Random thoughts about the Dragon Slayer


Foolish king
Does the name of Guts' iconic weapon hide something that we still need to discover? Was the weapon crafted for a specific target that still has to come, apart from actual... dragons?
We've never seen an actual dragon cross Guts' path (apart from Grunbeld, which technically isn't a dragon...), and - if I'm not wrong - dragons appear in Berserk world when the Fantasia arc begins.

Dragons are anyway mentioned in the "Road/Path of Dragons" in ep. 345, as direct paths to the deepest part of the Astral World. Thinking about a connection to the Dragon Slayer and the Path of Dragons is a stretch or can the sword have a use in that scenario?
Dragons are anyway mentioned in the "Road/Path of Dragons" in ep. 345, as direct paths to the deepest part of the Astral World. Thinking about a connection to the Dragon Slayer and the Path of Dragons is a stretch or can the sword have a use in that scenario?

I think it's a stretch. The origin of the sword's name is known to us from volume 14, when Godot directly explains it to Rickert. There's no ulterior meaning to it. That being said, I think it's a given Miura would have worked in a reference at some point, either with Grunbeld or an actual dragon (or both, why not). I'd have loved to see that, as I'm sure it'd have been cool and/or funny.