Episode 1: http://skullknight.net/podcast/Podcast1.mp3
I gathered Aazealh and Griffith to talk about recent Berserk news, including Episode 326, the newest footage from the Berserk Saga project, and all sorts of other stuff that happened to cross our minds while talking. We'd never actually had a group chat like this before, in all our years working together, so some funny stuff comes up as a result of that.
Some small technical issues aside, this first episode went by very smoothly, and we all had a lot of fun recording it. We used Skype for this recording, and it was a trial run in terms of audio leveling. I hope the sound quality doesn't cause any headaches. I know it's low at some points, and high in others. But I'll make sure that isn't an issue on future episodes.
I think the plan is to do another episode of this once Ep. 327 lands and we have more to talk about. I intend to implement some Q+A from the forum for a section on the podcast. I'll also be having some other forum members as guests on the show in the future. I hope you guys enjoy, and please give me some feedback on what you'd like to see moving forward.
Episode 1 Notes:
- Who you are
- Roles on SKnet
- How long following series
Berserk News
- 326
- Perspective break after the Sea God section?
- Talk about this Chapter so far
- Rest of volume predictions (327-333)
Anime Project launch weekend
- 10 minute impressions?
- Miura's involvement
- Good or Bad for Berserk overall?
- Movie Project VS Anime Series
Off Topic
- What've you been playing/watching/reading?
- Contacting Skully
- What's next for podcast?
Next episode: Tentatively Feb. 12.
Subject: God Hand; Ep. 327
Guest: Gobulatula
The SkullKast is now available on iTunes or any other Podcast program, by subscribing to: http://skullknight.net/podcast/rss.xml