Recent content by Sushi-X

  1. S

    The "I just bought" thread

    I was very familiar with the length and everything else about the game before I bought it... and I'm not disappointed (shouldn't this be obvious for anyone hardcore enough to buy both versions?) Metal Gear is my favorite franchise and I always do everything there is to do in every installment...
  2. S

    The "I just bought" thread

    Here's the stuff I've picked up over the last few weeks:
  3. S

    What Are You Playing?

    Finally bought and started playing Street Fighter X Tekken. Got the collector's edition, too. So far it's mad fun.
  4. S

    What Are You Playing?

    I'm right at the end of Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Can't wait to start my second playthrough.
  5. S

    The Playstation Move

    The novelty of motion control has kind of worn off for me at this point. Though the Minority Report style stuff on that Move looked kind of cool. Meh, I may end up getting it down the road. But if I do it'll probably be for Ape Escape 4.
  6. S

    What Are You Playing?

    Playing Final Fantasy XIII and loving it. Also bought Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 today, but trying not to play it until I finish XIII.
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