Forum Rules
The forum is a place for fans to discuss Berserk and share their knowledge and enthusiasm about this amazing, long-running series. In order to maintain the forum's integrity, we must uphold certain standards and rules. This forum is owned and operated jointly by Walter and Aazealh. It is a privately run message board, and all rules are enforced at their discretion. All questions and comments are to be forwarded to them via Private Message (PM), which you can do by clicking their names.
Serious Infractions
DO NOT POST SCANS, LINK TO SCANS, OR REQUEST SCANS. A core tenet of this community is to support Berserk and its author. As a result, we do not tolerate the illegal distribution of scans of the manga. That goes double for scanlations. Doing so will get you banned immediately and permanently. Obviously, using excerpts from the manga to illustrate a post is fine and isn't concerned by this policy.
DO NOT TROLL. Trolling is the act of intentionally provoking others, luring them emotionally to post an angry response. Whether it's inflammatory rhethoric or offensive imagery, we prohibit it. Trolling is sometimes done involuntarily, so please be considerate of the reaction of others when posting. Infringing this rule will get your access to the forum restricted at best, suspended at worst.
DO NOT SPAM. Spamming is posting the same thing several times, or posting without any genuine content. "Bumping" (posting to move a thread up on the forum list) and cross-posting (posting the same thread in several forums) are examples of spam.
DO NOT ADVERTISE. Advertising commercial products is regulated by a case-by-case appreciation from's administrators. Do not advertise your products, website or company here without consulting the administrators and getting their permission beforehand.
Rules for Content
DO NOT distribute SKnet's translations elsewhere. The translations our members work on are meant for the community only, to read along with the issues of Young Animal and/or the Japanese volumes of Berserk they purchase. We prohibit their reproduction on other sites or forums, their distribution under any given medium, and most of all their use in scanlations.
DO NOT repost SKnet material elsewhere without citing its source. Whether it's a picture or a unique piece of information, we ask that be systematically mentioned and linked to whenever you are posting elsewhere something you got from here. Asking the author's permission in the case of a personal work (or a large amount of information, for example pertaining to the Berserk Encyclopedia) is also required. It's only common courtesy, and doing otherwise is generally considered rude, hence its interdiction. In fairness, we ask that our members do the same when posting information they found somewhere else on our forum.
DO NOT hotlink. Hotlinking, also known as inline linking or leeching, is the action of linking an object (e.g. an image) that belongs to a given website (in this case, SKnet) directly on a second site without permission. It's considered to be bandwidth theft and is strongly frowned upon among Internet users. When there is a need to display a file from somewhere else, we request that you simply put a link to the file or that you rehost it yourself, in both cases obligatorily mentioning its original source (
Posting Guidelines
Before you post, be sure you are abiding by the following rules, paying special attention to the first three. We consider these guidelines essential to maintaining quality content on these forums.
SEARCH. The search function can be found in the overhead menu. This is the quickest way to find answers to your questions about the series. This forum has been operating since 2001, and has an extensive archive. The odds are very high that your question or comment already has an appropriate thread. So before posting a new thread, please do a bit of research around here before you invest time in well-trodden territory. A great place to start is our Berserk Mythbusters thread, which contains answers to many common questions.
THINK. Before posting a reply or thread, ask yourself the following question: "Am I making a post which is informative and interesting?" If you can answer "yes" to this, then please post. If you cannot, then refrain from posting. Before replying, please ask yourself: "Does my reply offer any significant advice or help contribute to the conversation in any fashion?" If you can answer "yes" to this, then please reply. If you cannot, then refrain from replying.
READ. Before replying in a thread, read all other posts carefully to make sure what you're contributing is novel and valuable to the discussion. Being oblivious to what others have already said means you're likely to repeat the same things instead of building on top of the existing conversation.
Stay on topic. Posting a new thread? Find the appropriate section for it to live in (Manga Mausoleum, Speculation Nation, etc). Replying to a post? Make sure to stay on the topic of the thread you're posting in.
Be constructive, and back up your statements. If you need to quote, make sure to quote all relevant text, and if needed, provide a link to your original source.
Use concise, descriptive thread titles. Titles should allow readers to know what a thread is about at a glance. Think of a thread title like a mini-thesis statement, not your opening sentence. BAD: "I was thinking of something"; "Question about Casca." GOOD: “Where can I buy the Berserk Trading Cards Game?”; “What Zodd meant by ‘Ultimate Strong One’.”
Do not double post, meaning don't post two messages in a row in the same thread. If you want to add information or a new reply and the last post is yours, edit it by using the Edit button.
Do not flame others. Flaming is posting heated, disparaging comments. We ask that all discussion on the forum stay civil, both between our members and towards other communities or individuals.
Do not disrespect Berserk or its author. Whether seriously or for a joke, disrespectful comments about the series, or the character and work ethic of Kentarou Miura will not be tolerated.
Be nice, especially to newcomers. In general, give everyone a chance. Let people become acquainted with the environment and make beginners' mistakes without patronizing them. If you can correct them, do so cordially and without harassment. If you feel the rules need to be enforced, alert the moderation team. Let them handle these issues. Please understand that many people may have a radically different perspective on the series, not to mention a different political, religious, philosophical, and cultural background than you.
Be respectful to the admins and mods. The administration team is here to keep the forums safe and above all, sane. Please do not harass or intentionally annoy the admins or mods. If you are asked to do something, please do it. If you do not like the moderation style here, then it's probably best if you don't post.
Have fun! That's why we're all here. Just remember to have fun with others, not at the expense of others.
Moderation is never a topic for open discussion. If you have any questions or feedback on moderation, it should be addressed to the administrator or moderator of the category via private message (PM).
Do not post or ask for anything remotely illegal or dubious. Needless to say, all illegal activities are forbbiden and will result in a ban. If you have doubts about the conformity of a post, please send a private message (PM) to an administrator before submitting it.
The Administrators and Moderators of this forum reserve the right to remove any post and/or ban members without warning if they do not meet the above guidelines. If you break a semi-minor infraction, you will likely be put under moderation watch, where you will not be allowed to post for a specified amount of time. If you break the rules again, you will more than likely be permanently banned.
Do not post threads questioning moderation. Such threads will be removed. If you have any questions as to why a thread was locked or removed please contact an administrator via private message.
If a topic is locked or removed do not re-post the same topic or material. It will be removed again and you could be put under moderation for the repost.