Recent content by MasterZaffro

  1. M

    Can someone explain who is the "fairy" Rickert sees?

    I haven't read the manga so I only know so much. I have learned a lot from this site though. I was wondering about the fairie Rickert sees in episode 22. What is it and why are all those demons there?
  2. M

    Is Casca Kushan?

    Why don't you not be an asshole. By the way that wasn't sarcasm.
  3. M

    Is Casca Kushan?

    Thank you.
  4. M

    Is Casca Kushan?

    Well then make a useful response.
  5. M

    Is Casca Kushan?

    I was just thinking, do you think it's possible that Casca's Kushan. I mean she was a slave or something when Griffith found her and she looks like shes from the far east (Not Europe). Can anyone think of anything to support or contradict my theory. It seems pretty possible, it'd be interesting...
  6. M

    Do you think one more episode would've worked for the anime?

    Yea, because of it ending like that I desperately want to read the manga. I'm in love with this series. I haven't read any of the manga yet but the storyline sounds so intriguing. I think the story is more interesting than Tolkienns, maybe not as well written but a more interesting story.
  7. M

    Do you think one more episode would've worked for the anime?

    Do you think they ended it like that so would feel a lack of conclusion so they would read the manga?
  8. M

    Do you think one more episode would've worked for the anime?

    From what I hear, where the anime leaves off SKull Knight comes in and saves the day. Do you think the show would've been better off if they made one more episode ending like that. It seems wierd that they chose to make it a 25 eps series instead of a normal 26 when they end it short like that...
  9. M

    Is the reincarnation of Griffith Good

    I was wondering when Femto was incarnated into Griffith again, is the new Griffith good. Is he not evil like the god's hand, or is he still an evil being in a human form. Is this human form just an illusion that people in the physical form see or an actual human. Also are the God's Hand...
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