Coincidence? I think not.

I thought that it's not allowed to speak bad words here....yari yari...

Those who diss other people are just plain weak. You make me laugh.

I'm going to end this because you're not worth my time. :eek:

good one. since you must be so much holier than me, i will worship you like Jesus.


"What is love? Not that I want some or anythi
Now CrazyCelt, if deep down in his subconscious, Walter misses Paradiselost, and removing the winky face is something he has to do in order to cope with these feelings, we should all try to respect and understand where he’s coming from, and be more sensitive to his needs, rather than adhering to our selfish desire for the winky face back.

It’s okay Walter, we understand, accept and support you. You just keep the Mr. winky face...

...keep him close to your heart.



Oh well. Long distance relationships seldom work out. It's for the best. Damn you, you non-existing winky face!!!!
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