Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 4

I wonderd if you guys ever plan to reread vol 28.
i especialy like the part where serpico and isidro are talking about the band of the hawk and guts just keeps his mouth shut. It makes you realy proud of Guts in a weird way.
Man, you guys discussing the series like this really is a dream come true. Needless to say, you guys really really know your shit. I can't wait to hear the rest of the "Skull Knight" discussion.
Here's a thought for Sunday's SK discussion. Kind of a long question:

In the conviction arc, Skull Knight says he's heading to Albion seeking an apostle, namely the Behilit Apostle, presumably to kill it. As mentioned in the previous pod cast, SK rarely makes much effort to hunt down individual apostles, and rather appears at junction points. So was he seeking to prevent the incarnation? And if so, can we explain how or why he failed to kill the Behelit Apostle on several occasions. SK is typically unparalleled in combat and Behelit apostle didn't seem to be that special as far as fighting is concerned. Do you think he intentionally let the ceremony occur? Perhaps to bring Femto onto the material plane where he'd theoretically be vulnerable?
ApostleBob said:
Here's a thought for Sunday's SK discussion. Kind of a long question:

In the conviction arc, Skull Knight says he's heading to Albion seeking an apostle, namely the Beherit Apostle, presumably to kill it. As mentioned in the previous pod cast, SK rarely makes much effort to hunt down individual apostles, and rather appears at junction points. So was he seeking to prevent the incarnation? And if so, can we explain how or why he failed to kill the Beherit Apostle on several occasions. SK is typically unparalleled in combat and Beherit apostle didn't seem to be that special as far as fighting is concerned. Do you think he intentionally let the ceremony occur? Perhaps to bring Femto onto the material plane where he'd theoretically be vulnerable?
We'll touch on this in the next podcast, so it doesn't really work as a question. But I think there's a pretty simple answer: SK did try to kill the Beherit Apostle, but his "sword hesitated," and he sensed that this might not be the right time to kill him.
What scene has stuck with you the most? Not necessarily your favorite scene, just one you cant forget. For example, mine was the shot of Casca under the waterfall after the Eclipse, that still hasn't left me to this day.
Going through all the podcasts again because why the hell not, the podcast is brilliant.

Regarding the Skullknight armor and I am sure this has been discussed before but anyways, if Gaiseric did wear the Berserker armor for several hundreds of years is it not possible all his flesh was consumed but his skeleton stayed intact and the armor slowly sculpted his skeleton into the armor shape? Essentially fusing armor and bone together, so in a way it would be his bones/skeleton.

I do not have the volumes with me here so cannot check up on anything Flora says about the armor etc but thought I would share my theory.
asic said:
Going through all the podcasts again because why the hell not, the podcast is brilliant.

Great to hear you're perusing the old ones. We hit some big topics really early on, and then we slowed down to ensure we didn't miss stuff.

Regarding the Skullknight armor and I am sure this has been discussed before but anyways, if Gaiseric did wear the Berserker armor for several hundreds of years is it not possible all his flesh was consumed but his skeleton stayed intact and the armor slowly sculpted his skeleton into the armor shape? Essentially fusing armor and bone together, so in a way it would be his bones/skeleton.

If that were the case, and his skeleton somehow magically fused with the armor, then what is Guts wearing now?

Anyway, the armor SK wears isn't an actual skeleton, but an armor fashioned to look like a skeleton. You can see hinges, bolts, etc. It also doesn't resemble the Berserk Armor at all.
Well according to my expert research :troll: I just mean that when they finally did remove the Berserker armor it had changed his skeleton so much that it imitated the armor, it completely changed his bone structure to fit the armor better when he ran out of flesh, that would explain why there are hinges and bolts etc. You could argue the Berserker armor had the skull shape when Gut's first put it on cause that was the last face which influenced it, which could mean that at the time when they took off the armor he was already 100% bones.

I know my theory is total crap hehe I was trying to rationalize why people would say that it's his skeleton and not armor (you guys talk about that at the end of the podcast). I am in the same boat as you guys, his armor is not the remnants of the Berserker armor or his bones but just an armor fashioned to look like a skeleton.
asic said:
I just mean that when they finally did remove the Berserker armor it had changed his skeleton so much that it imitated the armor, it completely changed his bone structure to fit the armor better when he ran out of flesh, that would explain why there are hinges and bolts etc.

That doesn't make any sense no matter how you look at it...

asic said:
You could argue the Berserker armor had the skull shape when Guts first put it on cause that was the last face which influenced it

The armor doesn't reflect the "face" of its wearer but something more abstract, hence why it's taken on the form of the Beast of Darkness for Guts.
Aazealh said:
That doesn't make any sense no matter how you look at it...

Well if the armor is magical and can warp the skeleton frame to fit the armor surface that could make sense. Eventually the skeleton would have indentation of the armor layout. Like how play dough fills in crevasses or a mold.

Anyways I was just writing for fun and trying to play around with the concept of the armor. I am aware that the armor does not reflect the face of the user.
I understand you're merely entertaining an idle notion, but since you're still insisting on it, I feel obligated to point out the flaws.

asic said:
Well if the armor is magical and can warp the skeleton frame to fit the armor surface that could make sense. Eventually the skeleton would have indentation of the armor layout. Like how play dough fills in crevasses or a mold.
What you're proposing would require the bones to be expanded and crafted. But all we've seen the armor do is jab spikes into bones to keep them supporting the user's frame. It'd be a huge logical leap to assume there's some secondary/tertiary function of the armor to shape bones into armor pieces, and even overlapping plates, with spikes that would have extended beyond the armor... It doesn't really make a lot of sense.

Then there's the issue of the user being fleshless, just bones. How would that work? Is his brain still there? If so, where's the blood coming from? It's just all pretty out there.
Walter said:
I understand you're merely entertaining an idle notion

Yeah I was simply bored at work and no one else to talk Berserk with while listening to the podcast. I miss the chat room.

Aazealh said:

:serpico: I'll see myself out thank you