There is certainly no shortage of Berserk-related topics. But not all lend themselves to good, entertaining discussions for all listeners. I've learned that there's a delicate balance to keeping these discussions open enough that they move naturally without any dead air, while at the same time not making the show so structured that it stifles the tangents that come from any good conversation (see Episode 2).
So it's not enough to just say "merchandise" is the topic of the day, because that alone doesn't lend itself naturally to talking points. Off the top of my head that would involve a listing of merchandise that we all own and maybe stories about how we acquired them. That doesn't exactly stir my soul. I'm also not sure that I have much to say on the subject other than, "Boy, Art of War's faces sure do suck." I could of course bring in an expert guest like DirectDK, but then Griff and I—merch outsiders—would just be flies on the wall throwing in the occasional, "Yep."
Regarding the Berserk games, I've considered it, I just don't think there's enough to say about them (the PS2 game in particular) without it feeling like we'd be giving a book report on the subject, rather than talking about the subject naturally. Also given that none of us (I think) have played either game in years, I'm not sure what we have to say would be very insightful since we'd be pulling from a distant memory. We could certainly try it, but in my head it's only going to last 15-20 minutes or so.
I'm up for any Berserk subject that's interesting and versatile enough to sustain conversation over the course of an hour or so. But selecting the right topic is trickier than you might think.