Spikey's Colors

Heres some Berserk colorings I've been working on in my free time

my first attempt.  BTW feel free 2 give some pointers!
I really like it. The only thing I don't like is that Caska is too dark. Other than that it is a great first picture. I like the background colors too. :serpico:

- C


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Hey, not too shabby.

I would suggest changing the background a tad (perhaps something less saturated). The gradient is overpowering your characters which can make things look flat, not to mention make the colors that are supposed to be dark (such as caskas skin) to be almost black to the eye. The good thing with recolors is that you don't have to worry about composition too much since Miura did such a good job of already making the individual panels stand out. Notice how he has no detail in the backgrounds (because the characters are all thats important).
After that you can have fun with the lighting and shading of the characters as a there really isnt much of directional light in the original ink shading.

Well, better stop before I start rambling. Cheers
I think that the colors are a little too bright and vivid. Also, I agree that the gradient is wrong for the picture. Unless that really happened. But i doubt it. Good job though!
Thanx for the pointers! I should have an updated version up soon( depending on how bad I get slammed for semister finals...) :chomp:

Hey feel free to let me know what you think may work for the background ! :serpico:

and my latest work it still needs some work in some panels still :miura:


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Hey! much better this time around.
I don't know why, exactly, but I really like the green color you chose for the fire in front of Corkus, even if it is technically not the color of fire. It helps that panel stand out.
The cloudy effect works well when you've put it against the fire or in the background. However when its on the faces (in some of the shadows of Judo or Corkus), it looks weird. Same with the orange splotches you've put on some of the armor.
Also like the sky, too.

Keep it up
still messin w/ the background :puck:Stil too saturating in parts but I'm tryin a natural color scheme 4 it.


Remember, always hold your apple tight
Hey, not bad, not bad!  I like that one Judeau especially.  Keep it up!  And hey...  about the size, you know, you're welcome to register & create a section for yourself on my gallery site and upload full size images there.


Staff member
spikeyhairedcadet said:
Not Berserk but some of my own scribbles, enjoy!
Good stuff. But what did those guys do to deserve death, other than not have blue hair? I want answers.
some more berserk colorings that still need alot of work

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