Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 41


Staff member

Episode 41 (01/12/2014): GIGANTOMAKHIA [4]

Goura appears! We're exuberant over the climax in Gigantomakhia. We also dissect Berserk Volume 3—one of the most important in the series. The nature of apostles, the Vortex, the God Hand, and many other key elements of Berserk are fully explored. Don't miss it.

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Thanks for the podcast guys, insightful discussions about both series. I still have to pick up the last Gigantomakhia issue but spoiled it for myself regardless.

Very cool discussion about the Godhand and Void, it's fun listening to you guys or Walter like geek out like that.

You know, that panel of the Count and his wife, I always thought it was his apostle form devouring his wife because of the shading of his apostle form and the shading on those tentacles. After listening to you guys I went back to Vol 2 for his design and 3 and yeah, it doesn't look like that's him at the same time it sort of does, intriguing.

After the Godhand are gone, what do you think causes just the Beherit and Dragonslayer to sort of bounce (like land from a fall) or Guts did too but we don't get to see it? Is it because Guts lands on a different surface with the arm-canon's recoil?

I read up the first 3 volumes for the podcast and quickly noticed Vol 3 is the first time we see Puck transform aka the squirrel and we also get to see Miura draw Guts in that horrific full of rage sort of style on back to back pages right before he's about to stab the decapitated count and while he's stabbing him.

"He's so ugly, he's gotta go to hell" - Griffith on Vargas, brilliant haha!

What's your favorite cover from the first 3 volumes?
IncantatioN said:
After the Godhand are gone, what do you think causes just the Beherit and Dragonslayer to sort of bounce (like land from a fall) or Guts did too but we don't get to see it? Is it because Guts lands on a different surface with the arm-canon's recoil?

Guts is a human being made of flesh. He would not rebound, absorbing the shock instead. However a hard object like a stone or a slab of metal would. Furthermore, Guts fell first, and we don't get to see it from that angle.
Aaah, thanks for clarifying that.

Did you guys watch The Hobbit 2 in 3D? I might check it out soon. Think I'll re-watch the first one to jog my memory, I remember feeling it was too long with not a lot happening.
IncantatioN said:
Thanks for the podcast guys, insightful discussions about both series. I still have to pick up the last Gigantomakhia issue but spoiled it for myself regardless.
You can just skip the parts you don't want to be spoiled on. As always, we record with the assumption that people listening to the podcast are up to date on the latest stuff.

Very cool discussion about the Godhand and Void, it's fun listening to you guys or Walter like geek out like that.
Volume 3 is just one of those special, jam-packed volumes. So it's bound to happen every now and then. Just wait for Volume 10. :badbone:

You know, that panel of the Count and his wife, I always thought it was his apostle form devouring his wife because of the shading of his apostle form and the shading on those tentacles. After listening to you guys I went back to Vol 2 for his design and 3 and yeah, it doesn't look like that's him at the same time it sort of does, intriguing.
Of course we've looked closely at the image, but I think it's evidentially inconclusive. I still gravitate toward it being the Vortex. (I should make a Vortex emoticon! Maybe not...)

What's your favorite cover from the first 3 volumes?
Uhhhh, 1 I guess?
Walter said:
You can just skip the parts you don't want to be spoiled on. As always, we record with the assumption that people listening to the podcast are up to date on the latest stuff.
Sure thing. I meant to say that I couldn't hold back and spoiled myself with the podcast without the latest Gigantomakhi episode in hand in the same way as grabbing a slice of thick chocolate cake after lunch this afternoon (haven't been swimming =_=' so I shouldn't be eating that). Every time a new podcast drops it's a massive treat like a cool present. So thanks guys for the time and effort.

Of course we've looked closely at the image, but I think it's evidentially inconclusive. I still gravitate toward it being the Vortex. (I should make a Vortex emoticon! Maybe not...)
Unique idea or of the Count (eating a soldier whole with his mouth wide open haha)! I thought of a Vargas emoticon but spat out my water thinking of what Griffith said. Poor Vargas.

I recently got an app on my phone that lets me download podcasts, going to re-visit the Skull Knight ones for clues on why we don't get to see him crash the party in Volume 3. We see him help Guts in his encounters with the Godhand. He's perhaps held up by Zodd or it's something else.
IncantatioN said:
Every time a new podcast drops it's a massive treat like a cool present. So thanks guys for the time and effort.

Yes, seriously I insist to thank you guys for producing such excellent Berserk podcasts :ubik: . The dissecting of the volumes turns out to be very entertaining and informative. It was a great idea that the community had and I'm just glad that you guys dove right into it. I also think that Walter deserves even more praise for making everything work in such a nice way. I like how the three of you each bring something unique to the podcasts. Walter being the facilitator (while of course having interesting observations and ideas), Aaz the insightful encyclopedic brain (that's a compliment by the way) and Griff always coming up with welcomed jokes and cool comments. So thanks again for all this entertainment and I hope more will come! :badbone:
Great podcast! I also love the page of the Count's dead body sprawled out in the moonlight, something about the picture is very haunting.
Love hearing y'all talk about the older volumes in this reread. I'm going to have to go back myself now (when I finally get a chance to read for pleasure again that is).

I especially love the Black Swordsman subject matter. Almost seems like it never gets any love anymore, and it's great getting some more discussion out of it.

Keep it up!