Upgraded Forum for SKnet / New Themes

Looks great! The wait was worth it. For me, it will take some time to get use to it, but I'm happy to be here and be part of this new era of SkullKnight.net.

The avatar gallery is awesome!
Well-well, I must say, the old design had its charm and I'm a bit sad to see it gone, but the practical improvements were naturally the right decision. A lot more mobile friendly indeed and feels faster too; doesn't have as much personality, but we can make it work. :ganishka:

Anyways, your work and attention to the community is always appreciated guys, good job!
doesn't have as much personality, but we can make it work. :ganishka:

Anyways, your work and attention to the community is always appreciated guys, good job!

Thanks! And yeah I know this theme/style is more business-like, but I've been making some small modifications over the past few days that will hopefully enhance the look and give it a more distinct feeling. Obviously the biggest departure is the lack of SK in the logo. That was done to accommodate more devices, and overall I was shooting for a more minimal look.

For a quick jog down memory lane, here's a glimpse at various older SKnet forums styles. Think of it like a cruise through our yearbooks, with all the associated embarrassments.









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The top purple theme looks surprisingly good for its age, but I recall an even earlier version that was white/light blue with little speech bubbles next to everyone's avatar's, not unlike this one, that was relatively incomprehensible because it was organized via true branching message threads, much like the original BSOM board. I believe that one debuted after the BSOM one upgraded and I crossposted my first message to both concurrently. At the time SK.net was the new site and I didn't consider I'd still be posting here 18 years later...

Anyway, a tribute to Walter's and Aaz's tireless dedication. Cheers.
A quick note, favicon is still linked through http even when I'm accessing the site with https... and causes chrome to keep saying the site is insecure.
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A small thing I noticed with the timestamps. Don't believe it's being converted into local time. I think it's just using GMT. Not a big deal, but look a bit weird.
Wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm pleasantly surprised by the new update. Like others have said, it'll certainly take some getting used to, but I'm really digging the changes!
I recall an even earlier version that was white/light blue with little speech bubbles next to everyone's avatar's, not unlike this one, that was relatively incomprehensible because it was organized via true branching message threads, much like the original BSOM board.
Yep! It's still around, but harder to find. I'll add it to top of the stack. I didn't include it because, well... it was more like a social experiment than a forum. But yeah, very humble beginnings.


Here it is in all its horror. Everyone had to select an avatar every time they posted. So it was pure chaos.
Wow, I'm surprised I was that close. It's actually pretty cool, just a bit ahead of its time/not quite ready yet; the every time avatars as you mentioned, the way the speech bubbles malignantly grow entire threads with other posters, avatars included, trapped within. Still, brings back fond memories. =)
Loving the update, thanks for all the hard work guys.

Visually, the board looks clean and busier with text somehow, where I can see more content per page compared to before or maybe I've been away for a bit and don't remember :farnese:.

Smiley insert confirmation is a smooth touch. Even the preview feature's neat where it doesn't take you to a separate page and just shows it to you underneath in a smooth sliding action.

I'll miss seeing good ol Skully overlooking the board up top, at the same time I'm liking the aesthetic of the new logo a lot.
Thanks for all the praise! I've been subtly adding things to both themes over the past few days to pretty them up, too. And yeah, I think the way we surface new posts + clearing the mobile hurdle has helped a bit for activity, and that's great.

I know I, for one, posted less often because I preferred to wait until sitting at my PC. Now that's less of a prerequisite.

I'll miss seeing good ol Skully overlooking the board up top, at the same time I'm liking the aesthetic of the new logo a lot.

I miss him too of course. As we were looking to go more mobile-friendly, the name of the game became "simplify." So this is the design for now, but it's not crazy to dream of a different style/theme that has that old guy at the top + the logo. Desktop-only, for example. I just haven't figured that out yet.
You can send me a private message with what name you want and I'll change it. That applies to all members. I ask that people please give it some thought however, since I'm not going to be changing someone's name every day.
Thats cool to know but I'm gonna stick with my good old classic Jackson_hurley! :carcus:
It's amazing to see the old designs, this forum goes way back.
Thanks for adding the night-style theme, my eyes appreciate it.
I noticed the text under our user name to the left seems to be uncustomizable, and appears to be related, in some capacity to the customization options from the previous forum (some people have it, some don't). It's not the end of the world, of course, but I do miss my "Sylph Sword" title :farnese:

Incidentally, what is the aspect ratio of the avatar image these days? I assume it's just a square. I'd like to see about adjusting mine so Grail's art isn't cut off.