Skullknight.NET Podcast: Episode 43


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Episode 43 (03/02/2014): GIGANTOMAKHIA [6]

Now celebrating 3 years of podcasting, the crew kicks off the show with a review of the "final" issue of Gigantomakhia; reflecting on the impact of the series and where it could go from here. In our Berserk re-read, we've reached Volume 5, and we spend a lot of time dissecting Guts and Casca's roles in the Falcons and, of course, Zodd's memorable entrance to the series.

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Aazealh telling Walter to go fuck himself after Walter mentions how Guts' approach to Zodd reminds him of Metal Gear Solid is one of the funniest things I've heard in a while. I love you guys.
Rhombaad said:
Aazealh telling Walter to go fuck himself after Walter mentions how Guts' approach to Zodd reminds him of Metal Gear Solid is one of the funniest things I've heard in a while. I love you guys.

Hehe, yeah. Here's a clip of the scene I was referencing:
I also thought that Griffith didn't notice how familiar he acted with Guts, but then I thought about what Judo said about Griffith seeming child-like at times. Maybe I too came to the conclusion of Griffith being blind to his vulnerability around Guts because we have never seen Griffith interact with anyone else like that before. That along with Casca's comments of him never showing that kind of interest in anybody else. It shows some kind of preferential treatment but only because its the only instance we have.
Rhombaad said:
Aazealh telling Walter to go fuck himself after Walter mentions how Guts' approach to Zodd reminds him of Metal Gear Solid is one of the funniest things I've heard in a while. I love you guys.

Truth is though, once he mentioned the part with the dead bodies in the corridor I could totally see it. Wouldn't surprise me if that scene in the game had indeed been inspired by that part of the manga.

Gobolatula said:
What a fantastic podcast. You three are great. I can't get enough of your Berserk reread series. MORE! <3

Thanks! Thanks to all our fans! :iva:
Tuned into this one because I read Gigantomakhia 6. Funny podcast and good volume 5 analysis. Since I don't want to bump the other podcast threads, I'll just say that the Casca podcast was very very good.. The discussion about the dynamics of Guts' group when Casca regains her mind really made me think about the direction Berserk is heading. Very awesome stuff guys.. The Farnese/Azan/Serpico podcast was also fun to listen to, but my favorite is probably the Skull Knight cast and the Schierke Isidro podcast. I hope you guys can continue the character analysis after these volume rereads. I'm really excited to listen to the "Guts Band" podcast! :) Please keep it up, you guys rock!
Thanks for another great podcast.

I'm glad you guys pointed out how detailed the wide shots of some of the kingdoms are, I never looked that closely but it is amazing to see some of those sections used in the manga later, and how much consistency Miura provides with his storytelling. I always love the episode with the introduction to Zodd and Guts walking through the dark hallway leading up to it. It still gives me chills seeing how haunting that is.

I did have one question, and I think you guys may have mentioned it before in one of the earlier podcasts but I can't seem to find it; the volumes before this have a few pages (usually at the beginning of a episode) that are very dark. It's mostly in volumes 1-3. Is this just my Dark Horse ones and they way they printed them, or is there a reason for this? Thank you!

It was fun reading Gigantomakhia and I hope it comes out over here in the states. I thought it was pretty creative and was interesting to read something besides Berserk from Miura.
Slime_Beherit said:
I also thought that Griffith didn't notice how familiar he acted with Guts, but then I thought about what Judo said about Griffith seeming child-like at times. Maybe I too came to the conclusion of Griffith being blind to his vulnerability around Guts because we have never seen Griffith interact with anyone else like that before. That along with Casca's comments of him never showing that kind of interest in anybody else. It shows some kind of preferential treatment but only because its the only instance we have.

Well, like I said on the pod, I think you can already see it there without being presumptuous, and Casca's own analysis then and throughout support that interpretation.

tama chan said:
I did have one question, and I think you guys may have mentioned it before in one of the earlier podcasts but I can't seem to find it; the volumes before this have a few pages (usually at the beginning of a episode) that are very dark. It's mostly in volumes 1-3. Is this just my Dark Horse ones and they way they printed them, or is there a reason for this? Thank you!

I think you're referring to pages that were originally painted in color. They appear at the beginning of the early episodes and volumes spanning into the Golden Age. Because they were originally color paintings they appear darker in the black and white volumes, and especially the Dark Horse versions, which also use other paintings by Miura as episode/section dividers.
Griffith said:
I think you're referring to pages that were originally painted in color. They appear at the beginning of the early episodes and volumes spanning into the Golden Age. Because they were originally color paintings they appear darker in the black and white volumes, and especially the Dark Horse versions, which also use other paintings by Miura as episode/section dividers.

Yea that's it. That's too bad the Dark Horse ones don't have them in color; are there any besides the Japanese print that include them?
tama chan said:
Yea that's it. That's too bad the Dark Horse ones don't have them in color; are there any besides the Japanese print that include them?

The Japanese volumes do not have these pages in color either. Only the original issues of Animal House (the magazine in which they were prepublished) had them. The MBR releases also have some, but not all.
Aazealh said:
The Japanese volumes do not have these pages in color either. Only the original issues of Animal House (the magazine in which they were prepublished) had them. The MBR releases also have some, but not all.

The Berserk Illustrations File (art book) also has a few, as I recall.
Walter said:
The Berserk Illustrations File (art book) also has a few, as I recall.

Yep, it has quite a few of them, and it's probably the easiest way to enjoy them for a foreign fan.