With episode 362 hopefully coming up this year I thought it would be interesting to do a before/after and discuss all what we know as well as the theories surrounding the Idea of Evil. We will probably have more clues to what really happened with the Skull Knight's backstory so I might make another post if you find it interesting.
You have probably already guessed from the title, my article is based on this post. Reading it is better since I will take some ideas from it although it is not needed to understand this post.
I) A reminder : What are the IoE (Idea of Evil) means of action and how can we guess its final goal? (This part is for new readers and can be skipped, I just considere episode 83 to be canon)
In this post i will consider the lost episode (83) as canon. Miura said he didn't want to publish it because he felt it was told too early + the existence of the IoE is confirmed at the end of episode 82 and talked about in episode 84 and 202. This could be revealed to be false but I think that it is worth to try to theorize from it. In it we learn a few things :
And while those revelations do not bode well for Guts and his companions, there is a big blindspot in the IoE's powers if we consider episode 83 as canon : the IoE mentioned manipulating humans but not other creatures. Thus it would be probable that the non-humans would be it's natural enemies, because if the IoE can't control or predict them then the humans themselves escape its grasp every time they interact with astral creatures. It would make sense with the apparent inability of the IoE to influence the practitioners of magic in Skellig or Flora and Schierke, who seem to have worked consciously against it for centuries.
A smaller blindspot consists of the humans living in the Interstice : Skull Knight, Guts and Casca. Those "humans" are under the influence of the IoE but can still act against causality during the temporal junction points. This is often misinterpreted because Femto predicted the attack of Skull Knight on top of Ganishka, though Femto himself said that he did not "see" what SK would do but guessed it because he always attacked the God Hand during those times. This will of course be part of the reason why the IoE will fail in the end but that's not what we are looking at here, we just want to know its grand plan.
So now that we know the means of action of the IoE, how do we predict its goal?
The members of the God Hand are "free" in the sense that their desires align with the IoE's because it created them from scratch. So it makes sense to analyse their respective goals and behavior while keeping in mind the mission of the IoE : give meaning to the deaths and lives of humans. Another way to look at it is that the IoE wants to limit or eradicate all inhabitants of the astral world (with the exception of demons of the God Hand as well as apostles) since they are not under its influence. I will explore each of those reasoning and establish two separate theories from them.
II) The Eternal War theory
In this part I will solely be looking at the motivations of the God Hand to understand the ultimate goal of the IoE.
First, I will tackle an evident question : can the GH fight among themselves or at least act against each other's plans? At first glance it seems to contradict the idea that they are working towards the ultimate goal of their master. Nevertheless I think that their fight itself could be the will of the IoE, at the very least I think it's a lead worth exploring. So let's look at the intentions of the God Hand.
I will begin with the easy one : Femto/Griffith. We know that he always wanted to have his own kingdom, but it has also been heavily hinted that his ambition won't stop there. And that's because Griffith doesn't really have an objective, he only wants to pursue one. Guts sums it best in episode 345 "Not quite. For him it's more like an end to his means. Getting his kingdom...that's just one step along his way. He'll continue soaring higher and higher".
Void's intentions are far more mysterious and this part is more speculation than the rest of this theory. Void strikes me as a true servant of the God of the Abyss. He may not know the final objective but he hasn't shown any desire so far apart from wanting to follow the currents of causality and help accomplish the will of the IoE. This is very likely to change in the next few episodes as we learn the backstory of Skull Knight, so I decided to keep his intentions unknown. Aazealh already wrote a very good theory on his origin and goal so if you want more details I invite you to read the two paragraphs "Human-based magic vs Elemental magic" and "What happened a thousand years ago" in this post. The revelations in episode 361 seem to confirm what has been said there so far.
We know very few things about Ubik, he did influence Griffith much like Void but also Theresia. He seems to be a true sadist who enjoys torturing and misleading humans, he is also shown to enjoy himself in his sephira during the World Transformation.
Slan is the manifestation of the deprativity of humankind. She is a sadomasochist who was seen influencing humanity through the cult of the Goddess of Flame, whose members hold cannibalistic pagan blood orgies in her honor. She wants depravation and is the antithesis to the doctrine of the Holy See.
Finally Conrad doesn't talk much in the serie. But he does have an interest in spreading deadly diseases to humans, he was the one behind the plague that forced many refugees to come to Albion and killed the king.
Now that we know their intentions it is possible to try to determine what will logically happen.
Griffith will try to conquer the entire world, killing any astral creatures and magicians on his way. Should he succeed and decide to reign as the emperor of this new world, he will face a new problem : the apostles need to find a way to satisfy their hunger for blood and slaughter (episode 336).
This theory answers almost every questions. It gives meaning to the lives and deaths of humans with a very clear reason : humans must stand united and fight the monsters that want to destroy the paradise that is Griffith's kingdom, the land of their savior. It also gives the apostles a way to consistently satisfy their hunger for blood and slaughter (episode 336), something that would otherwise be a problem once Griffith has finished his conquest. When looking at the history of the world in Berserk it also makes sense for the IoE to first separate the Astral and Physical Worlds in order to better control humanity and thus create the God Hand. Once the God of the Abyss has his powerful pawns it doesn't fear the astral creatures anymore, and the worlds can join again.
Almost every question.....because there is still one : why would the magicians protect the Spirit Tree Forest for centuries when it allowed the IoE to control humanity freely and create more Guardian Angels?
III) The second World Transformation theory
This one will be quicker. While it is well within Griffith's abilities to get rid of every astral creatures and magic practitioners apart from other Guardians Angels, it does not mean that the threat of magic would dissapear. Magic could always be found again, the same way humanity initially found about the Four Cardinal Kings. To stop magic from ever reappearing Femto has a solution : burn the Spirit Tree forest on Elfhem to even further join the Astral and the Physical Worlds. This would have two consequences :
This theory has the benefit to answer what the the Eternal War theory couldn't : it is possible that the magic practitioners separated the two worlds because Void found the IoE and tried to manifest it into reality. Then it strengthen its forces for several centuries, using Griffith desire to conquer to eliminate magicians now as well as the Spirit Tree Forest.
The only problem I have with it is that Femto would definitely not be pleased with this endgame and would try to get rid of the IoE. He might even realize that he doesn't need to burn the Spirit Forest Tree but just kill all the inhabitants of Elfhelm.
Conclusion :
I struggled to find any theory that would answer every questions we have at this moment in Berserk, and I think that this is a testament to Miura's skills as a writer and worldbuilder. Nevertheless I expanded a few leads that I never saw explored. Something that always bugged me is the term "age of darkness" in the prophecy. The ones who wrote that prophecy must be magic practitioners so the "age of darkness" could have some unseen meaning. If humanity as a whole is happy but magicians are persecuted then it makes sense for those of the prophecy to use that term. In the end I didn't use it in my theories because its true meaning is still unknown.
What are your thoughts?
You have probably already guessed from the title, my article is based on this post. Reading it is better since I will take some ideas from it although it is not needed to understand this post.
I) A reminder : What are the IoE (Idea of Evil) means of action and how can we guess its final goal? (This part is for new readers and can be skipped, I just considere episode 83 to be canon)
In this post i will consider the lost episode (83) as canon. Miura said he didn't want to publish it because he felt it was told too early + the existence of the IoE is confirmed at the end of episode 82 and talked about in episode 84 and 202. This could be revealed to be false but I think that it is worth to try to theorize from it. In it we learn a few things :
- The Idea of Evil was born the Abyss which lies at the bottom of the Vortex of Souls . They represent the common darkness of humankind.
- The humans wanted meaning for their deaths and lives. The IoE's mission is to answer them. The answer is what we'll try to determine here.
- It tries to achieve its goal by manipulating the subconscious of every human and acting far in advance.
- The God Hand is completely free. The IoE has predicted the future and influenced humanity for the creation of each God Hand member so that they unknowingly accomplish its goal.
And while those revelations do not bode well for Guts and his companions, there is a big blindspot in the IoE's powers if we consider episode 83 as canon : the IoE mentioned manipulating humans but not other creatures. Thus it would be probable that the non-humans would be it's natural enemies, because if the IoE can't control or predict them then the humans themselves escape its grasp every time they interact with astral creatures. It would make sense with the apparent inability of the IoE to influence the practitioners of magic in Skellig or Flora and Schierke, who seem to have worked consciously against it for centuries.
A smaller blindspot consists of the humans living in the Interstice : Skull Knight, Guts and Casca. Those "humans" are under the influence of the IoE but can still act against causality during the temporal junction points. This is often misinterpreted because Femto predicted the attack of Skull Knight on top of Ganishka, though Femto himself said that he did not "see" what SK would do but guessed it because he always attacked the God Hand during those times. This will of course be part of the reason why the IoE will fail in the end but that's not what we are looking at here, we just want to know its grand plan.
So now that we know the means of action of the IoE, how do we predict its goal?
The members of the God Hand are "free" in the sense that their desires align with the IoE's because it created them from scratch. So it makes sense to analyse their respective goals and behavior while keeping in mind the mission of the IoE : give meaning to the deaths and lives of humans. Another way to look at it is that the IoE wants to limit or eradicate all inhabitants of the astral world (with the exception of demons of the God Hand as well as apostles) since they are not under its influence. I will explore each of those reasoning and establish two separate theories from them.
II) The Eternal War theory
In this part I will solely be looking at the motivations of the God Hand to understand the ultimate goal of the IoE.
First, I will tackle an evident question : can the GH fight among themselves or at least act against each other's plans? At first glance it seems to contradict the idea that they are working towards the ultimate goal of their master. Nevertheless I think that their fight itself could be the will of the IoE, at the very least I think it's a lead worth exploring. So let's look at the intentions of the God Hand.
I will begin with the easy one : Femto/Griffith. We know that he always wanted to have his own kingdom, but it has also been heavily hinted that his ambition won't stop there. And that's because Griffith doesn't really have an objective, he only wants to pursue one. Guts sums it best in episode 345 "Not quite. For him it's more like an end to his means. Getting his kingdom...that's just one step along his way. He'll continue soaring higher and higher".
Void's intentions are far more mysterious and this part is more speculation than the rest of this theory. Void strikes me as a true servant of the God of the Abyss. He may not know the final objective but he hasn't shown any desire so far apart from wanting to follow the currents of causality and help accomplish the will of the IoE. This is very likely to change in the next few episodes as we learn the backstory of Skull Knight, so I decided to keep his intentions unknown. Aazealh already wrote a very good theory on his origin and goal so if you want more details I invite you to read the two paragraphs "Human-based magic vs Elemental magic" and "What happened a thousand years ago" in this post. The revelations in episode 361 seem to confirm what has been said there so far.
We know very few things about Ubik, he did influence Griffith much like Void but also Theresia. He seems to be a true sadist who enjoys torturing and misleading humans, he is also shown to enjoy himself in his sephira during the World Transformation.
Slan is the manifestation of the deprativity of humankind. She is a sadomasochist who was seen influencing humanity through the cult of the Goddess of Flame, whose members hold cannibalistic pagan blood orgies in her honor. She wants depravation and is the antithesis to the doctrine of the Holy See.
Finally Conrad doesn't talk much in the serie. But he does have an interest in spreading deadly diseases to humans, he was the one behind the plague that forced many refugees to come to Albion and killed the king.
Now that we know their intentions it is possible to try to determine what will logically happen.
Griffith will try to conquer the entire world, killing any astral creatures and magicians on his way. Should he succeed and decide to reign as the emperor of this new world, he will face a new problem : the apostles need to find a way to satisfy their hunger for blood and slaughter (episode 336).
This theory answers almost every questions. It gives meaning to the lives and deaths of humans with a very clear reason : humans must stand united and fight the monsters that want to destroy the paradise that is Griffith's kingdom, the land of their savior. It also gives the apostles a way to consistently satisfy their hunger for blood and slaughter (episode 336), something that would otherwise be a problem once Griffith has finished his conquest. When looking at the history of the world in Berserk it also makes sense for the IoE to first separate the Astral and Physical Worlds in order to better control humanity and thus create the God Hand. Once the God of the Abyss has his powerful pawns it doesn't fear the astral creatures anymore, and the worlds can join again.
Almost every question.....because there is still one : why would the magicians protect the Spirit Tree Forest for centuries when it allowed the IoE to control humanity freely and create more Guardian Angels?
III) The second World Transformation theory
This one will be quicker. While it is well within Griffith's abilities to get rid of every astral creatures and magic practitioners apart from other Guardians Angels, it does not mean that the threat of magic would dissapear. Magic could always be found again, the same way humanity initially found about the Four Cardinal Kings. To stop magic from ever reappearing Femto has a solution : burn the Spirit Tree forest on Elfhem to even further join the Astral and the Physical Worlds. This would have two consequences :
- The IoE would have the opportunity to manifest itself at least partly in the physical world.
- Those higher beings like the Cardinal Kings would be forced to take form, which would give the opportunity for the God Hand and the IoE to kill them. Magic would then be powerless.
This theory has the benefit to answer what the the Eternal War theory couldn't : it is possible that the magic practitioners separated the two worlds because Void found the IoE and tried to manifest it into reality. Then it strengthen its forces for several centuries, using Griffith desire to conquer to eliminate magicians now as well as the Spirit Tree Forest.
The only problem I have with it is that Femto would definitely not be pleased with this endgame and would try to get rid of the IoE. He might even realize that he doesn't need to burn the Spirit Forest Tree but just kill all the inhabitants of Elfhelm.
Conclusion :
I struggled to find any theory that would answer every questions we have at this moment in Berserk, and I think that this is a testament to Miura's skills as a writer and worldbuilder. Nevertheless I expanded a few leads that I never saw explored. Something that always bugged me is the term "age of darkness" in the prophecy. The ones who wrote that prophecy must be magic practitioners so the "age of darkness" could have some unseen meaning. If humanity as a whole is happy but magicians are persecuted then it makes sense for those of the prophecy to use that term. In the end I didn't use it in my theories because its true meaning is still unknown.
What are your thoughts?
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