

Melancholy (Holy Martyr)
the Hyperion series by Dan Simmons

tis awesome. Umm... involves Gods, sci-fi, a tree of pain, and two reincarnations of John Keats


I recommend The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, Notes from the Underground by Fyoder Dostoevsky, and the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett.


El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!
I'd stay the hell away from anything by Eddings. Besides his stories being shallow, he's also a racist on the level of Robert Howard, (you know, Conan) but much more creepily subtle.


El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!
Oltobaz said:

Honestly, just look at the way Rendor was portrayed in the Elenium books. Take all the dimwitted prejudices about Arabs you can think of, double them, and there you go.

If you wanted arguments for why his books are shallow, well, that's really a matter of taste. But take the time to look at the storylines sometime. There ain't much there.


Cancer no Deathmask
Makkuro said:
Oltobaz said:

Honestly, just look at the way Rendor was portrayed in the Elenium books. Take all the dimwitted prejudices about Arabs you can think of, double them, and there you go.

If you wanted arguments for why his books are shallow, well, that's really a matter of taste. But take the time to look at the storylines sometime. There ain't much there.
I haven't read the Elenium books,so I don't know about that character.
And I found the stories and characters from the Belgariad and Mallorea to be really interesting.Too bad you don't see Mandorallen enough in the Mallorea though,but I digress...Anyway,I guess "the world doesn't beat to the rythm of just one drum",right?


El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!
Oltobaz said:
I haven't read the Elenium books,so I don't know about that character.

Actually, Rendor is a country. Naturally, it's subdued by the good and honorable (and white) knights of the western lands. Hey, it's for their own good. They're just savages, they can't govern themselves.


Cancer no Deathmask
Makkuro said:
Oltobaz said:
I haven't read the Elenium books,so I don't know about that character.

Actually, Rendor is a country. Naturally, it's subdued by the good and honorable (and white) knights of the western lands. Hey, it's for their own good. They're just savages, they can't govern themselves.
That's just your lecture.And I find it only natural for an Heroïc fantasy author to sometimes use a few "clichés",don't you?Anyway I haven't even read the Elenium,so..Have you read the Belgariad?

Bok Choy

100% Leafy Goodness!
btw.. bok choy gimme some insight on what the game of thrones is about i might actully pick it up next time i stop by the library, and 13th i will way back you up on supporting lovecraft he is and was the original master of terror !!!!

Genn21... It's kinda hard to summarize in one post but here it goes (it's going to be long-winded; don't worry, I'm only providing a small portion of the storyline... no big spoilers):

The events in "A Game of Thrones" takes place in the Seven Kingdoms; a continent ruled by seven major houses. The Seven Kingdoms undergoes periodic winters which last for years and a huge wall to the north of the continent protects the Seven Kingdoms from "unknown forces". The Seven Kingdoms was under the leadership of House Targaryan (one of the major houses) for about 2000 years. However, about 15-20 years before the present events took place, King Aerys Targaryan was overthrown by a rebellion led by Houses Stark and Baratheon. Near the final stages of the war, King Aerys was betrayed by one of the major houses sworn to protect the throne: House Lannister.

After the war, the leader of the Rebellion, Robert Baratheon, was proclaimed king and he had to marry one of the members of the trecherous Lannisters in order to provide unity and peace to the Kingdom. Now, in the present day, Ned Stark (the patriarch of the Stark House), is asked by Robert to become "Hand" for the King; the second highest position in the Seven Kingdoms. The previous Hand died in mysterious circumstances and as Ned Stark assumes his position, he realizes that there is a lot of political intrigue, plotting, and infighting behind the King's back.

Meanwhile, across the ocean, the last surviving Targaryan prince (the last ruling House decimated in the last war), Prince Viserys, plans to marry off/"whore" his remaining sister Daenerys to a powerful warlord in order to obtain the necessary troops in order to take back the throne for his familiy.

The story is really epic in proportion. Each chapter is from one of the POVs from one of the 7-8 major characters in the series. Most of the main characters are from House Stark, however, the "opposite side" (there really is no good and bad per say in this novel) is also represented with members of House Lannister and House Targaryan given chapters. So one chapter may display Ned Stark's perspective and switches to Princess Daenerys (the Targaryan princess married off) and then switches to one of the Lannisters (a dwarf) and then goes back to Ned's POV. In addition, there literally hundreds of side-characters with their own distinct personalities.

What I like most about this novel is that there is no distinct "good" or "evil" (much like Berserk!), no classical struggle between "good and evil"; there are only personal interests on each side. Each character is flawed in his own way. For example, Ned Stark is considered to be an honourable man, yet, he fathered a son out of wedlock and refuses to tell his bastard son the name of the mother.

Like I said before, there's gratituous amounts of violence, sex, incest, political intrigue, etc. in the series. Much like Berserk.

Perhaps the best thing about the series is its unflinching, unromantic portrayal of Medieval times. The most ruthless and most trecherous people are usually the ones who win out in the end. Sometimes, it becomes a little too "disturbing" as likeable characters are killed off and put into really humiliating circumstances.

Anyways, just read the book! Talking about it makes me eager to re-read the whole series again.


Well I'm a little late but....
The Amber Cronicles by Rodger Zelazny
It actually quite old but it's nice simple read, well it's ten books long but what the who it has lots of twists and interesting characters but doesn't drown you in details like modern fantasy books.
I think I'll start a thread....


Es ist einsam im Nebel zu wandern...
I myself can really recommend "narziss und Goldmund"which is another HH book!
it is really great and can be compared in many ways with the berserk story!!


Cancer no Deathmask
The Vampire Chronicles!!But stay away from The Queen of the damned movie with Stuart Townsend and Aaliyah.Unless
you want to die from sheer laughter...


El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!
theblakeman said:
Read James Clavells Shogun or Bram Stokers Dracula

Shogun is okay, just don't take any of the Japanese in the book as accurate. Even besides the spelling, which is mostly phonetical, Clavell can't even get simple concepts as the order of names and the use of the word "no" right. It had me confused for years.

Dracula is great, if you don't mind Stoker's quirky Victorian values.


Caska is white, she's just tan.
UrashimaSenpai [Have not Slept since Friday] said:
If you're into fantasy, I suggest u read up on the first couple books of a series called Shadowrun.

Isn't Shadowrun cyberpunk?

Bok Choy:

George Martin = Tyrion

Tyrion writes some good stuff. I personally prefer more incest and less pedophilia. Poor Sansa...

Bok Choy

100% Leafy Goodness!

Errr... Tyrion couldn't go through with sleeping with Sansa although if I was in his position... ^_^ (Yes, I'm a dirty old man).

Yeah, Tyrion is my favourite character in the series. How can you not love a dwarf with a razor sharp wit and whose favourite hobby is to sleep with whores... ;)


When dark and mysterious goes wrong... BE AFRAID!!
Okay, let's see... I'll suggest Hyperion by Dan Simmons (You just need to get through the begining, Then it get's REALLY good!), Daughter of the Forest By Juliet Mariller... Anything by R.A. Slavatore The Dow are just too cool! Hmm and lastly, Sophie's World!! You gotta love the history/philiosophy/mythology included in that book!! It really covers many cultures anceint beliefs and lots of greek and norse mythology and roman philiosophy!! ^____^



Some beast eating its heart in the desert
Darok said:
the Hyperion series by Dan Simmons

tis awesome. Umm... involves Gods, sci-fi, a tree of pain, and two reincarnations of John Keats

Hyperion series are just awesome. You need to read both "Hyperion" and "Endymion" series to really totally understand and appreciate the excellence of the whole thing. Believe me, it worth the read. When I finished it, it was a total blast, a mind-rape, during some months ;D I'd even say it's somewhat comparable to the sensation I felt when I finished Berserk...

If you like SF stuff, go for Dune cycle. It's quite well-known. (on a sidenote I still think you can't really understand the movie - David Lynch's - without having read the books...)

Belgariad and Mallorea are OK. Not bad really, but IMO there's no comparison possible with the depth of Hyperion or Dune.

1984 is a classic... but still, such a rich and intelligent masterpiece.

It's kinda inappropriate to recommand "Stephen King's books" since IMHO it goes from sucking-monkey-balls to very-good... I'd say go for 'It' and 'The Plague' if you are not afraid by Bible-size books. I liked the novellas from Brume and Different seasons a lot too.

Still in fantastic stuff, I enjoyed Peter Straub's Ghost story. A kind of naive, old fashioned fantastic book.

Oh damn, I made too many suggestions :p . Just to be a bit more helpful... If I'd have to suggest only one : Hyperion's series. Badass stuff.


Staff member
Membrax said:
I finished Berserk...

:eek: Tell me, how does it end ?

Membrax said:
If you like SF stuff, go for Dune cycle. It's quite well-known. (on a sidenote I still think you can't really understand the movie - David Lynch's - without having read the books...)

Herbert's the best :) Too bad he died before finishing Dune.

Membrax said:
1984 is a classic... but still, such a rich and intelligent masterpiece.

Definitely one of the best novels I ever read, Orwell was such a visionary, it's both fascinating and scary.

Membrax said:
It's kinda inappropriate to recommand "Stephen King's books" since IMHO it goes from sucking-monkey-balls to very-good... I'd say go for 'It' and 'The Plague' if you are not afraid by Bible-size books. I liked the novellas from Brume and Different seasons a lot too.

"Mist" (Brume) is imho the best thing King ever wrote, but I think anyone interested in his work should read The Dark Tower series.


Cancer no Deathmask
"Crappy movies"??I really like the first one,cheesy as it may be.The second one I saw WAY back when I was a kid but though I can't say I remember it very well,it struck me as being rather impressive (I still remember the decors,kinda...)
I need to watch that one again...
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