Uh... did this actually happen...?

I was reading the berserk review at www.animesou.com/

And it said:

"Likes: I love the part when Zodd the Immortal, tossed his custom made sword to Gatsu, because Gatsu’s sword was broken in the middle of a battle. After that battle, Gatsu took that sword and modified it into the sword he carries with him wherever he goes, that process is not shown though. "


Hm did that really happen? Or is he just bull shitting? I never saw it in the anime series (like he said) but also didn't see it in the manga. I thought he just left it... guess this guy is trippin' right?
Yes that guy is tripping, he must have his own twisted version of "Just plain speculation"

if you dont mind manga spoiler check: http://www.skullknight.net/faq/section3/vol14.html#3.14

Otherwise you can just read the whole faq to be well informed.


yeh, guts didnt really even make the connection that it was zodd in the series .... he did leave it behind .... i dont see why though .... if a sword came fying out of nowhere and saved my ass, it would be my treasure always .... besides, i would like to have seen guts give it back to zodd, violently!!!!
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