Xinoen's Art

Hey, just thought I'd introduce myself with a piece of Berserk fanart. There's some proportion problems with the handle of the DS, but I still had a lot of fun inking it. The pose/armor was referenced with the Lost Children statue.

Thanks for all the love! *L* I really don't think I'm that awesome, but... It's worth trying. This is not Berserk art (I have more of that on the way), but an original character named Moz. It includes more fun with inks, and is part of a 10-piece portfolio.



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i'm not much of an inker (actually I'm not an inker at all I just know some people who are), so theres only so far I can crit these.

however I do know that the areas of solid black you've got behind him shows brushstrokes/white spots. Typically a no-no.
Plus the areas of repeated patterns like the feathers on the wings get a bit sloppy sometimes. I realize those must be a pain but they contrast with the figure a bit too much in terms of rendering style.
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