Recent content by AndroidLB

  1. AndroidLB

    Episode 375

    I'm pretty confident that Rickert wasn't among the first men on the ship but on some other ship. As the Kushan also used chains to pull their ships close to the Sea horse.
  2. AndroidLB

    Episode 375

    I've been wondering at what point exactly did we have a time jump in the story. Where I can see it fitting is during 372. So Guts been in that one room depressed for how long? At least long enough for the ship to basically "pop" roughly thousand leags to the opposite direction from Falconia...
  3. AndroidLB

    Episode 374

    Just to correct on your math I can see there being 4 people sitting in one row so 728 at least, making this even more "absurd". Also on the second last page we see what looks to be Silat and his men on a Kushan galleass, so there has to be additional hundreds (~250 rowers) on it. So that's like...
  4. AndroidLB

    Volume 42 release

    The first time I saw this cover I was like "This can't be it, Is this fan art?" but no it is real. After sitting on it for this week it's definitely better than the previous one for volume 41. The colors even if overly bright long as they don't continue like this it's fine for once in a while...
  5. AndroidLB

    Removed pages from episode 133

    Found on Twitter (X) by FrostiFusionZ_ These cut pages from the end of episode 133 aren't anything major to the plot as the same events were redone in the following episode. But the last panel's Guts was used in the volume 18 inside title. Overall fine art by Miura that unfortunately didn't...
  6. AndroidLB

    Episode 372

    Not saying that Miura didn't like the 97 anime, I'd think he for sure was happy how fine adaptation his young and still not yet so popular manga got. But just saying that that comic was made as a promotional type of material (part of Berserk Gaiden /eng: side story). IMO Mori doing a homage to...
  7. AndroidLB

    Dark Horse Releasing Berserk Guidebook

    At least they fixed this line in the new deluxe edition. Now it reads: A behelit is sent to the physical world by a high-ranking spirit entity that governs even human fate...or perhaps by an even greater existence. It's good that they have at least bothered to fix some issues but the deluxe...
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