Neon Genesis Evangelion


The can opener went bye-bye...
Power Rangers was originaly a live action )sentai?( series in japan that didn't take off. And well, americans are stupid...
Anyways, I'm convinced that the writeing for PR goes like this:
Find illiterate hobos
Hire them and give them typewritters
tell them what PR is and let them write plots
When their writeing skills improve, fire them.

But this is old news. And I don't see why you think the Evangelions will look like zords.


quite frankly, i never saw evangelion. I heard too many bad things about the ending. I figured, if the ending sucks, why watch it at all?
Maybe you should just watch Evangelion first 24 episodes and just skip the last two episodes and watch END OF EVANGELION.I liked the last two episodes some people (my friends) are just to stupid to understand what's going on.Oh and also the CG in the live action movie of EVANGELION will be done by WETA the team who did the the CG graphics on all the Lord of the Rings movies. So the graphics won't suck on the live action movie on EVANGELION.
I didn't know that it was old news Majin Tenshi ..
If it's the same CG team that made those in LotR maybe it will be kind of good, it think the Eva will "look" like the zords because i never saw a good movie with "Giants" that look good, there's only LotR that looks real but the difference between hobbits and humans is not that big so maybe it's easier to do.. all i want is to be surprised ! If i'm minded to see bad CG and they are good it's better than thinking they'll be good and see that they'r bad ! Y'know what i mean ?

By the way.. i watched the anime last year and i really liked it, i watched everything..


Cancer no Deathmask
Le fils de Craô??Ton coutelas t'as mené jusqu'ici??

Evangelion as a live action movie,well,the idea may seem a little weird but isn't Roland Emmerich planning to to make one out of Dragonball Z??Sheesh...

Oh,and Orlando Blum (Legolas...) is supposed to be part of the gig'...


The can opener went bye-bye...
DarkShurikn said:
I didn't know that it was old news Majin Tenshi ..
If it's the same CG team that made those in LotR maybe it will be kind of good, it think the Eva will "look" like the zords because i never saw a good movie with "Giants" that look good, there's only LotR that looks real but the difference between hobbits and humans is not that big so maybe it's easier to do.. all i want is to be surprised ! If i'm minded to see bad CG and they are good it's better than thinking they'll be good and see that they'r bad ! Y'know what i mean ?

By the way.. i watched the anime last year and i really liked it, i watched everything..
As long as they don't do people in suits, it should be decent. (though people in suits would be more appriote then ever previously).

There are design sketches around somewhere or other, I just don't remember where.
Yeah, i heard about this around a... month ago maybe? maybe not that long, but anyway, i'm looking forward to seeing the movie. The last two episodes were redundant and i didn't like them, but you actually DON'T miss much by watching just the first 24, so you could do that if you really wanted to. I didn't think the movies (specifically EoE) made any sense either, until i read an FAQ about it, and somehow they actually made sense of the whole bloody thing, which is just scary. I don't remember the FAQ url offhand, but it was official, if i remember right, and i can dig it up, so tell me if anyone's interested. The eva movie will actually have a 100,000,000 USD budget, so it has some potential.

As long as they don't do people in suits, it should be decent. (though people in suits would be more appriote then ever previously).
Actually, if they doctored it up with a hair of CGI, and camera effects, and did a really good job on the models, suits and everything else, this might not be a bad idea. the Evas in the show actually move very much like people. I think i might have heard somewhere that they were going to be all CGI though *shrug*. I'll prolly go back to the forum where i first heard about this and dig up some more info and post later.
There's been rumors on, the kid who plays Harry Potter will be playing as shinji.I just hope that won't happen first not sure if he is a good actor since the Harry Potter movies don't require much acting. I rather see Haley Joel Osment to play as Shinji his a much better actor and plus just watch the six sense since the character he played as is depress and afraid to talk to his parent(his mom in the movie). Which is like shinji is in Evangelion. I also hope they get a good director for the movie like James Cameron or Tim Burton. Steven Spielberg not sure since he doesn't like doing much violence except for the movie Jurassic park.
Hmm... if i remember right, i think this is coming outta japan, not hollywood.... not sure though. And as far as the harry potter kid playing shinji... well... that's probably not a smart move since the target audience here is going to be otakus, many of which hate harry potter. I personally don't care, i didn't like shinji in the anime, i just hope they do a good job of portraying his completely wussy character, that berserks on occasion. I'd like to see this movie fairly accurate to the anime.
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