
Melancholy (Holy Martyr)
Many of us on here either have played pen and paper RPGs, or still do. I figured it was about time to bring FATAL to the Berserk BBS.
www.fatalgames.com for further reference

sarcastic rant commences:

This gaming system is AWESOME. I mean, what other system has rules for rape? What other system seriously asks you to roll 1d10,000,000? In FATAL, you don't have to be bothered with making your own character... no! It's made for you! What? You wanted to play a bugbear paladin? But the dice here say your bugbear is an immoral idiot! OH! And according to THIS roll, he's so sexually promiscuous that he'll even eat shit!

Oh? You don't like being stuck with the intelligence of a decaying dog turd? Sure! you can reroll it, but you'll get a random mental illness.... lesseee... you got autoabasiophilia! You lucky dog, everytime you see a razor or other sharp object you'll have to make a dice roll... if you roll poorly enough, your character will try to use the sharp object to amputate a random limb and begin masturbating furiously! You can even reroll your alignment (though it will give your character a random allergy). FATAL is such a player-friendly system. Now you and your friends have all the tools you need to act out each and every grisly detail of bending the cheerleader/prom queen of your school over the bar.

Did I mention some of the awesome skills FATAL lets you have? There's even a urination skill!

And the sexual stats are awesome! Did you know bugbears got a bonus to tongue length and anal circumference? They're gonna rule the world!

/rant (for now)


With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
Well, I’m impressed. I think Miura may even use these system to create random characters in Berserk.

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