Recent content by ArtemisAngel

  1. A

    Does anyone have good pictures of Grunbeld?

    I've seen people spell his name a lot of ways. Ever since I saw the video game trailer, which labeled him as Guremberd (it may have been a fansub though) I always thought that's how you said it. I figured the different spellings were a lot like Guts name. Some people spell his name Guts, some...
  2. A

    Does anyone have good pictures of Grunbeld?

    I need a good picture, preferably drawn (not a figure) of Grunbeld, or however it's spelled. I'm doing a commission drawing, and he's one of the people I need to draw, and the picture I have is unusually hard to draw, so I'm looking for another picture.
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    Bore of the Worlds

    hehehe I am content. You really came off as like, this big flamer who hated everything that had to do with the movie, so I got annoyed, because I liked it, and I couldn't imagine anyone hating it THAT much, but I'm not that mad anymore. Btw, what movie would you consider a "great classic...
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    Bore of the Worlds

    You know, I wasn't sitting here questioning the freedom of America... honestly, Vampire Hunter, I couldn't tell if you were being sarcastic or not. I'm saying that, yes, you can say you didn't like the movie and you can say why, but to sit there and argue with someone else about why you're right...
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    Bore of the Worlds

    You know, I've been on several forums before, and I've come to the realization that arguing with people through forums is pointless... nobody listens. This is an opinionated discussion. I personally didn't see anything wrong with the movie, I liked it a lot. Those of you who didn't, aw too bad...
  6. A

    Is there "heaven" in the Berserk world?

    Re: Heaven sorry about that... I'm new to this and I haven't gotten used to searching for topics before starting mine and I looked at a cover of Berserk right after I posted it, saw Miura's name, and slapped myself in the face. I'll go read the replies now...
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    Is there "heaven" in the Berserk world?

    Heaven All of this talk about hell in Berserk, and I know the Godhand by name are supposedly in league with some sort of God, but do you think a heaven will ever be introduced in Berserk, or will Miaru simply stick with a demon world and a spirit world?
  8. A

    Will Gutz Become Griffith?

    Re: Will Guts Become Griffith? No. Absolutely not. First of all, the inner demon guts is fighting is very different from griffith's evil, in my opinion, and second of all, if he repeated what griffith did, it'd take away his entire personality and it wouldn't make sense, if Guts followed...
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    Guts' army organization

    I think Guts enjoys companions, though he may not wish to admit it, but I don't think he would go through the effort of creating an army. If he DID have an army, I think it would be coincidental. I think people would want to follow him or his companions, and slowly make a larger and larger...
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