No member of SKnet has given more to the community than @puella. Over the past 20 years, she has tirelessly provided us with titles, summaries and accurate translations of the episodes, among many others things. She also made our letter to Miura possible in 2009, by translating both our questions and his answers.
We set out to give a little back to her through a Patreon campaign back in 2014. It was met with strong support, and she has been deeply grateful for it. During that time, she's translated 33 episodes, seven interviews with Miura, and and is nearly done translating every single one of his 350 comments in Young Animal.
But the Patreon model has evolved since those early days and now typically incorporates exclusive rewards and early access content. So we (Walter and Aazealh) felt the need to also step up our game—both as our own show of support to Puella and to provide more incentives for those generous souls who chip in every month. Which brings us to the big news.
We've recently revamped the Patreon subscriber tiers and added a series of new, ongoing bonus perks for each level.
You get access to exclusive translations of Miura's interviews, in addition to unique Berserk tidbits that include explanations about emblematic Japanese words used in Berserk, glimpses at rare art and merchandise, insights on the series we don't typically post, and behind-the-scenes details and as well as stories of the forum's past. They're posted weekly and 20 are already available.
In addition to the Bronze tier rewards, you unlock access to our exclusive mini-podcasts (~30 minutes long) featuring Walter and Aazealh, with one new episode created each month.
The mini-podcast lineup so far includes:
Mini-Podcast 1: Reactions Over the Years
Mini-Podcast 2: Drunk Podcast
Mini-Podcast 3: A Day in the Life of a SKnet Admin
Mini-Podcast 4: Griffith's tactics during the Golden Age
Gold tier subscribers receive early access (months in advance) to Puella's exclusive translations. They're posted every other week-end. They also get to vote on what to prioritize. Lastly, these subscribers get a mention at the end of every SkullKast episode we record (but can opt-out if they prefer) to show who it is that helps this kind of work become a reality. And they get all the perks from lower tiers as well.
Of course, besides these tier rewards, Puella will keep translating Berserk episodes on the forum as they come out, thanks to the support of those patrons. And we're keeping a stretch goal where if we exceed $400 per month, she will be posting new translations from Miura's interviews every week. Few know it, but he's given over 25 of them over the years!
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