Specially in his recorded tapes. It's even more amazing when you have such a retarted dude narrating. I totally buy his life story and the way he compulsively films everything. Besides, the trailer for his horrible documentary dates from 2006 (it's online) and Mr. Brainwash has been on the street since 2007. Oh, and Space Invader has special thanks to Pierre (Mr. Brainwash) on his blog from the year 2000. So if it's a hoax, it's waaaaay too elaborate (and i doubt Pierre's on it, even if it's all Banksy manipulation, man it's just too much for that french fool).
"I'm not there" is a good example on how to make a bad faux-doc. And they tried it. I think Exit's story is just too good for conspiracy theorist to grab on. Just like 9/11 :P
But being a hoax or not isn't the point of it anyway. Far from it. It's such an immoral parable of the entertainment industry and the art scene in particular. I believe it's obligatory viewing for everyone interested in trends/hype/pop culture. It's better than most scripted films.
Anyway i think 2010 was a very forgettable year for movies.
I watched I'm Still Here the other night on Netflix. Anyone else see it? Joachim Phoenix man. I don't keep my finger on the pulse of celebrity-ness. Was this for real. Is Joachim really this delusional?
NightCrawler said:
The guy is like a Forret Gump type character, completely oblivious to everything. That's what makes it even more believable. The amount of stupid and moronic comments he makes throughout the doc. Specially in his recorded tapes. It's even more amazing when you have such a retarted dude narrating. I totally buy his life story and the way he compulsively films everything. Besides, the trailer for his horrible documentary dates from 2006 (it's online) and Mr. Brainwash has been on the street since 2007. Oh, and Space Invader has special thanks to Pierre (Mr. Brainwash) on his blog from the year 2000. So if it's a hoax, it's waaaaay too elaborate (and i doubt Pierre's on it, even if it's all Banksy manipulation, man it's just too much for that french fool).
"I'm not there" is a good example on how to make a bad faux-doc. And they tried it. I think Exit's story is just too good for conspiracy theorist to grab on. Just like 9/11 :P
But being a hoax or not isn't the point of it anyway. Far from it. It's such an immoral parable of the entertainment industry and the art scene in particular. I believe it's obligatory viewing for everyone interested in trends/hype/pop culture. It's better than most scripted films.
Anyway i think 2010 was a very forgettable year for movies.

I agree that it doesn't really matter if it's a mock or a documentary, but holy shit I had no idea about all that background info you mentioned. That makes the whole thing even more fascinating. One of the things that made me believe it was a hoax is that the faces of the people praising Mr. Brainwash, buying his shit and taking pictures with him weren't blurred or anything like that. It's basically ruining these morons' lives if it's all real. :ganishka: I hope the movie wins an Academy Award so Pierre gets to make an Oscar speech.
Oops. Mr. Brainwash's name is Thierry not Pierre. My bad.

And yeah. That's the big payoff. The suckers (i love that hipster chick on the gallery saying "art is all around us" :ganishka: with a condescending tone) buying into hype and literally spending thousands of dollars on "art" that's just copyed from the other street artists (that Thierry followed for years), and mostly photoshopped by his employees (even most of them say Thierry is a moron).
Like he said, he doesn't do anything, he just chooses mixed ideas from other pop/street art and tells his designers to make them. That scene with him being pushed on the wheelchair putting random bits of paint on large prints just to make each one personal is just hilarious. And when he talks about art to others... is unreal! The guy is as genuine as it gets. A complete tool. He even asks if those Lady Di notes are real money ahah.
Banksy saw his sincere retarded passion, maybe he exploited the idea, he's the real artist and doesn't care, but the way he presents this movie as a statement that all nu-art is hype and a backstab to all commercial bullshit is respectable.

Oh and Banksy made the doc, not Thierry. At first it was supposed to be that doc Thierry was trying to make about street artists. But then, since that one was an incoherent mess, Banksy decided to make the doc on Thierry, after all that happened. He had a little bit of trouble getting the tapes from Thierry, but besides that, Mr. Brainwash just loves talking about it all and being openly retarded. In the end, he cashed in and even made that stupid Madonna cover cd which is the same blonde wig shit he pasted in all the portraits :ganishka: Like i said, the dude is a real life Forrest Gump.
Banksy said that if he wins the Oscar he might personally accept it. I hope he wins. I want to see how he'll reveal himself.
NightCrawler said:
That scene with him being pushed on the wheelchair putting random bits of paint on large prints just to make each one personal is just hilarious. And when he talks about art to others... is unreal! The guy is as genuine as it gets.

Yeah this scene if brilliant. It's a perfect image of what the movie is all about.

NightCrawler said:
Oh and Banksy made the doc, not Thierry. At first it was supposed to be that doc Thierry was trying to make about street artists. But then, since that one was an incoherent mess, Banksy decided to make the doc on Thierry, after all that happened. He had a little bit of trouble getting the tapes from Thierry, but besides that, Mr. Brainwash just loves talking about it all and being openly retarded. In the end, he cashed in and even made that stupid Madonna cover cd which is the same blonde wig shit he pasted in all the portraits :ganishka: Like i said, the dude is a real life Forrest Gump.
Banksy said that if he wins the Oscar he might personally accept it. I hope he wins. I want to see how he'll reveal himself.

Oh, yeah I know it's Banksy's film, but for some reason I assumed he'd send Thierry to pick it up. It'll be great to see him there, though. Not sure if the Oscar assholes would give a street artist an award, but I'm hopeful.
Eluvei said:
Oh, yeah I know it's Banksy's film, but for some reason I assumed he'd send Thierry to pick it up. It'll be great to see him there, though. Not sure if the Oscar assholes would give a street artist an award, but I'm hopeful.

He'll probably get arrested like Polanski.
The guy has made a mark in almost every corner of the world, even the freaking West Bank. And where does he finally get into trouble? Fucking Disneyland! :ganishka: USA! USA!
Sorry for interrupting...

IncantatioN said:
The Social Network - not too shabby, and I expected a little more seeing as it won a lot of nominations and awards.

Pretty much, except I'd say "but I expected a little more" in light of its notoriety. It kind of meandered on and on and then abruptly ended for one thing, and the made up girl wasn't really worth making up as she was largely inconsequential to most of the movie, and thye more interesting issues at hand. It just seemed shoehorned in there to turn it into a simple parable. Truth is stranger than fiction, and as always I think just presenting the story as factually as possible would have been infinitely more compelling.

Ok, do continue, fellas. =)