New Readers (No Spoilers)

Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Th3Branded0ne said:
But let the best team win.
Or as Musashi, and perhaps Kobe, might contemplate, "Is there a winner?"


"Death... death... that's all... that's the only word I know."​
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Just placed my order through Amazon for volumes 5, 6 and 7. :guts:
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

That's awesome man, at this rate you'll be caught up in no time!
And how are the rest of our "new readers" doing their warrior journeys?
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

I ordered every single released Vagabond volumes (viz versions) from amazon 3 months ago, and read them all in 4 days as soon as I recieved them. Well, I was ill with a heavy throat infection, but that was a good thing since it gave me time to read Vagabond.
Simply amazing manga! My kid brother is 13 and he likes it even more than Berserrk!

Now I don't know if anybody has seen "Fighter in The Wind", but it kinda reminded me of the movie.

Can't wait to get volume 29!
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

theblackswordman said:
I ordered every single released Vagabond volumes (viz versions) from amazon 3 months ago, and read them all in 4 days as soon as I recieved them.

Whoa, a prodigy! :isidro: :guts:

theblackswordman said:
Well, I was ill with a heavy throat infection, but that was a good thing since it gave me time to read Vagabond.

Haha, cures what ails ya, also a good inspiration during exercise I've found, "Let me see if I can get as exhausted as Musashi
fighting 70 men!"

(I was thinking we should have a spoiler rating system, for example, that's a spoiler for anyone that hasn't read volume 25 yet, so maybe we should have a "25+" next to it indicating not to look unless you've read volume 25 or above?)

theblackswordman said:
Simply amazing manga! My kid brother is 13 and he likes it even more than Berserrk!

It even runs in the family, and that's pretty impressive considering how much broad appeal Berserk has in addition to the character/story stuff.

theblackswordman said:
Now I don't know if anybody has seen "Fighter in The Wind", but it kinda reminded me of the movie.

I haven't, but I'd like to see it if it reminds you of Vagabond. As with Berserk, I'm interested in all such film connections. By all means, make a thread about it for the Inn.

theblackswordman said:
Can't wait to get volume 29!

I was just re-reading it last night before bed, I don't think you'll be disappointed. Hope to see your insights and reactions in the new release threads to once you're fully caught up!
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

宮本 グリフィス said:
Whoa, a prodigy! :isidro: :guts:

"Once you pop, you can't stop" Right? In fact, I'm re-reading it from volume six now along with Berserk.
Btw Im also drawing Sasaki Kojiro, maybe I'll post it around here sometime.

宮本 グリフィス said:
Haha, cures what ails ya, also a good inspiration during exercise I've found, "Let me see if I can get as exhausted as Musashi
fighting 70 men!"

Yeah, I felt exactly like when I watch Zoros fights in One piece, "To face one who is extraordinary, I can't allow myself to be ordinary". :guts:

宮本 グリフィス said:
I was thinking we should have a spoiler rating system, for example, that's a spoiler for anyone that hasn't read volume 25 yet, so maybe we should have a "25+" next to it indicating not to look unless you've read volume 25 or above?

Good idea, neat things are happening right now..

宮本 グリフィス said:
It even runs in the family, and that's pretty impressive considering how much broad appeal Berserk has in addition to the character/story stuff.

I hear you, man. But 13, is a bit young don't you think? Berserk was the first real hardcore anime he watched.

宮本 グリフィス said:
I haven't, but I'd like to see it if it reminds you of Vagabond. As with Berserk, I'm interested in all such film connections. By all means, make a thread about it for the Inn.

There are a good deal of movies, anime and even books that reminds me of both Berserk and Vagabond. But I can't come of anything else at the moment, but will open a thread as soon as I remember more.

宮本 グリフィス said:
I was just re-reading it last night before bed, I don't think you'll be disappointed. Hope to see your insights and reactions in the new release threads to once you're fully caught up!

I will hold my breath at least until the end of this month, and enjoy reading it more than 10 minutes. (I regret that I read all Berserk episodes)
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

theblackswordman said:
I hear you, man. But 13, is a bit young don't you think? Berserk was the first real hardcore anime he watched.

Not for the anime, I don't think. The manga is written specifically for mature readers, though, so you may want to wait a few years before showing him any of it.

theblackswordman said:
(I regret that I read all Berserk episodes)

Why's that? Is it because of the 2-3 weeks you normally have to wait for an episode to be released? If so, it gets easier with time. I've been reading Berserk like this for over 5 years now and I'm pretty used to it.
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Rhombaad said:
Not for the anime, I don't think. The manga is written specifically for mature readers, though, so you may want to wait a few years before showing him any of it.

He has already read 3 volumes after Golden Age. But I sensed that he understands that it's not the right time for him to read it. He also play Berserk games on DC and PS2, but that is ok with me. What is not ok, is that he recently purchased Battle Royale, which he also shouldn't read.

Rhombaad said:
Why's that? Is it because of the 2-3 weeks you normally have to wait for an episode to be released? If so, it gets easier with time. I've been reading Berserk like this for over 5 years now and I'm pretty used to it.

No, not because of the waiting time, but having less Berserk material to read. So this time I won't read Berserk until new year (I also consider it a test). I did follow it episodically 2 years ago, but not anymore, I usually wait for 2 episodes. Except this time...
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

theblackswordman said:
"Once you pop, you can't stop" Right? In fact, I'm re-reading it from volume six now along with Berserk.

Oooh, that sounds interesting. I've never sat down and sort of read them side by side, except for the new episodes. A direct side-by-side comparative would be interesting.

theblackswordman said:
Btw Im also drawing Sasaki Kojiro, maybe I'll post it around here sometime.

Please do, that'd be great. Considering Musashi's affinity for the arts, both in Vagabond and in life, I'd love to get the creative juices flowing in here. Some sort of art section or thread ("Drawing with Water"? =) and maybe our own drawing board.

theblackswordman said:
Good idea, neat things are happening right now.

I wonder if there's a way to officially pull that off, like have a specific warning appear over the gray bar and disappear when you scroll over, or even go with click to reveal system... Wally? Aaz?

theblackswordman said:
I hear you, man. But 13, is a bit young don't you think? Berserk was the first real hardcore anime he watched.

I agree that's a bit young for either, but it's still impressive considering how cerebral Vagabond is.

theblackswordman said:
There are a good deal of movies, anime and even books that reminds me of both Berserk and Vagabond. But I can't come of anything else at the moment, but will open a thread as soon as I remember more.

Do as you like, but feel free to make one just about that movie. I'd like to hear more about it and why it reminds you of Vagabond. Maybe it'll spur the discussion about other media that reminds us of Vagabond and Berserk.

theblackswordman said:
I will hold my breath at least until the end of this month, and enjoy reading it more than 10 minutes. (I regret that I read all Berserk episodes)

To each his own, I actually really enjoy the wait and getting and analyzing the episodes individually piece by piece, though it seems I'm in the minority.

Rhombaad said:
Not for the anime, I don't think. The manga is written specifically for mature readers, though, so you may want to wait a few years before showing him any of it.

That's a good point actually, the anime isn't as explicit as the manga; still, I'd say it's also intended for mature audiences. I remember the first time I watched it was without subtitles and by the end I was spellbound. The eclipse ceremony was shocking, surreal, and mesmerizing to watch like that. I too felt like I had been transported to that frighteningly alien world.

theblackswordman said:
He has already read 3 volumes after Golden Age. But I sensed that he understands that it's not the right time for him to read it.

Again, his maturity is impressive. Most people of any age don't recognize such things at first glance.

theblackswordman said:
No, not because of the waiting time, but having less Berserk material to read. So this time I won't read Berserk until new year (I also consider it a test). I did follow it episodically 2 years ago, but not anymore, I usually wait for 2 episodes. Except this time...

It's a bit different with Vagabond though because he'll do 9 issues in 9 weeks and then you know you're in for a couple of months off before getting a similar bounty, so it's very much like getting a new volume anyway when it's time. You don't get it all at once, but you get a steady diet, so it just keeps you from reading it all in one sitting.
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Just picked up the first three 3-in-one volumes like CowTip did and really am most glad I have. This series really is quite amazing. Thank you guys for introducing me to this series (since it was you guys that brought this manga to my attention by having this sub-section. This is the only manga I'll be reading alongside Berserk (and it's shaping up to be competing with it too, maybe even surpassing it, *gasp* I know, I know...blasphemy).

Musashi is one truly well realised character all ready and I look forward to seeing what he is up to next, since things are really unpredictable (and judging by what Griffith said in a previous post to another person on here, things change again).
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Welcome to the Inn, Henry Spencer! I'm glad we could help bring Vagabond to your attention, that's the highest compliment you could pay us. Looking forward to hearing more from you as you progress through the series. It's the only one that can hold it's own next to Berserk for me as well, and no coincidence it's celebrated here next to Berserk, as it's no coincidence that Vagabond and Berserk were the winners at the same Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize ceremony. They obviously complement each other nicely, something I wrote a little about in the welcome/mission statement for this place:
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Henry Spencer said:
Musashi is one truly well realised character all ready and I look forward to seeing what he is up to next,

You'll be quite entertained by Mushi's adventures and also like Berserk, you will take the liking of other characters as well. *Slash*
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Volumes 5, 6 and 7 arrived this afternoon. I'm finishing up Berserk vol. 29 and I can't wait to read them. :serpico:
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Rhombaad said:
Volumes 5, 6 and 7 arrived this afternoon. I'm finishing up Berserk vol. 29 and I can't wait to read them. :serpico:

Tell us what you think of those fights and
Musashi's audacity to challenge the Yoshioka and Inshun.
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Hi there can someone give me an insight on what this manga is all about so far reading the threads about it looks pretty good to me but i would like to hear others thoughts of recommendation please :guts:
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

slan69 said:
Hi there can someone give me an insight on what this manga is all about so far reading the threads about it looks pretty good to me but i would like to hear others thoughts of recommendation please :guts:
We have an informational section of the forum just for questions like that:
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Th3Branded0ne said:
Tell us what you think of those fights and
Musashi's audacity to challenge the Yoshioka and Inshun.

I'm almost finished with vol. 7 and I think
Musashi is developing very nicely so far. In the period of less than two volumes he's gone from being this savage beast to this cool and collected guy when he faces off against Inshun the 2nd time. Inshun himself is an interesting character, too. When Musashi headbutted him twice and his face was all covered in blood, he was still smiling that damn smile of his. I can't wait to see how this 2nd encounter turns out!
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

slan69 said:
Hi there can someone give me an insight on what this manga is all about so far reading the threads about it looks pretty good to me but i would like to hear others thoughts of recommendation please :guts:

Welcome to the Inn slan, I do hope you'll make yourself at home. In addition to the technical information in the link Walter provided, here's a recommendation I wrote earlier. You can also find more thoughts and testimonials within this thread.

宮本 グリフィス said:
Vagabond is best in longform, and unlike Berserk I can't really think of a quick hook for it unless you're already interested in the subject matter. What I can tell you is that if you aren't quite into yet, it definitely keeps raising the bar as it goes along, I mean it doesn't just evolve, at a certain point it's like a revolution, in art, storytelling and message. To be honest, the Vagabond you're reading isn't on the level yet of what it will become, but, is a necessary part of that payoff, experiencing Musashi's physical and mental journey and transformation. In that sense, the story is almost a metaphor for itself; from a typical adolescent state, to something special and transcendent. You've only read about the first arc, which amounts to the exposition for everything that is to come on Musashi's journey and rematch with the Yoshioka; it's really just begun, and from there, the story, characters and philosophical aspects really start coming into better focus, which is the real the strength of the series, though the art and action only becomes stronger as it goes on as well. I can only tell you to stick with it, for it will be more rewarding than you can possibly foresee now.

Also, having a place to discuss and dissect these things can certainly makes it more stimulating, and that's what the Vagabond Inn was created for, so please feel encouraged to share your thoughts there and get some feedback.

Also, the Vagabond Inn Welcome message and mission statement:

宮本 グリフィス said:
Welcome to the Vagabond Inn.

The Inn was created to be a place, separate from the rest of and Berserk, dedicated to Inoue Takehiko's own manga masterpiece Vagabond. This is partly because some prominent members of this board are quite fond of Vagabond. The original cheeky tagline, "a place to cheat on your wife" comes from a joke between Walter and myself that if we're married to Berserk, then Vagabond is certainly our mistress. So, with that and the launch of this Vagabond-only board, naming it after the motel chain of the same name was irresistible. Though, our mutual fondness for Vagabond isn't why such special treatment has been afforded to it or why this place was created, but because Vagabond is a great work in its own right that deserves such a place. Basically, it's the only other work going on in the medium at Berserk's visual, literary, and overall artistic level. Berserk and Vagabond or Miura and Inoue go together like Guts and Griffith or Musashi and Kojiro, and it would truly be a shame if anybody with taste enough to enjoy Berserk missed out on the same experience with Vagabond. That is why this place was created; so, use it to its fullest potential, and read, discuss, and dissect Vagabond here as you would Berserk on the rest of

Also, some added incentive for the ladies, Sasaki Kojiro is quite the female fan favorite and stud. :carcus:

Rhombaad said:
I'm almost finished with vol. 7 and I think
Musashi is developing very nicely so far. In the period of less than two volumes he's gone from being this savage beast to this cool and collected guy when he faces off against Inshun the 2nd time. Inshun himself is an interesting character, too. When Musashi headbutted him twice and his face was all covered in blood, he was still smiling that damn smile of his. I can't wait to see how this 2nd encounter turns out!

Volume 7:
Yeah, that duel is really one of my early favorite moments, the first "spring time" of Musashi's development. I love that concept and metaphor as I think we've all experienced it when learning something new. The struggle before things start to click. The best part to me are the flashbacks of In'ei and Yagyu with their master Kami, and of course In'ei's words about how he screamed and rushed in, but really just wanted to throw down his spear and run away.
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

宮本 グリフィス said:
Volume 7:
Yeah, that duel is really one of my early favorite moments, the first "spring time" of Musashi's development. I love that concept and metaphor as I think we've all experienced it when learning something new. The struggle before things start to click. The best part to me are the flashbacks of In'ei and Yagyu with their master Kami, and of course In'ei's words about how he screamed and rushed in, but really just wanted to throw down his spear and run away.

I was really surprised at how Musashi broke down out of fear and actually ran from Inshun when he was on the verge of being killed. Inoue really conveyed Musashi's fear of Inshun, and death itself, during that first encounter, and while preparing for the next, so well.
To hear that the series only gets better as you go along has got me really excited.
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Rhombaad said:
I was really surprised at how Musashi broke down out of fear and actually ran from Inshun when he was on the verge of being killed. Inoue really conveyed Musashi's fear of Inshun, and death itself, during that first encounter, and while preparing for the next, so well.
To hear that the series only gets better as you go along has got me really excited.

Yeah, that part originally left me a little uncomfortable actually, like... it was just wrong! But I've come to cherish it and the character development that followed. Volume 5:
The depiction of fear itself was awesome
, and reminded me of the Beast of Shadow, though having this one behind you in a fight certainly isn't going to help you. =)

P.S. Trying out my "spoiler system" where I list the volume you should have read up to so as not to be spoiled. Let me know if it's workin' or if anyone has some tweaks?
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

宮本 グリフィス said:
Yeah, that part originally left me a little uncomfortable actually, like... it was just wrong! But I've come to cherish it and the character development that followed. Volume 5:
The depiction of fear itself was awesome
, and reminded me of the Beast of Shadow, though having this one behind you in a fight certainly isn't going to help you. =)

P.S. Trying out my "spoiler system" where I list the volume you should have read up to so as not to be spoiled. Let me know if it's workin' or if anyone has some tweaks?

It made me pretty uncomfortable, too. Volume 5:
It's tough seeing your protagonist resort to such dirty tactics as throwing dirt in your opponents face and refusing to admit that you were soundly beaten. That almost bothered me more than him running away. Fleeing the fight was shameful, but Musashi throwing dirt in Inshun's eyes in a tantrum because he refused to admit defeat was just awful.
The spoiler system looks good to me!
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

Rhombaad said:
It made me pretty uncomfortable, too. Volume 5:
It's tough seeing your protagonist resort to such dirty tactics as throwing dirt in your opponents face and refusing to admit that you were soundly beaten. That almost bothered me more than him running away. Fleeing the fight was shameful, but Musashi throwing dirt in Inshun's eyes in a tantrum because he refused to admit defeat was just awful.

Volume 6:
It almost worked though, haha! :ganishka: That's what was initially so shocking about that epic brawl, it kept looking like, and was my expectation, that Musashi would somehow miraculously pull it out, by dirty pool or otherwise, until Inshun just calmly and consistently countered every opportunity Musashi gave himself. It was like a clinic by the monk, totally breaking down and dominating Musashi,
and then that cliffhanger ending... When I saw what actually happened, I was as shocked as Musashi. =)
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

宮本 グリフィス said:
Please do, that'd be great. Considering Musashi's affinity for the arts, both in Vagabond and in life, I'd love to get the creative juices flowing in here. Some sort of art section or thread ("Drawing with Water"? =) and maybe our own drawing board.

Will post it as soon as my scanner's fixed :serpico:
I'm also drawing Miyamoto by hand
For some reason Sasaki Kojiro became my 1st favorite charcter, that's why I decided to draw him first. Please don't kill me.

宮本 グリフィス said:
Do as you like, but feel free to make one just about that movie. I'd like to hear more about it and why it reminds you of Vagabond. Maybe it'll spur the discussion about other media that reminds us of Vagabond and Berserk.

Done. It'd be great to discuss media that have a Vagabond touch in it, even if just a little. I also hope you guys have some advice on other movies I should see.

宮本 グリフィス said:
It's a bit different with Vagabond though because he'll do 9 issues in 9 weeks and then you know you're in for a couple of months off before getting a similar bounty, so it's very much like getting a new volume anyway when it's time. You don't get it all at once, but you get a steady diet, so it just keeps you from reading it all in one sitting.

I gues reading it episodically let's you understand the fact that the hero may or may not win/lose/die in the next battle or whatever, that's also the case with Berserk. But then again, I want to have a couple of chapters to read as I'm always craving for more everytime I finish reading one.
Re: New readers (use spoiler tags)

宮本 グリフィス said:
Welcome to the Inn slan, I do hope you'll make yourself at home. In addition to the technical information in the link Walter provided, here's a recommendation I wrote earlier. You can also find more thoughts and testimonials within this thread.

Also, the Vagabond Inn Welcome message and mission statement:

Also, some added incentive for the ladies, Sasaki Kojiro is quite the female fan favorite and stud. :carcus:

Volume 7:
Yeah, that duel is really one of my early favorite moments, the first "spring time" of Musashi's development. I love that concept and metaphor as I think we've all experienced it when learning something new. The struggle before things start to click. The best part to me are the flashbacks of In'ei and Yagyu with their master Kami, and of course In'ei's words about how he screamed and rushed in, but really just wanted to throw down his spear and run away.

Thank you very much for this, i will soon start to read Vagabond its the weekend anyways so might as well read some when i finally have the chance :guts: