Is Griffith like Jesus(or any prophet)?


around the corner
Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
So bold words saying "God doesn't exist" is evidence? Ok....? ???

- Bob
You're nice, but imo such evidence shouldnt be explained ... :-\
But most of people live in a blind world, hence the proverb.
You're a fucking retard and i have evidence to prove it, but imo such evidence shouldnt be explained.... :-\
most people are goddamn idiots, hence the statement.

P.S. i remember when on BSOM i posted a topic about Griffith reminding me of Jesus. im guessing its a common and obvious opinion of Griffith.


All those who wander are not always lost
Wow that was a blunt statement dude.

I think at this stage in the manga the people of Midland were so desperate for a savior that they 'saw' the savior as Griffith. The scene where he's communing the so-called spirits of the dead and all the people in the army camp were in awe...I could see why someone would look at him as a savior. His appearance, mannerisms, and charisma are enough to charm anyone, thus 'blinding' the sheep who follow the wrong shepherd, probably with disastrous consqeuences.



you people realize that by trying to compare fiction with religion you're getting into nasty territory? As an athiest, i realize that i should stay away from religion unless i want a nasty argument/possible violence. A thousand years ago, people were burned at the stake for their religion. It hasnt gotten much better since then...(in the Middle East that is...unless you call stoning an improvement... :-\)

Secondly, to finish the damned arguments about the existence of gods....

1. Guil egoless: You have to be able to back up your claims logically as well as not being an ass to christians. You lowered yourself to a conservative Christian's level. No offense to the conservative Christians out there.

2. Vampire_Hunter_Bob: You should be able to prove your point too. You're just filling space with "God exists". The existance of god is up to another person's point of view and what pisses me off about christians is that they always force their beliefs on others. Who gives a damn if you think there's a god or a llama up there?

Oh yea, and that bit on if Griffith is like Jesus. As I recall, Jesus never fought. He denounced all war. Jesus' only goal was to spread his teachings across the world. Griffith killed for his own selfish dream. They are both messiah's in their respective stories, but Griffith is more of the Jew's messiah (read history, the Jews wanted a messiah to kill off the Romans...err...invaders...(there were lots of them...))


around the corner
Well first, Rane please calm down, I dont like such sarcams.

Anyway, I want to ask a question to Christians out there : why do you think and do you believe tehre is God up there ?
Because daddy told you it was like that ? Because it's written in the Bible ? Because you think a man cannot leave without beliefs or else he'd be too afraid of life and death ?

Please people try to be objective with forgetting the fact Christianity has swallowed people since 2 milleniums under its pious manners. And answer with considering Christianity isnt the only religion out there, isnt the only monotheistic religion out there ... what makes it so much truer than the others ? You should be able to reply easily...


Cats are great
medievald00d said:
1. Guil egoless: You have to be able to back up your claims logically as well as not being an ass to christians. You lowered yourself to a conservative Christian's level. No offense to the conservative Christians out there.

I never said i was a Christian. *Edit* read that wrong.

2. Vampire_Hunter_Bob: You should be able to prove your point too. You're just filling space with "God exists". The existance of god is up to another person's point of view and what pisses me off about christians is that they always force their beliefs on others.

I never said God exists either. Guil was the one filling space with "I can't say it, but God doesn't exist". So Guil was insulting christians on the bbs, but it's the christians faults?

Who gives a damn if you think there's a god or a llama up there?

Guil sure does. ;)

- Bob
Guil egoless said:
Well first, Rane please calm down, I dont like such sarcams.

Anyway, I want to ask a question to Christians out there : why do you think and do you believe tehre is God up there ?
Because daddy told you it was like that ? Because it's written in the Bible ? Because you think a man cannot leave without beliefs or else he'd be too afraid of life and death ?

Please people try to be objective with forgetting the fact Christianity has swallowed people since 2 milleniums under its pious manners. And answer with considering Christianity isnt the only religion out there, isnt the only monotheistic religion out there ... what makes it so much truer than the others ? You should be able to reply easily...

im not a very religious person, at all. it just annoyed me with your claim "God Can't exist, I know that for a fact, but I wont tell anyone, blah blah blah." if youre going to say something like that (since you have so easily solved the "Impossible Argument" that has stood the test of time for thousands of years) you should at least share it with us, or maybe write a book! youll sell millions!
I say "Impossible Argument" because it cant be won by any side. You cant argue for or against God with Reason and you certainly cant argue based on Faith alone (the latter is mainly for those arguments for God; "God exists because I believe He exists!" "Then The Great Pumpkin exists because I believe He exists! You cant disprove me because its my faith!" etc.). Not to mention most people are stubborn asses who refuse to change their opinion on the matter.
It was a pointless argument thousands of years ago and its even more pointless when i see it on this board. You cant win either way, so lets just drop it.


Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
I never said i was a Christian. *Edit* read that wrong.I never said God exists either. Guil was the one filling space with "I can't say it, but God doesn't exist". So Guil was insulting christians on the bbs, but it's the christians faults? Guil sure does. ;)

- Bob

Fair enough, you were playing devil's advocate so i assumed that you were a christian

Guil, to answer your questions(i pointed out i was an athiest before anywayz) :

1. Stop shoving your evangelical crap on everyone else. You're no better than a door by door christian trying to convert households

2. The only athiest that deserves to argue religion is one that has actually read the religion's bible. Have you read the bible? Do you know the story of Sodom?

Now i will seriously answer every question in a christian POV

1. God is up there because he made us
2. Because it's written in the bible, and the bible is god-breathed
3. Christianity is the true religion (every religion says this about itself)
4. Christianity is so much truer because the miracles in the bible actually happened, and that there is a god watching over us (every religion says something like this about itself)

Obviously you have never/rarely argued a good religion case. I know this because you have to proof to back yourself up. At all. Nor have you read the bible, so you cannot know the contradictions and obvious fallacies inherent to the bible.

--Edited for grammatical errors


Cats are great
medievald00d said:
1. Stop shoving your evangelical crap on everyone else.

I've seen athiests doing the same thing to christians before.

2. The only athiest that deserves to argue religion is one that has actually read the religion's bible. Have you read the bible? Do you know the story of Sodom?

Who are you talking to me or Guil?

- Bob


1. I've seen the same w/athiests before too. It pisses me off, because they lower themselves to a very low level arguing pointless arguments like that.

2. I was talking to Guil...btw, im just gonna ask Guil because i doubt he can counter this christian argument....

Prove that Noah's Ark never happened. There have been ancient texts across the world proving that each civilization experienced a great flood. There have been fossilized remains of shellfish found on high mountains in the mediterranean. So prove that it never happened.

"You should be able to reply easily..."

K, im ready to drop this now that i have that out of my system.

I'll bet Muira was trying to instill that Jesus feeling within Griffith, just as he tried to make the god hand/ Idea feel like the Devil himself. Maybe he's implying that Jesus's father was actually the Devil?


around the corner
Lol i turned out to be the bad guy just because i made fun of the blade king's stuff and you took it too seriously.

About the bible, i havent read it in the whole, but its just like all the books or anything made by man, it's not perfect : it contains truth, transposition and invention.

Oh and medieval dood, i dont try to convert anyone since tehre is nothing to believe in. Man is an animal with better mental abilities than other animals. I dont lower to anyone because we're just beings, tehre is nothing to understand in the why of life. I dont believe in the existence of my self, or the selves of anybody else. I take life as simple as it is ; humans were making mistake since the beginning to search with their new mental abilities to explain everything (though it was useful somehow).

Umm Sodom ? Sodom and Gomorre isnt it ? The dude from Street Fighter Alpha ? Roxx ;D


Guil egoless said:
Lol i turned out to be the bad guy just because i made fun of the blade king's stuff and you took it too seriously.

About the bible, i havent read it in the whole, but its just like all the books or anything made by man, it's not perfect : it contains truth, transposition and invention.

Oh and medieval dood, i dont try to convert anyone since tehre is nothing to believe in. Man is an animal with better mental abilities than other animals. I dont lower to anyone because we're just beings, tehre is nothing to understand in the why of life. I dont believe in the existence of my self, or the selves of anybody else. I take life as simple as it is ; humans were making mistake since the beginning to search with their new mental abilities to explain everything (though it was useful somehow).

Umm Sodom ? Sodom and Gomorre isnt it ? The dude from Street Fighter Alpha ? Roxx ;D

my point was that you shouldnt be throwing your ideas out without logic and expecting people to believe them. That is considered to be converting...

The story of Sodom is about some guy named Lot with his daughters and wife. They lived in a city were everyone was a sex addict that had sex with brothers, children, sisters, mothers, fathers, you name it... anywayz, god sends some angels down to save Lot and all the townspeople get horny and try to have sex with the angels. Lot sacrifices his daughters to the crowd, and the angels take his family across town, tell them not to look back. Lot's wife looks back, and gets turned into a pillar of stone, and then Lot has sex with his daughters later that night...anywayz, its really stupid, and i paraphrased it...but thats essentially what happens...(if i remember correctly)


With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
Vampire_Hunter_Bob said:
*Edit* If Guil wants to yell at me some more he can pm me.

About the only thing I can agree with in here.

Guil, it’s obvious that your quite the theologian. Thanks for passing your wisdom on to the board in such opinionated fashion. But, you can shut the fuck up now with your rantings and ravings on God. Take a break; gigure out “whatever books are.”


P.S. "Egoless"? Really.


around the corner
Griffith said:
About the only thing I can agree with in here.

Guil, it’s obvious that your quite the theologian. Thanks for passing your wisdom on to the board in such opinionated fashion. But, you can shut the fuck up now with your rantings and ravings on God. Take a break; gigure out “whatever books are.”


P.S. "Egoless"? Really.
OK but stop the insults man.
Anyway just tending, as nobody can really be.
Lets see after everyone in MIdland has a dream about a white Hawk there savior is reborn and saves them from distruction he goes on to proform miracles and many pledge there lives to follow him just from meeting him once, yet he will ultimatly mean there distruction so maybe he's i dunno, the ANTICHRIST?


Feminism--making the world safe for bigotry
medievald00d said:
1. Guil egoless: You have to be able to back up your claims logically as well as not being an ass to christians. You lowered yourself to a conservative Christian's level. No offense to the conservative Christians out there.

2. Vampire_Hunter_Bob: You should be able to prove your point too. You're just filling space with "God exists". The existance of god is up to another person's point of view and what pisses me off about christians is that they always force their beliefs on others. Who gives a damn if you think there's a god or a llama up there?

You can't prove God does not exist, nor can you prove that S/He/It doesn't. Just like the number 1.

The tools are inadequate for the job.

Guil, that whole speel on man being a beast without a soul. That is a belief you hold. The funny thing about beliefs is that to the people holding them, they aren't "beliefs" they are facts.
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