Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 2

m said:
I enjoyed the podcast but I think I enjoyed the first one better, I guess I prefer the laid back version of the show. Looking forward to the next one.
I understand. It's a choice we made this time of having a ton of topics, but not a lot of time to discuss each one. Turns out most of us enjoy having more time and less topics. That's what we'll be doing in the future.

...I found the sound of typing during the podcast a bit off-putting.
Well, that's unfortunate. I hope you guys understand that we're still bending out all the kinks in this production. The process will be refined over time.

I have a question for Walter. It seems to me that you referred to Griffith (the admin) as Griffin at least twice during the podcast (one of them at 53:59 if I'm not mistaken). The difference between the way you call Griffith the character and Griffith the admin seemed very clear to me. Was this really so? If so, may I ask why? Sometimes I'm amazed at the things that catch my attention. :farnese:
Like Dark said earlier, you're probably hearing "Griff and Gobs" as "Griffin Gobs."
After a computer crash, I've finally gotten to listen to it and I've gotta say, it was great. These discussions really interest me, long live Skull Knight :badbone:
Turkitage said:
I won't lie. That re-read section gave me chills about the thoughts/theories of what could Charlotte do in the future, etc.

That was also my favorite part of the show. Actually, I thought myself about this possibility when Owen exchanged some words with Guts (in volume 30). I really think it kind of clearly leading to that future event.
Though, i'm pretty convinced there's gonna be ''another step'' in that direction, before this event occurs.
I always thought it will be great for Charlotte and other Midland officials see Guts oppose Griffith. However I never thought that the whole break-in scene could happen again in a similar manner. That would be amazing.

Other interactions I am looking forward to that you guys didn't mention is between Sonia/Mule and Schierke/Isidro.
Walter said:
Well, that's unfortunate. I hope you guys understand that we're still bending out all the kinks in this production. The process will be refined over time.

I understand, I just thought I should mention it. These podcasts have been very good already and there's no doubt in my mind that they will only get better. :serpico:

Walter said:
Like Dark said earlier, you're probably hearing "Griff and Gobs" as "Griffin Gobs."

:farnese: :farnese:
I finally had some time in my hands, so i was able to listen to the podcast. I loved it, thank you for all the work guys. I laughed out a couple of times, especially when Aaz said "not surprising ... to ME" and Griff said that he was in the closet covered with a blanket. :ganishka: I can't wait for the next one !
We'll be recording the third podcast on Sunday, and it should go up later that day as usual.

Our re-read section this week will focus on Volume 17's three-part "Revelations" episodes (Eps 126-128), covering the collective dreams everyone has of the Falcon of Light. So if you want to follow along, you have some homework to do! :void:
This will be great! I look forward to the next podcast. Should we post more questions or will you guys answer some questions left from the episode 1 thread? :???:
How has Berserk effected your outlook on art, or standards? Do you make comparisons to Berserk or is it separate from all else to you, in terms of quality, depth, personal value,etc.

What moments from the manga, do you look forward to seeing animated in the anime project? Moments from future arcs, or moments cut from the original TV series. I for one get excited over the thought of Lord Mozgus in animated form.

I'm a little tired, so I might have phrased myself wrong, if so, sorry. :void:
Leith reminded me of a question I wanted to ask: Did you/do you consider yourself a fan of anime or manga in general before you were introduced to Berserk? If yes, has Berserk's stellar quality made it difficult for you to appreciate other series? If you weren't/aren't a fan of the medium in general, how did Berserk hook you?
Thanks guys. Hey we're also seeking a name for the podcast. One floating around right now is SkullCast. Thoughts, suggestions?
I like SkullCast. Or if you want it to be more blatantly associated with Berserk, how about Black Sun Over Midland: The Radio Show? :troll:
I like "Skullknight.NET Podcast." :griffnotevil: Brand unity and all that.

Unless you spell cast with a K in "SkullKast." SOLD! :badbone:
Skullcast has a nice ring to it, sure. But hey, what about... SCHNOZcast? :schnoz: :badbone: Huh? Huh?

Actually, nevermind, that's a terrible idea. Don't do that.

On another note, the recent string of questions has given me one to ask, too: are there any other manga series that you're enjoying at the moment? Are there any that you'd recommend to the Berserk community?
Walter said:
We'll be recording the third podcast on Sunday, and it should go up later that day as usual.

Our re-read section this week will focus on Volume 17's three-part "Revelations" episodes (Eps 126-128), covering the collective dreams everyone has of the Falcon of Light. So if you want to follow along, you have some homework to do! :void:

Excellent. Love those episodes. I actually was reading some older threads not too long ago. In the episode 230 thread, when Ganishka was first introduced and all we see is his silhouette, people were wildly speculating on who it was. Griffith mentioned that it could be the mysterious figure we saw in "Revelations 2" when the Kushan are invading Midland and we see a mysterious figure on top an elephant. I never caught that and it's just one of those things that blew my mind, that Miura once again hinted at the character years in advance.

I too like Skullkast.
Griffith said:
I like "Skullknight.NET Podcast." :griffnotevil: Brand unity and all that.

Unless you spell cast with a K in "SkullKast." SOLD! :badbone:
S O L D :ubik:

Grail said:
are there any other manga series that you're enjoying at the moment? Are there any that you'd recommend to the Berserk community?
That's one of the questions we've been asked already, but since it's been asked twice now I think it'll definitely get an answer this time. It might be brief though :badbone:
Pod of the Falcons
Pod Hand
Hanafubuku Ohcast
Clive Barker's : Clive Barkast
Skullkast it is