Dragon Ball Kai



I debated for a good while on whether or not to even post this, but seeing as how DB and DBZ were a pretty big part of my TV-watching as a toddler I figured I owed it at least this much.

From wiki:

In February 2009, Toei announced that they would begin rebroadcasting Dragon Ball Z as part of the series' 20th anniversary celebrations. The series premiered on April 5, 2009, under the name Dragon Ball Kai, with the episodes remastered for HDTV, featuring updated opening and ending sequences, and a rerecording of the vocal tracks by most of the original cast.[38][39] They were also re-edited to more closely follow the manga, resulting in a faster moving story, and damaged frames removed.[40] As such, it is a "new" series created from the original Dragon Ball Z footage.

Oh, and in case any of you are interested, JUMP and Akira Toriyama did a brand new fan service episode last November. You can watch it here: http://www.watch-dragonball.com/watch/516-Dragonball_JUMP_Super_Anime_Tour_Special_2009.html

It runs ~30 minutes, features 2 new bad guys, and a new character called Tarble - Vegeta's younger brother. I fast forwarded a good bit throughout it, it just couldn't hold my attention span like it used to be able to, but I guess it was kinda fun.


I'll be back.
Since I have some free time at work, I have watched the first 3 episodes. I guess it's ok if you are someone like me and aren't doing nothing but kill time. The opening and ending sure look good. You can see, that the animation has been cleaned up and the voices do sound just a little bit different since the actors have aged and might have not been used being those characters. At least it's good for those new to the series, since the episodes won't drag as they used to powering up


Staff member
They were also re-edited to more closely follow the manga, resulting in a faster moving story, and damaged frames removed.

That's great news for anyone who cares to rewatch the series. I can't say that I will myself, but it seems they're making an effort at least.
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