Recent content by de99ial

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    A Berserk Music Video That Used Manga Scans

    I know that is not about subject but, what the hell - as Aazealh wrote to me on PM "It'd just be way better to keep things together in one thread instead of having every other member make a thread about some AMV he found, the best AMVs, a new MMV, etc." and i agree with that. So... Well, i...
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    A Berserk Music Video That Used Manga Scans

    Ive seen it about month ago. On (forum) exist topic about "what amv you recommend" and there are those amv's (downloads i best quality). Awesome!!!
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    Replica of one of Guts' early swords

    I asked these people for making Dragon Slayer - they said that is possible to forge a sword like that but fighting with will be troublesome. But You know - forged sword is a forged sword, not replica.
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    Your own Dragonslayer

    It is really breath sticking. I wonder - you can fight with that? By "fight" i mean fighting with other person with weapon not willing to draw. EDIT I got one more question - is it empty inside?
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    Wallpapers by Shadowkin

    Great work! I really like Caska especially.
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    Replica of one of Guts' early swords

    About selling - You could ask them by email.
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    Replica of one of Guts' early swords

    I agree - swinging and fighting are diffrent stuff. I know few knights brotherhoods and i Had a occasion to fight and swing different weapons - from one hand swords, bastards, rapiers, sabres, axes to classic zweihanders. My answer was to Bastard Swordsman who was surprised 8 kg weight.
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    Replica of one of Guts' early swords

    Another replica! This tam older sword of Gutts, from time living in the Castle. Direct links:
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    Replica of one of Guts' early swords

    Well.... i know You don't know my language but here is quotation from website: "Miecz Gattsa z "Berserk'a" Gatts uzbrojony jest w ogromny miecz o wdzięcznej nazwie "Dragon Slayer" ("Pogromca Smoków"), którego nie powstydziłby się Orson z RoLW, a nawet mógłby mieć z nim pewne problemy -_^...
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    Yes awesome work.
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    Proj's colors

    Really nice!
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    Berserk Manga Original Fan Soundtrack

    Its good - i understand it ;) And I'm not master of martial arts ;) Waiting for music.
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    Do you listen to Berserk music when reading the manga?

    Yeah! I downloaded all 6 trailers, movie from Gutts vs Griffith, vs Zodd and vs Dragon ;) And more. But i still don't have an ST form that game.
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    Do you listen to Berserk music when reading the manga?

    WoW! I know that there was a game on Dreamcast (i have movies from it and soundtrack) but for PS2...
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    Berserk Manga Original Fan Soundtrack

    So? Any ambient work possible? Fajnie Ci to wyszło :serpico:
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