Recent content by Morgen

  1. M

    Favorite Godhand?

    I'll go for Void...he's just too mysterious...and seems to have a past with the Skullknight...
  2. M

    The END3 of E3?

    Well it don't really matter...other smaller conference like the GDC will only take mon importance and big companies like SE, nintendo etc will surely make their own conference once a year. ^^
  3. M

    Final Fantasy XII

    Anyone saw the collector edition of the game ? Beautiful...but it don't worth the plus 10$...well not for me, i'll stay with the regular edition (even if its a little ''star wars like'' for a boxart.
  4. M

    Vagabond Returns (Spoilers).

    Re: Vagabond Returns. I'm happy that there is a subject here about vagabond ! Inoue is a great mangaka but the only problem is if you read the book first, you will be disapointed by the manga, inoue don't respect all the things there are in the book, sadly.
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