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I've been playing SKALD: Against the Black Priory for a few days. It's an indie fantasy game that looks like a C-RPG from the 1980s (CRT filters included) but has many of the modern conveniences and mechanics you'd find in a game like Baldur's Gate 3. And to top it off the setting is pure Lovecraftian fare. It's scratching just the right itch, I'm having a great time with it. I was even reminded of the Solitary Island segment from Berserk a few times.

Resident Evil Zero: Still not sure how I feel about this one. I liked the classic Resident Evil gameplay, but the plot wasn't all that great, and the new mechanics were hit and miss. The partner system had its moments, but at times it could be really frustrating. Same with the item drop system; sometimes it was really convenient, other times it left me wishing for my good old fashioned item box. I'm glad they changed the format after this one; I think it had run its course.

Resident Evil 4: Much like Half-Life 2, this was one of those games I was really looking forward to and it didn't disappoint. Some stuff didn't age well (Ashley) and some of the gameplay was annoying (Ashley), but overall it was pretty goddamn great. I honestly don't know what else I can say about it that hasn't been said over the years. The boss fights were really fun, the core gameplay was addictive, etc. Even when it was over, I just wanted to play more of it. I don't know much about Resident Evil 5 (I've heard a lot of bad things about 6), but if it's anything like 4, I can't wait.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: This one was tough. On the one hand, meeting the expectations generated by the previous game was always going to be next to impossible, but on the other hand, the whole thing felt rushed, disjointed and buggy. I played the PC version, which I heard fixed a lot of the bugs that plagued the X-Box version, but it was still glitchy. The pathfinding was off a lot and some of the in-game dialogue cinematics skipped themselves to the end in about half a second. Storywise, it was pretty interesting and Kreia was a great character, but I felt let-down by the end of the game. Parts of it were really fun, but most of the time it left me wanting to play the first game again.