Apple's new laptop .16 in. thick


Staff member

Looks like he's holding a pizza to me. Mmmmm pizza. My question is, how practical is a laptop that's as thin as a manilla envelope? Wouldn't it be more prone to breaking in half, and would be awkward to type on?


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Well it's made of the same stuff the pro is made of (that aluminum) and I've found that to be pretty sturdy. And it has a full size keyboard, but I don't own the macbook so I don't know how easy that is type on.

I think the biggest problem it has is it doesn't have a replaceable battery. That's just fuckin' essential for any laptop, imo. No optical is a bit of a bummer I guess but I rarely ever use mine.

Anyway it looks nice. Can't say I really want one (or would have use for one), I'm happy with my macbook pro.


Staff member
I have to say I'm not too impressed about it. Alright, it's pretty thin. It's not like laptops are huge nowadays though.


With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
This pretty much sums up my feelings about Apple and the "designer technology" crap they peddle. Hey guys, get our new laptop that fits inside your man-purse, and the mini for your fanny pack!

I hate most other technology too, but that's usually because it doesn't actually work. =)


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Griffith No More! said:
This pretty much sums up my feelings about Apple and the "designer technology" crap they peddle. Hey guys, get our new laptop that fits inside your man-purse, and the mini for your fanny pack!

True enough. This macbook "air" is the epitome of style over substance. These super thin notebooks are tailor-made for people who are constantly traveling. And yet they can't replace the battery? Good luck using that "feature" on an airplane? You have to use wireless everything? no ethernet port? pssh.

Granted, I still like my macbook pro :guts:


With the streak of a tear, Like morning dew
Yeah, they make nice stuff that works, what drives me nuts is they have to ruin it with the style over substance approach you mentioned. It's like you said, the people that could use this, basically can't, it's technology for people that don't use technology. I wish they'd just make superior PCs!

I'm not a fan of the whole smaller is better trend anyway, the whole point of making things smaller is efficiency and comfort, or was, but in most cases, we've gone way beyond the point of diminishing returns just because we can and people mindlessly will. It used to be about making something fit comfortably in your hands, now everything is so small, it'll slip through your fingers, and god forbid you try to operate it with human digits (sorry, fingers weren't designed with such "advanced" technology in mind). We've gone from things being inconveniently large to inconveniently small, now I'm just waiting for them to actually start designing stuff to be the "right" size again and then start advertising that. They'll probably even charge extra for it, the "XL" option!

Since I don't buy any of this stuff, I'm constantly shocked to see it, like at my ex's the other day, she had a new video iPod that was no more 2 inches tall, probably less, and about as thick as a couple of nickels stuck together. I bet it's much more convenient than the one she got 6 months ago that was a little over 2 inches tall and about a quarter inch thick, OMG SO BIG GOTTA UPGRADE!

It's getting to point where if you drop this stuff, you'll have search for it on the floor like a contact lens. I lost my phone inside my ear! :isidro:
I totally agree, and the XL option is just like the food industry, sure food used to grow naturally but now were gonna stick an "organic" sticker on it and charge you triple. Things like this piss me off.
Thankfully I'm not a technology freak, buy what you absolutely must and F#ck the rest.
Oh yea and don't worry about losing your phone in your ear, give it a few years and thats were it'll be located anyway. Just some implant you active with your watch, sure you get a brain tumor in a few years but hey that is a side effective that cannot be "verified" to be caused by the device... riiiight.

CnC said:
These super thin notebooks are tailor-made for people who are constantly traveling. And yet they can't replace the battery? Good luck using that "feature" on an airplane?

I don't know about where you live but here they're starting to putting power plugs in every airplane seat for laptop use, and being able to use the internet on a airplane is next. Every business man will have a orgasm at that thought.

P.S. contact lens reminds me, just read a health article. There's a certain virus, bacteria, amoeba I forget which, thats in the water supply, so don't put your contacts in with wet hands cuz it's known to cause blindness. If I find the article again I'll create a thread.


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Yea there is a tendency for apple fans to want to upgrade to the latest iteration EVERY single time. "The new ipod's out?? AND it's less thick?? Here's another 400 bucks!!"

Of course, I'm a huge hypocrite on this subject 'cause I own both a iphone and a notebook, and love and use them every day (all those CnColors are from the macbook :void: )

Ramen4ever said:
I don't know about where you live but here they're starting to putting power plugs in every airplane seat for laptop use, and being able to use the internet on a airplane is next. Every business man will have a orgasm at that thought.

Maybe on international or first class seats but I haven't seen them on regular trans-continental flights. I've seen those proprietary power plugs on some flights (where you have to pay a shit-ton to buy a converter).
CnC said:
Maybe on international or first class seats but I haven't seen them on regular trans-continental flights. I've seen those proprietary power plugs on some flights (where you have to pay a shit-ton to buy a converter).

Well it was on a newer plane and an international flight but it sure as hell wasn't first class lol >_<'
Give it a little time and they will be on most domestic flights as well.
And if your smart and buy your converter at a store, you'll get it for a lot cheaper then on the plane. Not like you'll need it if your just flying in North America.
Still I prefer reading on flights, cuz having the person next to you stare at your laptop screen is quite annoying. But when your flight duration is in the double digits anything that helps pass the time is welcome.


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Well again, these kinds of laptops are for people who are constantly on the move. That includes any type of travel, lay-overs in airports, etc. A laptop where you have to hook it up to a wall for a few hours to charge it or can't easily switch out a battery to another is just bad design given who it's for. I know why they did it that way, tho. If you look at the internals the battery takes up a LOT of the actual space in the notebook, like the squished a regular battery and they have it occupy the entire front half of the device. So switching out the battery on the macbook air would mean you have to carry around another object that occupies roughly half the size of the original device. Not exactly smart.

If you need a device for the purposes the "Air" claims to be for, just get a thinkbook or one of the Sony vaio's. You lose .2 of an inch but make up for it in actual functionality.

I would even bet you could fit them in a manila envelope :troll:
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