BerserkMJM said:
Aazealh said:
I don't know, the way I see it, the word itself was born from those obnoxious guys you mention trying to turn the tables and empower themselves by creating a sort of subculture that revolves around a hobby, and is now being used in a variety of ways by a variety of people. Not unlike the word "geek", actually (which I dislike, as a matter of fact, though I quite like "nerd").
Well, in any case, I think it should be properly re-appropriated. I understand not wanting to be labeled or stereotyped, but then we shouldn't care much either if we're above that, and it's ridiculous to have to use a bunch of stilted language to get a simple idea across when a single word should do. I'd be more upset at the guys that are using the word that way than disliking the word itself; otherwise, it's playing into and supporting that extreme definition rather than normalizing it.
Aazealh said:
Now, without going nearly as far as you did about being ashamed and not wanting to be perceived badly by others, it could also simply be that one has a negative perception of a particular subculture (say, "anime fans" for example), and doesn't want to associate themselves with it despite having similar interests.
Good point, it might also just be different here than on the East coast, Paris, or the Internet in general. Like I said, nobody cares here in my experience, it's no worse than friendly use of the word nerd. So, where I come from, in every sense of the word, its a bit defensive and oversensitive to care about the word beyond it's most basic meaning. I also think I'm personally less sensitive because I'm less the enthusiast, to the point its almost a compliment; I'm not even deserving (this is probably why I abuse myself with shit like Diablo III; low gaming self-esteem,
"It's not your fault" =) Conversely, I think the stronger the association to gaming, the more one might otherwise downplay it so as not to cross into that negative territory.
Aazealh said:
Sticking to that example, I don't label myself an anime fan, even though I've been admin of a forum dedicated to a manga for almost 10 years. And it's not because of social stigma, but I just don't think of myself like that.
Same here, but it's a very specific and somewhat unusual example. Technically, it's also a contradiction, explainable if you believe the work transcends the medium; otherwise, we're just the biggest fanboys of them all.
But I don't think so.

Aazealh said:
Anyway, I don't want to ramble on for too long, but this discussion has gotten way more interesting than the original topic of this thread. =)
Indeed, and on these topics, another relevant link: