Recent content by Exegy

  1. E

    Episode 278

    It indeed seems like Zodd will be sparing Guts in this episode, even if his act of mercy is just "ignoring" him and leading any nearby apostles away, presumably into further battle. Zodd shows his "humanist" side in such small ways :) Of course, I'd imagine that there'd not be much appeal in...
  2. E

    Episode 277

    No offense taken, Aaz!  I just wanted to make sure that one particular word was not used to imply a misrepresentation of current events. As for Zodd perhaps demonstrating humanistic affinities later on ... well, I do not want to assume anything at this time. :) I will be quietly awaiting the...
  3. E

    Episode 277

    While "humanistic" can refer to the philosophy of Humanism and its associated values, such as the promotion of human wellbeing, it can also mean "of or pertaining to humanity." Context determines the meaning, as in the example "a surprisingly humanistic portrayal of saints." It is not...
  4. E

    Episode 277

    Hmm. Well, I do not recall labeling Zodd himself a humanist, but I understand your meaning here. I also understand that the akogare no bakemono comparison, however facetiously made, implies an equivalence in the relationship that does not exist. Although Guts might place Zodd in a category...
  5. E

    Episode 277

    I agree that Guts has thought so for some time, but I also think that his perception has undergone subtle changes, some of which are made more clear in the last two episodes. Zodd's humbling before Ganishka, for example, leaves a major impression upon Guts, almost as if he were seeing the...
  6. E

    Episode 277

    I must say, the ability to download the latest episode scans is a great perk of being a new member! Miura-sensei is in great form here, what with his exquisite shading and tone work. Transformed Zodd is particularly well-rendered, and the 2-page spread is awesome in both composition and...
  7. E

    What's left of Griffith's Ego?

    Hey, s'alright! I fully realize that my interpretation is just that--my interpretation, and not even that well-founded in regard to specific details from the manga, especially, as you say, the supernatural framework. I also know that I am ignoring the reincarnation/moonlight child situation...
  8. E

    What's left of Griffith's Ego?

    Hello all. I'm a first-time poster, but I have been lurking about the forums for awhile, and now I find myself compelled to contribute to this topic :) I agree with much of what other members have written, particularly Griffith's description of the literal mechanics of transformation and Aaz's...
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