Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 33


Staff member

(Cover art by vee209)
Episode 33 (04/14/2013): Ganishka

The group talks about our favorite widemouthed emperor, Ganishka. We also discuss the state of Berserk in the USA, and the release of Volume 37.

Podcast Notes:
0:00:30 Whoops -- Episode 33, actually!
0:01:01 "Me llamo Moses."
0:02:00 Aaz' Weekend
0:11:50 Dark Horse's Predicament (thread we mention)
0:34:25 Ganishka
1:21:36 Volume 37
1:43:40 Video Games (FarCry 3: Blood Dragon, Shovel Knight, Dark Souls II, Metal Gear Solid V)
* Blood Dragon Trailer:
* Shovel Knight Trailer:
* Dark Souls II Trailer:
* Metal Gear Solid V GDC Trailer:
Aaz: ...I'd probably get raped by every random guy.
Walter: That sounds pretty hot.

Great podcast so far, guys. I'll comment more once I hear the rest. I just wanted to point out how much I enjoyed this line.
Ganishka wad a Good addition to the series. Showed that not all apostles were just riding along with the God Hand . He had no chance, but still try to do things in his own way . Interesting monsters too.
Just to give you guys a head's up, the picture link is connected to podcast 32 instead of 33.

It really bums me out to think about the state of manga sales in the US, especially for Berserk. I also noticed inside my Berserk movie DVD it comes with an insert promoting the Dark Horse manga, yet we know folks new to the series are going to have hard time finding volumes. Every Barns and Nobles I've checked has never sold Berserk to my knowledge, and their manga section in general is dwindling. I know I've said this in a prior thread but it still saddens me when I think about how I've gone to conventions, seeing a lot of fans that have such passion for anime/manga cosplaying and such, then to find out when asked about DVDs or comics they scoff at the thought of purchasing. I guess I shouldn't be surprised...

Thanks for the insight with Ganishka!
tama chan said:
Just to give you guys a head's up, the picture link is connected to podcast 32 instead of 33.
Thanks, fixed. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed, which updates and downloads the new episodes automatically:

I know I've said this in a prior thread but it still saddens me when I think about how I've gone to conventions, seeing a lot of fans that have such passion for anime/manga cosplaying and such, then to find out when asked about DVDs or comics they scoff at the thought of purchasing. I guess I shouldn't be surprised...
Pretty revolting indeed...
The news of Dark Horse's plight is pretty hard evidence that a series really can't live without fans who are responsible in how they support it.
Lucky that I live in Portland, no problem finding Berserk here. Even still I can only recall Borders having Berserk in stock and they've closed up.
Great podcast, guys.

I feel like Ganishka was a character I found myself gradually appreciating more and more over time. Definitely kind of an underdog. There've been a handful of apostles who I've ended up feeling bad for and somehow, despite what he did to all those women, Miura made him out to be a sympathetic character in the end.
Shueisha actually opened the gate to a simultaneous release between Japan (printed) and the US (digital) at the beginning of the year.
Ganishka was a really cool character. Gut's fight with him led to one of the coolest moments in the series for me. Guts and Zodd working together and the dialogue between the two of them both before and after.

Also Barnes and Nobles does carry Berserk in their stores. If I ever went into a big book store it was usually a Boarders, but when my local one closed down a couple of years ago I went to a Barnes and Nobles. They had the first few volumes on their shelf. I have only been back a couple of times since then, but I don't remember if there was any Berserk on the shelf.
Johnstantine said:
Shueisha actually opened the gate to a simultaneous release between Japan (printed) and the US (digital) at the beginning of the year.
Could we ... have some more information?

Bender said:
Also Barnes and Nobles does carry Berserk in their stores. If I ever went into a big book store it was usually a Boarders, but when my local one closed down a couple of years ago I went to a Barnes and Nobles. They had the first few volumes on their shelf. I have only been back a couple of times since then, but I don't remember if there was any Berserk on the shelf.
That's surprising to me. I'm not doubting you, but since DH began printing Berserk, I've looked for it whenever I happen to visit one of their stores, and across the East Coast, I've never once seen Berserk on their shelves.

They do sell it online though. Volume 14 can be had for the low price of $65, used!
Walter said:
That's surprising to me. I'm not doubting you, but since DH began printing Berserk, I've looked for it whenever I happen to visit one of their stores, and across the East Coast, I've never once seen Berserk on their shelves.

They do sell it online though. Volume 14 can be had for the low price of $65, used!

It might have been a special order or a temporary thing, because I also had never seen it on a B&N shelf before. And I am not even sure if they still do.
I found copies at Barnes & Noble when Dark Horse first started releasing the series in English, but they were eventually removed, and I never saw them there again.
Rhombaad said:
I found copies at Barnes & Noble when Dark Horse first started releasing the series in English, but they were eventually removed, and I never saw them there again.

I lucked out. Bought all mine when Borders was going out of business. Got them for a steal.
I really missed an opportunity for a joke during the Ganishka talk about impregnating Charlotte ... imagine bringing the big guy up on the stage of Maury Povich for a DNA test... NOT THE FATHER of Daka. :ganishka: :ganishka:
Great podcast guys, I enjoyed the Ganishka talk.

On the Ganishka potentially impregnating Charllote subject, it also begs the question of what kind of offspring all the women that either had sex or were raped by Wyald (if they weren't killed afterwards) would have. Perhaps a kid with a very deep astral connection?

Another piece of information that could also indicate that the captive Wyndham woman were likely impregnated by Kushan soldiers is the fact that, consistent with what happens when a normal apostle transformed using a beherit dies, after some time the Daka (as well as the Makara) also return to their original/normal forms (human for Daka and a normal whale for the Makara). Owen states that the dead and untransformed Daka looked like ordinary kushan soldiers in the aftermath of the first kushan invasion of Vrtannis.
Arvin said:
Great podcast guys, I enjoyed the Ganishka talk.

On the Ganishka potentially impregnating Charllote subject, it also begs the question of what kind of offspring all the women that either had sex or were raped by Wyald (if they weren't killed afterwards) would have. Perhaps a kid with a very deep astral connection?
I dunno, I think the fact that Ganishka had to go through extra means to create an apostle-human hybrid implies that apostle-human mating isn't viable for offspring.

Owen states that the dead and untransformed Daka looked like ordinary kushan soldiers in the aftermath of the first kushan invasion of Vrtannis.
That's a good point, and one I definitely forgot about during the show. That being said, it's not very revealing of their nature. They're still demon-human hybrids, but their demon aspect is stripped away, just like apostles.